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 EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001)

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Sammy Guevara
Sammy Guevara
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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Spring10
WCW Spring Stampede
Hogan Era

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Dark Match - 1 vs 1 – Hardcore Match
The Sandman vs Bam Bam Bigelow.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: Bam Bam gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Bam Bam eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. BAAACK Body drop by Bam Bam gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Bodyslam by Sandman. Sandman charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Sandman eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. Bam Bam hits a piledriver on The Sandman. That used to end matches, you know. Hooks the leg for a two count. The Sandman once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Spear by The Sandman. Covers for a quick two count. High Angle DDT by The Sandman just SPIKES Bam Bam Bigelow down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bam Bam counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. STIFF~! chop lights up Sandman who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Sandman blocks a kick from Bam Bam Bigelow. Bodyslam by Sandman. Bam Bam Bigelow is in trouble. White Russian Leg Sweep! 1....2....3. Raven has a chair. Sandman turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Bam Bam is next to take a hard shot. Raven has demolished everyone!

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : The Sandman - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 76% , Match : 100%)

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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco11

Micheal Cole : Bienvenue à tous à cet évènement payant du mois de Mai à la WCW. Spring Stampede marque non seulement le début de l’été, c’est aussi un moment pour tous de se retrouver avec une bonne bière et d’écouter ce PPV !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Si plusieurs fans vivront Spring Stampede de cette façon, ce n’est pas la même chose pour les gars ici, sauf peut-être pour The Sandman qui est toujours prêt à en boire une.

Micheal Cole : Il a toute les raisons du monde puisqu’il vient de gagner son match s’ouverture contre le gros Bam Bam Bigelow dans un match Hardcore et sanglant, comme le veut la tradition Hardcore.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Pas moins de 5 titres seront en jeu ce soir dont le tout nouveau WCW Title disputé entre Guerrero et Benoit. Ce sont ses 2 hommes qui clôtureront la soirée, donnant ainsi la première finale de PPV à la division Thunder.

Micheal Cole : Il faut dire que ces 2 là donnent un sacré spectacle dans le ring. Les 2 titres mondiaux seront donc en jeu, tout comme le titre Cruiserweight et le titre US. Mais avant, nous allons voir un match par équipe entre les Road Warriors contre Steiner & Savage.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Nous vous rappelons que ce match, comme tous les matchs de la divison Nitro seront des matchs en cage alors que les matchs de la division Thunder seront des matchs d’échelles.

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Match #2 - 2 vs 2 – Tag Team Title Cage Match
Road Warriors vs Scott Steiner and Randy Savage.

J’ai changé de match avant de le copier/coller… désolé !

Gagnant : The Road Warriors - Match Overall : 82% (Crowd : 87% , Match : 72%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco11

Micheal Cole : Les Road Warriors qui gagnent encore et gardent leur titre. C’est 2 gars là sont impressionnant. Ils tiennent tête à la New World Order depuis plusieurs semaines.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Au fil des semaines et des mois, nous avons vu Hogan prendre le pouvoir avant de voir Foley le ralentir. Mick Foley vient assurer une sorte d’équilibre même si la menace et la puissance d’Hogan au sein de cette fédération est toujours présente…

Micheal Cole : Avec la perte de Scott Hall, la nWo se retrouve diminuée et elle avance tranquille, tentant de ne pas faire trop de vague, ce qui ne lui ressemble pas.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : La nWo frappe normalement dans ces moments là !

Micheal Cole : Mais bon, il n’y a pas que Nitro ce soir, le prochain match sera dispute entre 2 gars de Thunder, titre Cruiserweight en jeu.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Titre possédé par X-Pac qui l’a soutiré à Hurricane le mois dernier. Depuis ce temps, X-Pac a eu plusieurs détracteurs, le dernier en liste est R-Truth.

Micheal Cole : R-Truth est de ceux qui roulent leur bosse depuis des années dans la lutte, mais depuis son arrivé à la WCW, il semble vouloir prendre une place plus grande, et cette place est disponible !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Tout à fait ! Voyons voir si X-Pac gardera ce titre ou si R-Truth continuera sur sa lancée.

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Match #3 - 1 vs 1 – Cruiserweight Title Ladder
R-Truth vs X-Pac.

Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This match is for the WCW Cruiserweight title. X-Pac has been WCW Cruiserweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Pac walks into a high dropkick from R-Truth, almost losing several teeth in the process. Pac gets hip-tossed onto the ladder! Hard back suplex on Pac. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. X-Pac comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Ladder assisted standing moonsault, Truth gets CRUSHED! Pac crushes Truth with a huge legdrop. Truth reverses a waistlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Vicious kick to the teeth from R-Truth. Truth goes for a splash but Pac puts the knees up. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Truth goes down. R-Truth once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Second rope flying axe handle, Pac goes down. One day, Truth might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. X-Pac can barely stand. Truth Or Consequences! R-Truth goes up ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Christopher Daniels has a chair. Truth turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Pac is next to take a hard shot. Daniels has demolished everyone!

My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!

Gagnant : X-Pac - Match Overall : 86% (Crowd : 83% , Match : 89%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Daniel11

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco11

Micheal Cole : R-Truth repart avec le titre…et probablement un bon mal de bloc gracieuseté de Christopher Daniels.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : X-Pac c’est aussi prit un bon coup de chaise en pleine gueule. Tout ça par un Christopher Daniels en recherche de gloire, de visibilité, de consécration.

Micheal Cole : Daniels essaie de faire sa place, mais je ne suis pas sur qu’il prend les bons moyens.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Bon moyens ou non, on parle de lui depuis plusieurs semaines, c’est ce qu’il veut. Donc je crois que ça fonctionne !

Micheal Cole : Quoi qu’il en soit, nous avons un nouveau champion Cruiserweight en R-Truth et je vous prédis qu’il croisera le fer avec Daniels avant longtemps.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Le Tron s’allume Micheal. Je crois qu’il se passe quelque chose en coulisses…

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Hoganb10

Mick Foley s’apprête à entrer dans son bureau quand Steiner, Savage, Nash et Hogan sortent de nul part et le passe à tabac. Mick Foley ne peut rien faire et la nWo y va fort. Nash porte un Powerbomb sur le ciment à Foley. Macho Man relève Foley alors que Steiner donne un tuyeau de fer à Hogan. Il frappe Foley en plein visage. Hogan demande à Nash de relever Foley et il lui envoie un coup avec la ceinture de champion du monde en plus ! Les membres de la nWo quittent laissant Mick Foley en mauvais état. Il sera retrouvé plus tard et emporté à l’hôpital pour recevoir des soins…

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Micheal Cole : Quelle violence inutile par la New World Order. Mick Foley ne fait qu’être la voix du peuple devant un propriétaire, champion et surtout devant le Power Trip de Hogan et de sa nWo.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Mick Foley est quitte pour une visite à l’hôpital. Ça n’augure pas bien pour Goldberg et Sting ce soir…

Micheal Cole : Effectivement, avec les Road Warriors qui sont déjà partis célébrer leur victoire, il ne reste plus beaucoup de gens pour protéger les arrières de Sting et Goldberg. Mais avant de passer aux 2 matchs pour les titres majeurs de la compagnie, il faut passer au match pour le titre US.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Page s’est mérité cette chance au titre en ayant le dessus sur Kanyon et Road Dogg Jesse James. Il est aussi à l’origine de la défaite de Booker T et Bret Hart la semaine dernière alors qu’ils formaient une équipe contre Double J et Kanyon.

Micheal Cole : Match qui promet, voyons si DDP pourra prendre le titre US que possède Booker T depuis le mois de mars.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Ustitl10

Match #4 - 1 vs 1 – United States Title Cage Match
Booker T vs Diamond Dallas Page.

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Booker T hits some punches. How generic. Booker T throws DDP into the cage. Booker T and DDP climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! BIG clothesline on DDP. Booker slams Diamond Dallas Page down and motions to the crowd. Diamond Dallas Page elbows Booker T in the face to break a hammerlock. Diamond Dallas Page throws Booker into the cage. Big piledriver on Booker. Diamond Dallas Page climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Booker! DDP drops an elbow...but Booker T moves out of the way. Ring-shaking body slam on DDP. Brutal spinning powerbomb on DDP! DDP pushes out of a Booker T hold. DDP hits a right hand. Booker counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Booker T climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by DDP! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Diamond Dallas Page by Booker. Remember when that was a legit finish? Buff The Stuff Bagwell runs down to ringside and throws a chair over the top to DDP...but Booker catches it instead! Chair shot takes Diamond Dallas Page down and out! Booker escapes the cage for the win. Booker T goes on the rampage, firing off stiff shots to both Diamond Dallas Page and Buff The Stuff Bagwell, who take the hint and swiftly leave the ring for their own safety.

My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match!

Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 93% , Match : 83%)

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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco11

Micheal Cole : Une grosse victoire de Booker T qui défend une fois de plus le titre US.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Il peut dire merci à Buff Bagwell pour cette victoire.

Micheal Cole : Soyons honnête… Bagwell n’était pas là pour aider Booker T mais bien pour aider DDP…mais la stratégie n’a pas été comme prévue.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Je suppose que DDP et Bagwell auront une bonne discussion suite à cette interférence qui a mal tournée !

Micheal Cole : Jusqu’à maintenant, un seul titre a changé de main, celui qui appartenait à X-Pac est maintenant autour de la taille de R-Truth le nouveau champion Cruiserweight.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Les choses pourraient changer puisque le prochain match oppose Hogan à 2 ennemis, Sting et Goldberg dans un 1 vs 1 vs 1 pour le titre World Heavyweight Champion…match dans une cage!

Micheal Cole : La nWo sera assurément dans le coin pour s’assurer de la victoire d’Hogan. J’espère malgré tout que Sting ou Goldberg repartira avec le titre…

Jerry «The King» Lawler : C’est à suivre…dès maintenant !

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Whc10

Match #5 - 1 vs 1 vs 1 – World Heavyweight Title Cage Match
Bill Goldberg vs Sting vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. This is another chapter in the long-running Sting \ Goldberg vs Hogan \ Nash feud. This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Goldberg slams Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Sting gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Goldberg charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Hollywood Hulk Hogan throws Goldberg into the cage. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Sting, executed to perfection. Sting climbs the cage...but Hollywood Hulk Hogan is in hot pursuit, and they both end up back on the canvas. Running knee lift from Bill Goldberg. Sting elbows Bill Goldberg in the face to break a hammerlock. Hogan \ Sting hook up Goldberg, then hit a double suplex. Hollywood Hulk Hogan drills Bill Goldberg with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Sting launches Hogan into the cage wall. Hollywood Hulk Hogan pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Fallaway slam by Hollywood Hulk Hogan puts down Bill Goldberg. Flying spear out of the corner! Hogan nearly got crushed into little bits! Bill Goldberg goes to leave the cage by the door...but Kevin Nash appears at ringside and slams the door on his head! Hogan takes the opportunity, and climbs out the door for the win!

My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Hollywood Hulk Hogan - Match Overall : 97% (Crowd : 100% , Match : 94%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco11

Micheal Cole : Je croyais vraiment en ces chances pour Sting, ou même Goldberg…

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Nous savions tous que la New World Order ne serait pas loin. Finalement, c’est Kevin Nash qui est venu s’assurer de la finalité de ce match.

Micheal Cole : Ce fut un grand match, avec une finale décevante qui vient ternir la beauté de cet affrontement.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Nous sommes à quelques minutes du dernier match de notre soirée déjà haute en couleurs. Ce sera le point culminant d’une rivalité Canado-Mexicaine entre Chris Benoit et Eddie Guerrero. D’ailleurs, alors que Torrie Wilson souhaitait la bienvenue à tout le monde ici avant le Dark Match, Eddie Guerrero lui a réservé toute une surprise, une surprise qui manquait de galanterie…

Micheal Cole : Elle était totalement dépourvue de galanterie. Revoyons ces images…

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Torrie12

Torrie Wilson se tient au centre du ring et salue la foule venue assistée à l’évènement. Elle annonce qu’ils verront en prime un Hardcore Match entre The Sandman et Bam Bam Bigelow avant le début officiel de l’évènement. Elle a toujours le micro aux lèvres quand Eddie Guerrero sort de la foule et vient frapper Torrie Wilson. La jolie blonde se retrouve au sol et Eddie lui porte son classique Frog Splash. Chris Benoit arrive en courant mais Eddie quitte comme il est venu avant que le Crippler ne lui mette la main au collet. Benoit aide Torrie à se relever…

Micheal Cole : Si Chris Benoit avait besoin de motivation…Il n’en manquera pas.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Nous le saurons dès maintenant. D’ici peu, nous allons couronner notre premier WCW Champion !

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Match #6 - 1 vs 1 – New WCW Title Ladder Match
Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit.

Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This is a continuation of the Benoit vs Eddie feud. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the WCW Title title.

The Match: SUPERPLEX OFF THE TOP OF THE DAMN LADDER~! by Chris Benoit. That was just CRAZY! Spinning bulldog in the corner and Eddie is down! Eddie reverses a waistlock. Benoit walks into a high dropkick from Eddie Guerrero, almost losing several teeth in the process. Eddie hits a dropkick on Chris Benoit and gets right back up. Ladder assisted standing moonsault, Benoit gets CRUSHED! Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Benoit flips out of a Eddie Guerrero bodyslam attempt. Flying cross body off the top rope! Diamond Dust from Chris Benoit and Eddie is out! Benoit hits a dropkick on Eddie Guerrero and gets right back up. Chris Benoit dives off the middle of the ladder with a clothesline that connects. Eddie Guerrero powers out of a Chris Benoit headlock. Flying elbow from Eddie Guerrero connects. Vicious kick to the teeth from Eddie Guerrero. Benoit climbs the ladder. Christopher Daniels comes running down the aisle and into the ring, and pushes the ladder over! Benoit is sent flying, ending up going through the ropes to the outside! Eddie Guerrero climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Eddie and Daniels are putting the boots to Chris Benoit! The Hurricane comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Eddie \ Daniels running for cover. The Hurricane saved Benoit from a major beating.

My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!

Gagnant : Eddie Guerrero - Match Overall : 98% (Crowd : 96% , Match : 100%)

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Micheal Cole : Encore Christopher Daniels ! C’est un vrai parasite.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : En tout cas, il a dit qu’il voulait se faire voir. Il se fait voir.

Micheal Cole : Il peut bien aller se faire voir justement. Eddie repart avec la ceinture alors que The Hurricane et Benoit sont dans le ring. Benoit ne peut que constater la chance qui vient de lui glisser des mains… à cause de Daniels.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Ce fut malgré tout un excellent match, le meilleur que j’ai vu depuis longtemps.

Micheal Cole : Si on oublie la fin!

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Parlant de fin, c’est le temps de se dire aurevoir ! On se retrouve demain pour digérer tout ça lors de Nitro ! Good Night Folks !

Show Overall : 94%
Buy Rate : 1,54 (Judgment Day : 1,98)

Event Note :

We got a 1.54 buy rate for 'Spring Stampede'!
The attendance was 16528 people.
We made $3850000 from pay-per-view revenue.
We made $991680 from ticket sales.

Comparé à `

WWE got a 1.98 PPV buy rate for 'Judgment Day'!
The event was attended by 20226 people.
They made $4950000 from pay-per-view revenue.
They made $1213560 from ticket sales.

La WWE a encore le dessus sur la WCW quand ça compte !!

Résumé des résultats de Spring Stampede:

WCW Title Ladder Match
Eddie Guerrero est le premier WCW Champion, il a décroché le titre après avoir vue Daniels poussé Chris Benoit du haut de l’échelle.

WHC Cage Match
Hogan parvient a gagné son match grâce à Kevin Nash.

US Title Cage Match
Booker T est toujours champion.

Tag Team Title Cage Match
The Road Warriors conservent leurs titres.

WCW Cruiserweight Ladder Match
R-Truth est le nouveau champion !

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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Nitro10
WCW Nitro #12
Hogan Era

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco12

Micheal Cole : C’est déjà le temps de vous accueillir à Nitro alors qu’il n’y a pas 24h se tenait Spring Stampede ! Et de l’action lors de ce Stampede, il y en a eu !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Et comment ! Bagwell qui cause la défaite de Page, Nash qui procure la victoire à Hogan, The Road Warriors qui conservent leur titre.

Micheal Cole : Eddie Guerrero premier WCW Champion et R-Truth nouveau champion.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : En ce qui nous concerne, ce soir, nous verrons à nouveau les titres par équipe en jeu, et c’est avec ce match de championnat que nous lançon la soirée.

Micheal Cole : Les champions vont defender leurs titres contre deux gars qui n’ont pas luttés ensemble depuis des années. Mais ils se réunissent à nouveau ce soir dans le but de ravir les titres par équipe, je parle de Raven et Kanyon.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Raven qui donne plus dans le Hardcore, il est d’ailleurs au cœur d’une rivalité avec Terry Funk… mais il est aussi capable de donner dans la bonne vieille lutte classique comme on l’a vu récemment contre Bret Hart. Voyons ce que Kanyon et Raven feront contre les Road Warriors!

Match #1 – 2 vs 2 – Tag Team Title Match
Raven and Kanyon vs Road Warriors.

Match Background: Raven and Kanyon used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. Road Warriors are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WCW Tag Team titles. Road Warriors have been WCW Tag Team champions since 21 April 2014.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Raven who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Running knee lift from Road Warrior Animal. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk. Road Warriors whip Raven into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Raven charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Raven kicks Road Warrior Hawk in the gut to reverse the momentum. A sit out full nelson slam on Hawk. Covers for a quick two count. Raven tags out to Chris Kanyon. Full nelson slam on Hawk. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bodyslam by Kanyon. Hawk blocks a kick from Chris Kanyon. BIG clothesline on Kanyon. Hawk tags out to Road Warrior Animal. STIFF~! chop lights up Kanyon who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Tag between Chris Kanyon and Raven. Running knee lift from Road Warrior Animal. Terry Funk comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Raven turns around. Terry Funk drops Raven to the canvas. Terry Funk quickly locks on the Spinning Toe Hold! Funker leaves the ring, the damage done! ONE...TWO...THREE. Animal defeats Raven. Road Warriors remain in the ring, celebrating their victory.

My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4

Gagnant : The Road Warriors - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 83% , Match Quality : 91%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco13

Micheal Cole : Raven a encore Funk dans les pattes et Terry Funk vient de lui couter le match !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Voilà que Raven est seul dans le ring et Funk se tient sur la rampe un peu plus loin.

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Micheal Cole : Terry Funk tient un micro dans sa main et un…

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Un POULET dans l’autre !

Micheal Cole : Funk dit que Raven est encore moins fort que ce poulet déplumé. Il parle ensuite de lui-même en disant que malgré qu’il se fait vieux, il est une Living LEgend et qu’il peut lui botter le cul.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Et voilà Terry Funk qui s’amène vers le ring brandissant son poulet et son titre. Il lance le poulet au visage de Raven avant d’entrer dans le ring, nous avons un match Micheal !

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 – Hardcore Title Match
Terry Funk vs Raven

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WCW Hardcore title. Terry Funk has been WCW Hardcore champion since 14 April 2014.

The Match: Raven slams Terry Funk. Funker pushes out of a Raven hold. Funker scoops and slams Raven. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Raven reverses an irish whip...and Terry Funk runs into the referee! Death valley driver by Terry Funk! No one executes that move properly anymore. Cover, but there's no one to count for Terry Funk! Raven pushes out of a Terry Funk hold. Funker gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Raven, executed to perfection. Hooks the leg for a two count. Raven scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Funker kicks Raven in the gut to reverse the momentum. Funker rams Raven into a table. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Raven backdrops Terry Funk out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Raven. Raven moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Evenflow DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished. Raven slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Funker turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.

My Opinion: All it gets is a ***1\2 rating from me. Deal with it.

Gagnant : Raven - Match Overall : 84% (Crowd : 82% , Match Quality : 87%)

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Micheal Cole : Raven vient d’avoir sa revanche contre Funk et contre le monde entier.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Tu crois, et il a fait payer Funk non seulement en lui enlevant son titre, mais en lui donnant une sévère raclée.

Micheal Cole : C’est le Raven que je connais, sadique, imprévisible et surtout, sanglant !

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Slsand10

En arrière The Sandman cherche de la bière se déplaçant avec son Kendo Stick sur l’épaule. Il accroche accidentellement Randy Savage qui passait derrière lui et il n’en faut pas plus pour que la situation dégénère. Rapidement, les 2 hommes en viennent aux coups et sont séparés par la sécurité.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Une vrai bombe à retardement ce Savage.

Micheal Cole : Il n’est pas tombé sur le moindre par contre. The Sandman est tout un bagarreur. Il est capable d’en prendre, ayant une résistance impressionnante.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 – Hardcore Match
The Sandman vs Randy Savage.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: Randy Savage connects with rights and lefts and The Sandman is down! Savage chair shots The Sandman. BIG clothesline on Sandman. Fallaway slam by Randy Savage puts down The Sandman. Sandman counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Sandman hits Savage with a plastic dinosaur! Savage walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sandman drops an elbow...but Randy Savage moves out of the way. Full nelson slam on Sandman. Hooks the leg for a two count. High Angle DDT by Randy Savage just SPIKES The Sandman down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. The Sandman avoids a Randy Savage avalanche by getting out of the damn way! STIFF~! chop lights up Savage who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Savage pushes out of a The Sandman hold. BIG clothesline on Sandman. Randy Savage floors The Sandman...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Savage Elbow, forget about it. 1....2...3! The fight has started up again! The Sandman attacks Savage, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.

My Opinion: A ****3/4 rating for a great match. Close, but not 5 stars.

Gagnant : Macho Man Randy Savage - Match Overall : 92% (Crowd : 86% , Match Quality : 99%)

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Micheal Cole : Savage a bien eu le compte de 3 mais The Sandman était déjà prêt à en remettre quelques secondes plus tard !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Il n’a pas choisis le bon gars si ce qu’il voulait était de le remettre à sa place. Je crois plutôt que Randy Savage vient de se faire un ennemi et pas le moindre.

Micheal Cole : Il serait temps de passer au prochain match, mais Kevin Nash s’amène dans le ring et pourtant, il est dans le main-event ce soir et non dans ce prochain match. Nash monte dans le ring, micro en main.

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«Big Sexy» Kevin Nash : Big Sexy’s in the HOUSE ! Ce n’est pas facile de s’amusé ici ces derniers temps. C’est encore pire depuis que j’ai perdu mon ami le Bad Guy, qui est à la maison avec sa fracture. J’ai eu bien du fun hier par contre. De voir Goldberg et Sting subir la défaite dans un match que Mick Foley avait fait pour eux. IN YOUR FACE Foley ! Tu as eu la raclée que tu méritais, tout comme Goldberg et Sting. The Stinger, une vraie spécialiste de maquillage. Ta place n’est pas dans une ring mais au rayon des cosmétiques !

Alors que Nash continue son Trash Talking sur Sting, la foule s’anime. C’est que le Stinger arrive par la foule, bat de baseball à la main et il vient passer à tabac Kevin Nash. Big Sexy ne peut rien faire sauf accuser les coups. Sting passe le K.O. au membre de la New World Order avant de quitter comme il est venu.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Sting vient de se faire justice comme on le voit rarement faire. Mais à un moment donné, trop c’est trop. Nous en reparlerons plus tard, car nous passons à notre avant dernier match !

Match #4 – 2 vs 2 – Single Match
Diamond Dallas Page and Buff The Stuff Bagwell vs Bret Hart and Booker T.

Match Background: This will be a tables bout. Booker T is the reigning WCW United States champion, and has been since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Booker T hits some punches. How generic. Bagwell gets caught with a short powerbomb from The Hitman. Booker T pulls DDP onto the table for a powerbomb, but he uses a backdrop to get out of the predicament. Bagwell blocks a kick from Bret Hart. BIG clothesline on Booker. Bagwell \ DDP whip Booker into the corner. Buff The Stuff Bagwell whips Diamond Dallas Page in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Big piledriver on The Hitman. Diamond Dallas Page pulls The Hitman onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Booker blocks a punch. Spinebuster by Bret Hart. Booker is in trouble. Buff The Stuff Bagwell signals for the Buff Blockbuster! He turns around....and gets flattened by Diamond Dallas Page, who then exits the ring!!! Booker climbs onto the table with Buff The Stuff Bagwell and hits a death valley driver through it for the win! The Hitman \ Booker hold Buff The Stuff Bagwell up, allowing DDP to trash talk right into his face! Bagwell tries to attack...but gets brutally beaten down to the canvas in a three-on-one attack. The Hitman \ Booker leave the ring as Diamond Dallas Page stands above the fallen Buff The Stuff Bagwell.

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

Gagnant : Booker T & Bret Hart - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 94% , Match Quality : 87%)

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Micheal Cole : WHAT?! Page qui frappe Buff Bagwell avec Booker T?

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est bien ce que j’ai vue moi aussi. Après Sting qui a un comportement qu’on ne lui voit pas souvent, DDP s’allie avec Booker T? C’est quoi cette soirée ?

Micheal Cole : Sans compter Raven qui dispute 2 matchs et trouve le moyen de gagner le 2e, et le titre Hardcore.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Sting aura une bonne occasion de se faire justice ce soir. Le dernier match sera un match imposant. Hogan, Sting et Goldberg retourne dans la cage mais cette fois, Nash sera là et ce sera un match par équipe.

Micheal Cole : Il y a longtemps que ces 4 là s’asticotent. Nous avons vu plusieurs variation de match entre eux.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est le temps de LA confrontation! Pas de titre en jeu, que l’honneur !

Match #5 – 2 vs 2– Cage Match
Bill Goldberg and Sting vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash.

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. This is another chapter in the long-running Sting \ Goldberg vs Hogan \ Nash feud. Hollywood Hulk Hogan is the reigning WCW World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Sting ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Hogan slams Bill Goldberg. Sting slams Kevin Nash down and motions to the crowd. Goldberg counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Goldberg gets a stalling fallaway slam on Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Sting \ Goldberg whip Nash into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Big piledriver on Nash. Goldberg climbs the cage...but Hollywood Hulk Hogan is in hot pursuit, and they both end up back on the canvas. Nash reverses a waistlock. Kevin Nash throws Sting into the cage. Nash \ Hogan whip Goldberg into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Flying shoulder tackle by Hogan sends Sting CRASHING to the mat. Sting blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Sting launches Hogan into the cage wall. Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets knocked to the ground by Sting. Here it comes...Scorpion Deathlock! Hollywood Hulk Hogan is almost unconscious with pain! Kevin Nash can barely stand. Here it comes - Jackhammer. Sting \ Goldberg escape the cage for the win. Mick Foley comes running down the aisle with a chair! Hollywood Hulk Hogan is just leaving the ring...and Foley scores with a brutal chair shot! Hollywood Hulk Hogan falls to the floor holding his head.

My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get.

Gagnant : Goldberg & Sting - Match Overall : 93% (Crowd : 99% , Match Quality : 80%)

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Micheal Cole : Mick Foley est de toute evidence sorti de l’hôpital !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est Hogan qui va devoir y aller à en juger par ce coup de chaise qu’il vient de se prendre…MAN!

Micheal Cole : Tout ça suite à la victoire, propre et fair play, je tiens à le souligner, de Sting et Goldberg.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Quelle équipe de rêve quand même !

Micheal Cole : En attendant, c’est Foley qui demeure dans le ring, souriant!

Jerry « the King« Lawler : He got a Nice Day !

Micheal Cole : C’est tout pour nous ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 89%[/color]


Event Note :

Retour à la réalité à Nitro, la WWE nous devançant ce soir par 0,05 !

We got a 6.04 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 8005 people.
We made $320200 from ticket sales.

J’ai mis fin à la rivalité Goldberg/Sting vs Hogan Nash…même si on s’entend, elle n’est pas terminée dans les faits !

DDP Turns sur Buff Bagwell.

Raven nouveau champion Hardcore.

Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title Ladder Match

WHC Cage Match
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Special Report...

Une tuile est tombée sur la WCW mercredi. Après la blessure de Scott Hall et Rey Mysterio en réhabilitation, c'est le tour de La Parka d'aller en réhabilitation. On attendrait la fin du mois pour rappeler quelques jeunes du Power Plan. J'ai donc dû mettre fin à la rivalité en cours ce qui a résulté en une baisse marqué du moral des gars impliqué...
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

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WCW Thunder #7
Hogan Era

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Joey Style : Il y a quelques jours seulement, on couronnait un nouveau champion Cruiserweight en R-Truth lors de Spring Stampede, et le premier champion WCW était connu.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Malheureusement pour la foule, pour Chris Benoit, c’est Eddie Guerrero qui est repartit avec le titre, en grande partie grâce à Christopher Daniels.

Joey Style : En effet, Daniels a influencé grandement les matchs impliquant les gars de Thunder.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Daniels a souvent demandé à avoir plus de chances de se faire valoir. Et bien, il a décidé de faire sa place. Qu’on aime ou pas, Christopher Daniels est là !

Joey Style : Et que l’on aime ou pas, Eddie Guerrero est notre nouveau WCW Champion.

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Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : D’ailleurs, Alicia Webb est sur le ring, attendant son nouveau champion! Et le voilà qui s’amène sous une pluie de confétis. Alicia Webb veut un grand couronnement pour son premier champion!

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Eddie Guerrero s’amène alors tel un grand champion. On lui réserve un accueil mitigé par la foule, mais ô combine chaleureux par Alicia Webb. Guerrero pavane avec son titre et va serrer la main de Style et de Heenan avant d’entrer dans le ring. Il n’a pas le temps de faire la bise à Alicia Webb car Chris Benoit arrive en courant et vient surprendre Guerrero en lui portant sa traditionnelle triple German Suplex. Benoit enchaîne avec le Crippler Cross Face qu’il maintient pendant plusieurs secondes. Lorsqu’il voit la sécurité s’amener vers le ring, Benoit quitte ayant passé son message.

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Match #1 - 1 vs 1 – Single Match
Lance Storm vs Ultimo Dragon.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Lance Storm strikes Dragon. STIFF high kick on Dragon by Lance Storm. Second rope flying axe handle, Dragon goes down. One day, Storm might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Storm hits a dropkick on Ultimo Dragon and gets right back up. Ultimo Dragon once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Storm takes a flying neckbreaker from Ultimo Dragon. Superkick by Ultimo Dragon practically knocks out all of Lance Storm's teeth! There's a two count on the pin. Storm counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Lightning kick by Storm on Dragon. There's a two count on the pin. Tor-NADO DDT from Lance Storm, Dragon got planted! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Dragon counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Ultimo Dragon kicks the leg, knocks Storm down, and goes to work on it. Storm counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Hard back suplex on Dragon. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Ultimo Dragon is in trouble. Super Kick! 1....2....3. Ultimo Dragon offers a handshake to Storm...and he accepts it! No! Lance Storm levels Dragon with a cheap shot right hand! Lance Storm spins Dragon around. Lance Storm hits the Super Kick! Ultimo Dragon has been floored after the match.

My Opinion: **1/4 rating for this one. Scott Keith may say that it's 'Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling', but not for me, buddy. Got to work harder to impress me.

Gagnant : Lance Storm - Match Overall : 71% (Crowd : 65% , Match : 78%)

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Joey Style : Lance Storm ne semble pas content. Parlant de Lance Storm, TAKA et lui avait une rivalité avec The Hurricane et La Parka.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ils on tune rivalité ? Non ?

Joey Style : Et bien on apprenait hier via TMZ que La Parka allait malheureusement rejoindre Rey Mysterio en rehabilitation.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Oh !

Joey Style : C’est bien malheureux. Ça laisse The Hurricane seul à lui-même !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : On le verra d’ailleurs dans le prochain match alors que Hurricane affronte Jamie Noble qu’on n’a pas vu depuis quelques semaines tout comme Sonny Siaka dans un Elimination Match.

Match #2 - 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Elimination Match
Sonny Siaki vs The Hurricane vs Jamie Noble.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout.

The Match: The Hurricane strikes Siaki. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Hurricane goes down. Siaki reverses a Jamie Noble hammerlock. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Noble is down! Spinning bulldog in the corner and Hurricane is down! Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Siaki goes down. Cover gets three for Jamie Noble, Siaki got pinned. Jamie Noble kicks the leg, knocks Hurricane down, and goes to work on it. SUPER frankensteiner on Hurricane, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. Hurricane kicks Jamie Noble in the gut to reverse the momentum. DDT from the top rope by The Hurricane. That looked KILLER. Jamie Noble can barely stand. Here it comes - Hurri-Chokeslam. 1....2...3, it's finished.

My Opinion: All it gets is a ***1\2 rating from me. Deal with it.

Gagnant : The Hurricane - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 71% , Match : 89%)

The Hurricane quitte rapidement le ring après sa victoire sans réelle conviction. Alors qu’on le voit entrer dans sa loge, on entend des bruits qui ressemblent à une bataille au loin. La caméra s’approche et on retrouve Chris Benoit et Christopher Daniels. Chris Benoit prend le dessus sur Daniels et l’envoie tête première dans la mur de ciment avant de continuer son chemin…

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Joey Style : Si The Hurricane ne semblait pas particulièrement satisfait de sa victoire, il réagis passivement, contrairement à Chris Benoit.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : The Crippler n’a pas digéré sa défaite contre Guerrero dimanche dernier puisqu’il a perdu grâce à certaines ruses!

Joey Style : De la triche Bobby, c’était de la triche.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Quoi qu’il en soit, Benoit fait payer le prix.

Joey Style : Voici un gars que nous avons pas vu récemment. J’ai l’impression de me répérer ce soir.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Il est vrai qu’on voit plusieurs visages que je n’ai pas vu depuis longtemps. Cette fois, c’est Steve Corino qui s’avance sur le ring et y grimpe, micro à la main.

Steve Corino : J’ai vu, comme vous, Chris Daniels faire la pluie et le beau temps. Je ne veux pas en arriver là, mais j’en ai marre d’être dans l’ombre. Pire, j’en ai marre de voir des gars comme X-Pac ou r-Truth qui ne sont pas de vrai Cruiserweight avec la ceinture. Il est temps de changer ça !

La musique du champion Cruiserweight se fait entendre et R-Truth s’amène avec son titre… et un arbitre!

Match #3 - 1 vs 1 – Cruiserweight Title Single Match
R-Truth vs Steve Corino.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Cruiserweight title. R-Truth has been WCW Cruiserweight champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Truth tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. Steve Corino hits a stalling suplex on Truth. Hooks the leg for a two count. Truth reverses a waistlock. R-Truth connects with a back heel kick on Corino and gets back up quickly. R-Truth hits a rolling kick on Corino. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. Power drive elbow by R-Truth. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Second rope flying axe handle, Corino goes down. One day, Truth might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Steve Corino elbows R-Truth in the face to break a hammerlock. Truth takes a quick lariat. There's a two count on the pin. Steve Corino plants Truth with an EXPLODAH~! suplex. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! R-Truth takes a butterfly suplex from Corino. R-Truth just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Corino. Truth reverses a Steve Corino hammerlock. Spin kick by R-Truth to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Tiger suplex on Corino. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Steve Corino can barely stand. Here it comes - Truth Or Consequences. 1....2...3, it's finished. R-Truth goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match.

Gagnant : R-Truth - Match Overall : 78% (Crowd : 72% , Match : 85%)

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Joey Style : Sans grande surprise, R-Truth conserve son titre. R-Truth est toujours divertissant à voir Bobby!

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est un drôle de numéro ce gars là ! Stacy Keibler s’amène sur le ring avec TAKA Michinoku.

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Stacy Keibler : La Parka en rehab, Mysterio en Rehab. C’est si dur que ça affronter TAKA ? Dans le fond, ce n’est pas si étonnant. Il est rapide, précis, technique et fait de beaux mouvements de hautes voltiges… Il fait tout ce qu’il veut dans le ring. Alicia, je sais que tu écoutes. Ce soir, TAKA gagnera ce Triangle Match, mais j’en veux plus pour mon client. Tout le monde en est témoin. Si tu ne lui donnes pas mieux, j’userai de toutes les ruses pour qu’il ait plus de place ! Maintenant, c’est le temps de voir The Next WCW Star TAKA Michinoku!

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Nous avons notre match Joey ! Et une manager avec des ambitions pour son client aussi grandes que ses belles jambes !

Match #4 - 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Triangle Match
TAKA Michinoku vs Billy Kidman vs Jushin Liger.

Match Background: This will be a triangle bout.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Liger by TAKA Michinoku. TAKA walks into a high dropkick from Billy Kidman, almost losing several teeth in the process. Jushin Liger is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. GORGEOUS Spinning bulldog in the corner and Kidman is down. SUPER frankensteiner on TAKA, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. Diamond Dust from Billy Kidman and Liger is out! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Liger counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Lightning kick by Liger on Kidman. Vicious chokeslam byTAKA Michinoku! I'd compare it to Akira Taue, but then that would start another argument on the TSM Forums. Stacy Keibler is at ringside! Liger wastes valuable time by yelling at Stacy! TAKA Michinoku takes advantage of the distraction and nails Liger from behind! Jushin Liger can barely stand. Michinoku Driver! 1....2....3.

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : TAKA - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 72% , Match : 89%)

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Joey Style : Stacy était confiante et son client lui donne raison. TAKA l’emporte et voilà qu’il attendra l’ouverture demandée à Alicia Webb!

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Alicia Webb qui vient tout juste de nous announcer qu’à la demande d’Eddie Guerrero, il y aura ce soir un Re-Match pour le titre WCW dans un match de soumission !

Joey Style : QUOI! Benoit vs Guerrero, ce soir ?

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Submission match Man !

Joey Style : Le titre en jeu ?

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Oui monsieur !

Match #1 - 1 vs 1 – Submission Match
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero.

Match Background: This will be a submission bout. This is a continuation of the Benoit vs Eddie feud. So far, Benoit hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Eddie since the feud started. This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Eddie just WAFFLES Benoit with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Second rope flying axe handle, Benoit goes down. One day, Eddie might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Benoit takes a flying neckbreaker from Eddie Guerrero. Chris Benoit avoids a Eddie Guerrero avalanche by getting out of the damn way! T-Bone suplex by Benoit, Eddie got folded in half to the point that he was almost able to fellate himself. Mighty impressive, don't you think? Eddie Guerrero reverses a hip toss. Super kick by Eddie Guerrero. Back heel kick off the second rope, Benoit goes down. Eddie walks into a drop toe hold. Chris Benoit kicks the leg, knocks Eddie down, and goes to work on it. Eddie pushes out of a Chris Benoit hold. Eddie hits a dropkick on Chris Benoit and gets right back up. Christopher Daniels comes running down the aisle with a chair! Eddie whips Chris Benoit into the ropes. Daniels jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Daniels, Benoit, and the chair! Chris Benoit falls to the canvas. Eddie floors Chris Benoit and locks in a STF! Benoit submits to the pain! Eddie Guerrero and Christopher Daniels try to beat down Chris Benoit, but end up getting run out of the ring by a furious Chris Benoit. They leave quickly before they end up taking any more punishment.

My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Eddie Guerrero - Match Overall : 93% (Crowd : 86% , Match : 100%)

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Joey Style : Encore Christopher Daniels…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Cet homme ne lâche pas le morceau. Il se fait voir même quand il n’a pas de match.

Joey Style : Le titre glisse encore entre les mains de Chris Benoit malgré que ce type de match soit sa spécialité.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est une histoire à suivre je crois ! Jeudi prochain lors de Thunder !

Show Overall : 81%
Ratings : 7,46 (Smackdown 6,13)

Event Note :

IMPRESIONNANT 7,46 de ratings ! 6,13 pour SmackDown

We got a 7.46 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 8019 people.
We made $320760 from ticket sales.
Résumé de la carte de Spring Stampede jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title Ladder Match

WHC Cage Match
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WCW Reviews #2

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Roadkill.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: Bam Bam hits a right hand. Roadkill flips out of a Bam Bam Bigelow bodyslam attempt. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Roadkill ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. High Angle DDT by Roadkill just SPIKES Bam Bam Bigelow down! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Bam Bam Bigelow is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Frying pan shot by Bam Bam. Nice piledriver on Roadkill. There's a two count on the pin. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Bam Bam Bigelow just KILLS Roadkill! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Roadkill powers out of a headlock. Roadkill rams Bam Bam into a table. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bam Bam Bigelow comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Roadkill can barely stand. Greetings from Asbury Par! 1....2....3. Bam Bam Bigelow is still in the ring celebrating. Roadkill pushes the referee away. Roadkill spins Bam Bam around. Roadkill hits the Amish Splash!

My Opinion: I'll give it a **1\2 rating, but that's because I didn't mark out once...but nothing was too bad.

Gagnant : Bam Bam Bigelow - Match Overall : 76% (Crowd : 73% , Match : 79%)

Diamond Dallas Page is backstage. He always delivers the promo goodness. He was out there to tell Buff The Stuff Bagwell that he was going to discombobulate him. Great, now I've got to look that word up. Time to sit back and watch.

Booker T vs Buff The Stuff Bagwell.

Match Background: DDP \ Booker and Buff and Bad have been feuding recently. Neither team holds an in-ring victory since the feud started. This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Flying shoulder tackle by Bagwell sends Booker CRASHING to the mat. Spear by Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Covers for a quick two count. Booker pushes out of a Buff The Stuff Bagwell hold. Booker scoops and slams Buff The Stuff Bagwell. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Bodyslam by Booker. There's a two count on the pin. Bagwell walks into a face-first flapjack. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Running knee lift from Booker T. Buff The Stuff Bagwell elbows Booker T in the face to break a hammerlock. Buff The Stuff Bagwell hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Buff The Stuff Bagwell connects and Booker T is down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Flying shoulder tackle by Bagwell sends Booker CRASHING to the mat. Buff The Stuff Bagwell connects with rights and lefts and Booker T is down! Booker counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Bodyslam by Booker. Brutal spinning powerbomb on Bagwell! Diamond Dallas Page comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Buff The Stuff Bagwell turns around. Diamond Dallas Page spins Bagwell around. Diamond Dallas Page hits the Diamond Cutter! DDP leaves the ring, the damage done! ONE...TWO...THREE. Booker defeats Bagwell. Diamond Dallas Page isn't finished with his attack yet! Buff The Stuff Bagwell stands up...and walks into a boot to the gut from Diamond Dallas Page. Diamond Cutter!!! Buff The Stuff Bagwell has been put down on the canvas! Diamond Dallas Page shakes his head and raises three fingers instead. Bagwell gets picked up...and hit with another Diamond Cutter! Buff The Stuff Bagwell is spread-eagled on the canvas. DDP again raises three fingers. Referees hit the ring, but are too scared to get too close. They can't stop this carnage...Diamond Cutter, the third one in a row! Diamond Dallas Page eventually leaves the ring, as medics come to attend to Bagwell, who isn't moving.

My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.

Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 92% (Crowd : 91% , Match : 94%)

Randy Savage is in the ring. The Sandman comes out, and challenges him to a match tonight. The challenge is accepted.

The Sandman vs Randy Savage.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: Sandman is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The Sandman elbows Randy Savage in the face to break a hammerlock. Savage is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. The Sandman scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Sandman goes for a splash but Savage puts the knees up. Chair shot connects! Savage hits a piledriver on The Sandman. That used to end matches, you know. Covers for a quick two count. Spear! Sandman is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Savage charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. The Sandman scoop slams Savage onto and through a table. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. The Sandman misses a clothesline. The Sandman gets knocked to the ground by Savage, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Savage Elbow, forget about it. 1....2...3! I don't think the fight has finished. The Sandman and Savage have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.

My Opinion: As close to a ***** match as possible...but unfortunately, it was missing something, so I can only give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Randy Savage - Match Overall : 92% (Crowd : 86% , Match : 100%)

Sting is in the ring, and he calls out Kevin Nash. Nash runs down and hits the ring, and they brawl all the way back into the aisle, and eventually out of sight backstage.

Sting vs Kevin Nash.

Match Background: None.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Nash who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Nash ducks a wild right hand. Nash scoops and slams Sting. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Kevin Nash misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Kevin Nash drills Sting with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Sting blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Kevin Nash charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Sting hits a bulldog off the ropes. Covers for a quick two count. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Sting connects as Nash is down! Pin, but Nash is out just before the three count. Kevin Nash elbows Sting in the face to break a hammerlock. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Kevin Nash, executed to perfection. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Sting comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Hollywood Hulk Hogan comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Sting turns around. Hollywood Hulk Hogan floors Sting. Hollywood Hulk Hogan signals - Big Legdrop! Hogan leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Kevin Nash, Sting got pinned. A second referee is here...and is telling the first referee about the run in that happened behind his back. The referee reverses the decision, he is disqualifying Kevin Nash for outside interference! Sting fights back, and has soon sent both Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan into retreat.

My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match.

Gagnant : Sting - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 97% , Match : 90%)

Torrie Wilson is in the ring, and doesn't notice Eddie Guerrero come out of the crowd and into the ring. He attacks, leaving Torrie down. Eddie Guerrero floors Torrie Wilson...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Frog Splash! Eddie Guerrero leaves, his message having been made.

Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit.

Match Background: This will be a submission bout. Benoit and Eddie have been feuding for quite some time now. So far, Benoit hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Eddie since the feud started. This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: SUPER frankensteiner on Eddie, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Eddie Guerrero avoids a Chris Benoit avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Benoit goes down. Implant DDT by Eddie Guerrero! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Eddie drops an elbow...but Chris Benoit moves out of the way. Flying reverse elbow by Chris Benoit. Diamond Dust from Chris Benoit and Eddie is out! Big dropkick by Chris Benoit, who got a ton of air on the move. Eddie Guerrero once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Benoit walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Christopher Daniels comes running down the aisle with a chair! Eddie goes to irish whip Chris Benoit into the ropes. Daniels hits Benoit with a chair to the back! Eddie floors Chris Benoit and locks in a STF! Benoit submits to the pain! Eddie and Daniels are putting the boots to Chris Benoit! The Hurricane comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Eddie \ Daniels running for cover. The Hurricane saved Benoit from a major beating.

My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Eddie Guerrero - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 85% , Match : 95%)


Event Note

Show Overall Rating : 89%

We got a 4.57 rating for 'WCW Review'!
The attendance level was 8044 people.
We made $321760 from ticket sales.

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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Nitro10
WCW Nitro #13
Hogan Era

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La camera ouvre en début d’émission et déjà la New World Order est sur le ring. Nash, Hogan et Steiner sont là pour introduire un nouveau membre dans la famille. C’est la musique de Buff The Stuff Bagwell qui résonne. Bagwell grimpe dans le ring et des poignées de main et accolades.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco12

Micheal Cole : La soirée est à peine débutée que déjà, nous avons une nouvelle c’est-a-dire l’alliance de Buff Bagwell avec la nWo.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Avec ce qui s’est passé… et qui continue de dégénérer entre The Stuff et Page, il devait se trouvé des alliés… Et il n’a pas déniché les moindres.

Micheal Cole : Il fait apparemment partie de la famille maintenant. Faisons les choses dans l’ordre. Bienvenue à tous à cet autre Nitro. Ce soir, encore de l’action alors qu’on sait que la soirée sera clôturé par un match entre Diamond Dallas Page et Hollywood Hogan pour le titre WHC !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mais la soirée commence plus molo !

Micheal Cole : C’est quand même un 4 corners match qui nous attend. Le gagnant affrontera nul autre que Bret Hart la semaine prochaine.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est le chance de se faire valoir.

Match #1 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1– 4 Corners Match
Road Dogg Jesse James vs Chris Kanyon vs Jeff Jarrett vs Sean O'Haire.

Match Background: This will be a four corners bout.

The Match: Fallaway slam by Road Dogg Jesse James puts down Sean O'Haire. STIFF~! chop lights up O'Haire who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! There's a two count on the pin. James hits a piledriver on Sean O'Haire. That used to end matches, you know. O'Haire powers out of a headlock. Running knee lift from Sean O'Haire. Hooks the leg for a two count. James walks into a side slam. There's a two count on the pin. O'Haire goes for a splash but James puts the knees up. Kanyon takes a headbutt from Road Dogg Jesse James. James tags out to Chris Kanyon. BIG clothesline on O'Haire. Nice piledriver on Kanyon. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Sean O'Haire by Kanyon. Remember when that was a legit finish? Chris Kanyon scores with a big spinebuster. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Kanyon tags out to Jeff Jarrett. Running knee lift from Jeff Jarrett. Brutal sit out powerbomb on O'Haire! Hooks the leg for a two count. Jarrett slams Sean O'Haire down and motions to the crowd. There's a two count on the pin. O'Haire walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Pin, but O'Haire is out just before the three count. O'Haire tags out to Road Dogg Jesse James. Spear by Road Dogg Jesse James. Fallaway slam by Road Dogg Jesse James puts down Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett takes a headbutt from Road Dogg Jesse James. Jarrett counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Powerbomb on James. Jeff Jarrett gets whipped into the corner. James charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Jarrett uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!!

My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match.

Gagnant : Jeff Jarrett - Match Overall : 79% (Crowd : 83% , Match Quality : 77%)

Micheal Cole : Double J n’allait pas manquer sa chance. Celui qui se proclame le choisis ne semble pas choisis pour les grands honneurs dernièrement.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Il pourra changer tout ça le semaine prochaine. Pour l’instant, c’est le champion déchu Terry Funk qui s’amène vers le ring mais il n’a pas le temps d’y mettre les pieds que Raven et Bam Bam Bigelow viennent l’attaquer.

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Micheal Cole : The Sandman arrive rapidement armé de son Kendo Stick, clope à la gueule et vient prendre la défense de la Living Legend !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : The Sandman prend le micro et demande à Raven et Bam Bam de régler ça comme il se doit… Dans le ring !

Micheal Cole : Tag Team Hardcore Match… I like that !

Match #2 – 2 vs 2 – Hardcore Tag Team Match
The Sandman and Terry Funk vs Raven and Bam Bam Bigelow.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Raven is the reigning WCW Hardcore champion, and has been since 19 May 2014.

The Match: BIG clothesline on Sandman. Impaler DDT by Raven just SPIKES Terry Funk down! Raven \ Bam Bam hook up Sandman, then hit a double suplex. Bam Bam Bigelow scoop slams Funker onto and through a table. Sandman kicks Raven in the gut to reverse the momentum. Bam Bam Bigelow charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Funker rams Bam Bam into a table. Death valley driver by The Sandman! No one executes that move properly anymore. Terry Funk hits some punches. How generic. Bam Bam Bigelow climbs to the top rope, ready to leap at Funker. Raven bounces off the ropes for an elbow drop without seeing his partner, and crotches Bam Bam by accident. Terry Funk has Bam Bam Bigelow down on the canvas. Bam Bam Bigelow gets locked in the Spinning Toe Hold! Submission victory! Raven and Bam Bam remain in the ring. Bam Bam Bigelow does not look happy at losing. Raven goes to leave, but gets pulled back in by Bam Bam. Tensions seem to be rising between these two.

My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!

Gagnant : The Sandman & Terry Funk - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 79% , Match Quality : 92%)

Micheal Cole : Et bien, l’équipe Bigelow/Raven a connue des ratés!

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ça leur coûte le match, et Raven et Bam Bam s’en prennent verbalement l’un à l’autre s’accusant de la défaite.

Micheal Cole : Ces gars-là font vivre la division Hardcore de la WCW et ils le font merveilleusement bien !

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Dans le ring, c’est Bret Hart qui appel Scott Steiner. Le Hitman en a assez de voir, pour reprendre ses mots, le gorille de la nWo utilisé la tricherie, les barres de fer et d’autres méthodes déloyales pour gagner.

Micheal Cole : Scott Steiner n’entend pas se laisser dire comment faire son travail ! Le voilà qui s’amène, visiblement prêt à se battre.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 – Single Match
Bret Hart vs Scott Steiner.

Match Background: None.

The Match: The Hitman takes a headbutt from Scott Steiner. Poppa Pump slams Bret Hart. BAAACK Body drop by The Hitman gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Scott Steiner with a spinning neckbreaker on The Hitman. The Hitman pushes out of a Scott Steiner hold. Poppa Pump tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. Massive back suplex! Scott Steiner got snapped in half, but not literally because that would just end the match now wouldn't it. Covers for a quick two count. Poppa Pump powers out of a headlock. The Hitman walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Scott Steiner connects and Bret Hart is down! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bret Hart reverses a hip toss. Bret Hart connects with a HARD right hand, sending the opponent down to the mat again. Poppa Pump blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! BAAACK Body drop by The Hitman gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Bret Hart grabs Scott Steiner from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but Poppa Pump rolls through with the move! He is using the tights for leverage! 1....2...3! The referee didn't see it! Scott Steiner climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get.

Gagnant : Scott Steiner - Match Overall : 84% (Crowd : 85% , Match Quality : 84%)

Micheal Cole : Bret Hart est en furie ! Scott Steiner a encore une fois utilisé une méthode déloyale ! nWo Style !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Steiner sort du ring, embrasse son biceps et retraite en coulisse, satisfait de sa victoire, laissant le Hitman sur sa faim.

Micheal Cole : Alors que le Hitman entre en coulisse à son tour, c’est Mick Foley qui s’amène.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Il a terminé Spring Stampede à l’hôpital, est revenue le lendemain soir causant la défaite de Nash & Hogan contre Sting et Goldberg.

Micheal Cole : Le voilà qui grimpe dans le ring. Voyons ce qu’il a pour nous ce soir.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Foley410

Mick Foley : Bien sur, lors des PPVs, Hogan c’est assuré de garder le contrôle. Bien sur, il a voulu passer son message lors de Spring Stampede. Hey… Je suis Mick Foley. La douleur, ça me connait et ce n’est pas ce qui m’arrête! Alors Hogan, à tous les Nitro d’ici Great American Bash, tu devras défendre ton titre. Tu n’es pas le seul qui y goûtera. C’est la même chose pour Kevin Nash. Il affronte ce soir Sting & Goldberg dans un match Handicap…Dès maintenant !

Match #4 – 1 vs 2 – Handicap Match
Kevin Nash vs Sting and Bill Goldberg.

Match Background: This will be a 2 on 1 handicap bout.

The Match: Goldberg takes a headbutt from Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash with a spinning neckbreaker on Sting. Big piledriver on Sting. Covers for a quick two count. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Bill Goldberg by Nash. Remember when that was a legit finish? Kevin Nash misses a clothesline. Goldberg \ Sting whip Nash into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Bodyslam by Sting. Bill Goldberg hits a bulldog off the ropes. Sting \ Goldberg whip Nash into the corner. Sting whips Bill Goldberg in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Covers for a quick two count. Flying spear out of the corner! Nash nearly got crushed into little bits! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Kevin Nash hits some punches. How generic. Running knee lift from Sting. Sting scoops up Nash. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Goldberg slams Kevin Nash. Bill Goldberg misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Sting misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Sting walks into a face-first flapjack. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Nash gets hit with a HUGE clothesline. Goldberg \ Sting whip Nash into the corner. Bill Goldberg whips Sting in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Kevin Nash can barely stand. SPEAR. Goldberg hits the Jackhammer!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

My Opinion: The psychology was sound, the work was crisp, but a few awkward moments drag it down to about ****1\2.

Gagnant : Goldberg & Sting - Match Overall : 95% (Crowd :97% , Match Quality : 93%)

Micheal Cole : Voilà que Goldberg et Sting portent toute une défaite sur Nash. Non pas qu’elle est surprenante, mais cette défaite était brutale.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ce duo formé par Sting et Goldberg est dominant.

Micheal Cole : Parlant de duo dominant, où sont les Road Warriors ?

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ils n’ont pas pu être là ce soir, mais ils seront là la semaine prochaine. C’est le temps du Main-Event. Mais après être entré sur le ring, Diamond Dallas Page prend la parole, retardant l’entrée d’Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

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Diamond Dallas Page : Il n’y a pas si longtemps, j’étais de l’autre côté. Mais voyant ce qui se passe avec la nWo, avec le pouvoir à la WCW, il est important de résister. De toute façon, quand vient le temps de botter le cul, le fait que ce soit celui du Big Boss rend ça encore plus intéressant. Hogan, ce soir, tu est sur le Diamond Boulvard, au coin de Cutter Street. Diamond Cutter BANG ! Je veux aussi passer un message à cet enfoiré de Buff Bagwell. Tu peux bien te joindre à la nWo, à l’armée rouge ou aux Hells Angels, ça ne m’empêchera pas de te botter le derrière.

Match #5 – 1 vs 1 – WHC Single Match
Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Diamond Dallas Page.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Hollywood Hulk Hogan connects with rights and lefts and Diamond Dallas Page is down! DDP takes a headbutt from Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Diamond Dallas Page charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Hollywood Hulk Hogan with a spinning neckbreaker on DDP. Diamond Dallas Page once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Diamond Dallas Page with a spinning neckbreaker on Hogan. A sit out full nelson slam on Hogan. There's a two count on the pin. Hogan counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Ring-shaking body slam on DDP. Covers for a quick two count. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Hogan connects as DDP is down! Pin, but DDP is out just before the three count. Diamond Dallas Page fights out of a grapple. DDP scoops and slams Hollywood Hulk Hogan. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Hogan counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Flying shoulder tackle by Hogan sends DDP CRASHING to the mat. Buff The Stuff Bagwell comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Diamond Dallas Page turns around. Buff The Stuff Bagwell slams DDP down. Buff The Stuff Bagwell climbs to the top rope and hits the Buff Blockbuster! Bagwell leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Hollywood Hulk Hogan pins DDP. Diamond Dallas Page fights back, and has soon sent both Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Buff The Stuff Bagwell into retreat.

My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.

Gagnant : Hollywood Hogan - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 99% , Match Quality : 86%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Ddp411

Micheal Cole : Page vide le ring après avoir perdu le match en raison de cette intervention par Buff Bagwell.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Je crois que Bagwell sous-estime DDP. Lorsqu’il parviendra à lui mettre la main au collet, Bagwell passera un sal quart d’heure.

Micheal Cole : En attendant ce fu tune dure soirée pour la nWo, seul Steiner a gagné son match.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Je prédis que ce sera different la semaine prochaine.

Micheal Cole : C’est tout pour nous ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 86%[/color]


Event Note :

Nitro devant Raw par 0,60.

We got a 6.65 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 8023 people.
We made $320920 from ticket sales.

Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title Ladder Match

WHC Cage Match
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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Thunde10
WCW Thunder #8
Hogan Era

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Joeyst10 EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bthebr10

Joey Style : Bienvenu à Thunder ! La meilleure émission de lutte sur la planète, la plus suivi depuis 2 semaines brisant tout les records d’audience !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est un plaisir de vous accueillir ici encore cette semaine, nous avons une soirée charge ce soir !

Joey Style : Toute uen soirée Bobby. On sait déjà que le WCW Champion défendra son titre contre Psychosis ce soir. Les 2 hommes auraient eu un différent à propos de la lutte mexicaine et ils vont régler ça dans le ring.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Mais la soirée débute avec un match pour les Cruiserweight Tag Team Title entre Kash & Crazy vs Jushin Liger & Ultimo Dragon

Match #1 – 2 vs 2 – Cruiserweight Tag Team Title Match
Super Crazy and Kid Kash vs Jushin Liger and Ultimo Dragon.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Cruiser Tag Team titles. Super Crazy and Kid Kash have been WCW Cruiser Tag Team champions since 24 April 2014.

The Match: Kash just WAFFLES Liger with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Flying elbow from Kid Kash connects. Covers for a quick two count. Kash tags out to Super Crazy. Super Crazy and Kid Kash whip Liger into the corner. Kid Kash whips Super Crazy in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Covers for a quick two count. Liger takes a flying neckbreaker from Super Crazy. Liger pushes out of a Super Crazy hold. VICIOUS lightning kick by Liger on Crazy. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Jushin Liger and Ultimo Dragon. Springboard reverse elbow by Ultimo Dragon. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Hard back suplex on Crazy. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Crazy blocks a kick from Ultimo Dragon. Flying elbow from Super Crazy connects. Tag between Super Crazy and Kid Kash. Kid Kash connects with a back heel kick on Dragon and gets back up quickly. Tag between Ultimo Dragon and Jushin Liger. Flying elbow from Kid Kash connects. Jushin Liger tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Kash goes to the eyes! Kid Kash quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Jushin Liger collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Jushin Liger got screwed! Liger \ Dragon don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Super Crazy and Kid Kash, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : Super Crazy & Kid Kash - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 70% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Un très bon match d’ouverture, quelle vitesse!

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Nous n’avons pas terminé. Le prochain match permettra de voir à l’oeuvre les 2 anciens champions Cruiserweight alors que The Hurricane affronte celui qui lui a ravit le titre avant de le perdre à R-Truth, X-Pac.

Joey Style : Ce match promet d’être intense. On attend aussi la visite d’Alicia Webb un peu plus tard ce soir. Elle aurait de grandes annonces à faire.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Jusqu’à maintenant, Alicia Webb s’est révélée être une excellente gestionnaire pour Thunder. L’émission est passée en Prime Time et en moins d’un mois à cette plage horraire, a battus des records de cotes d’écoutes.

Joey Style : La division Thunder présente un produit qui combine la rapidité et le côté spectaculaire de la lutte mexicaine au théâtre de la lutte Américaine. La combinaison se veut payante !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Le match est commencé Joey !

Match #2 - 1 vs 1 – Single Match
X-Pac vs The Hurricane.

Match Background: None.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Pac by The Hurricane. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Pac goes down. Hard back suplex on Pac. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Pac takes a flying neckbreaker from The Hurricane. X-Pac powers out of a The Hurricane headlock. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Lightning kick by Pac on Hurricane. There's a two count on the pin. Pac charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Flying reverse elbow by The Hurricane. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from The Hurricane. Nicely done. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. X-Pac once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Spinning back kick from X-Pac. The Hurricane avoids a X-Pac avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Flying elbow from The Hurricane connects. X-Pac can barely stand. Here it comes - Hurri-Chokeslam. 1....2...3, it's finished. The Hurricane goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: Absolutely solid match. A few minor things brought it down, so I'm tacking on a **** rating.

Gagnant : The Hurricane - Match Overall : 84% (Crowd : 73% , Match : 95%)

Joey Style : Très bon match et The Hurricane fait plaisir à plusieurs fans en allant célébrer avec eux. Il prend des photos avec quelques enfants qui explosent de joie!

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Sympatique ce super-héro!

Joey Style : Et voilà que la patronne Alicia Webb s’amène vers le ring. Notre jolie boss grimpe dans le ring et elle est très souriante. Il y a de quoi vu les résultats.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : La voilà qui prend la parole.

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Alicia Webb : Bonjour à tous. J’aimerais commencer par remercier tout le monde qui sont ici, qui achète des billets, tous ceux qui font exploser le réseau de FOX en battant les records du diffuseur en plus de nos records d’audiences. J’aimerais remercier ceux qui le rendent possible, donc tout le monde en arrière. De notre champion Eddie Guerrero a celui qui vide les poubelles. Mais toute cette réussite ne se fait pas seule. Ça prend de bons matchs et de bonnes surprises. Parlant de surprises. Il y en aura de grosse la semaine prochaine. Un ancien de la fédération concurrente a signé un contrat avec nous aujourd’hui même et se joindra à Thunder la semaine prochaine. 2 jeunes du Power Plant se joindront aussi à nous, l’un se nomme Lash Leroux âgé de 28 ans ainsi que CM Punk âgé de 26 ans. Ce sera donc un show à ne pas manquer. Mais tout ça, c’est la semaine prochaine. Il reste encore des matchs ce soir… Il y a bien sur celui de notre champion Eddie Guerrero contre Psychosis. Il y aura un match entre Billy Kidman & Christopher Daniels et le gagnant affrontera Guerrero la semaine prochaine. Chris Benoit affrontera Lance Storm en match Pre Main-Event. Alors bonne fin de soirée à tous et à la semaine prochaine !

Joey Style : Un gars de la WWE s’en vient à Thunder ? Des jeunes du Power Plant… Ça va bouger ici !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ce ne sera pas un luxe d’avoir un peu plus de gars. Mais j’ai hâte de voir qui pourrait quitter la WWE. J’ai entendu plusieurs rumeurs sur les réseaux sociaux. Wrestling Heat rapportait récemment que HBK Shawn Micheals était furieux après Vince McMahon, mais de là à quitter la WWE… Il y a Edge et Christian qui seraient tannés d’attendre le «gros push» tant attendu. Mais bon, on verra la semaine prochaine ! C’est le temps de découvrir notre prochain aspirant au titre WCW.

Match #3 - 1 vs 1 – Single Match
Billy Kidman vs Christopher Daniels.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Kidman just WAFFLES Daniels with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Christopher Daniels comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Christopher Daniels connects with a back heel kick on Kidman and gets back up quickly. Daniels whips Kidman into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Diamond Dust from Christopher Daniels, Kidman is out! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Billy Kidman is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Implant DDT by Billy Kidman! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Kidman crushes Daniels with a huge legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Billy Kidman. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Daniels counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! GORGEOUS Spinning bulldog in the corner and Kidman is down. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Christopher Daniels gets taken down out of nowhere! Christopher Daniels slugs Billy Kidman, sending him down into the corner. While Daniels fires up the crowd, Kidman is removing the turnbuckle pad! Christopher Daniels comes over...but Kidman goes low! Billy Kidman gets up, then goes for the irish whip into the corner, but Daniels reverses! Billy Kidman goes head first into them, knocking him silly! Schoolboy from Daniels: 1....2....3! The referee never noticed the exposed turnbuckle. Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out the exposed steel turnbuckle to the assigned official. The referee reverses the decision! He is disqualifying Christopher Daniels for using it to gain an advantage! Christopher Daniels has a temper tantrum, kicking the ropes and punching the turnbuckles.

My Opinion: A ****3/4 rating for a great match. Close, but not 5 stars.

Gagnant : Billy Kidman - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 82% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Christopher Daniels est en furie et on peut le comprendre. Mais s’il ferait les choses dans les règles, ce genre de situation ne lui arriverait pas.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Franchement, un autre arbitre qui inverse la décision de celui sur le ring. C’est n’importe quoi.

Joey Style : Quoi qu’il en soit, notre aspirant est Billy Kidman qui affrontera donc Guerrero la semaine prochaine pour le WCW Title, ça promet d’être un bon match.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Le prochain match devrait opposer Storm à Chris Benoit mais voilà que Lance Storm s’amène accompagné de Stacy Keibler et de TAKA Michinoku. C’est Stacy qui prendra la parole dans le ring…

Stacy Keibler : TAKA Michinoku veut lutter ce soir. Après avoir discuté avec Mademoiselle Webb, il a été convenu que Chris Benoit aurait un partenaire. Alors Chris Benoit et monsieur le champion Cruiserweight, on vous attend. Oh…en passant, c’est Eddie Guerrero qui va arbitrer le match !

R-Truth et Chris Benoit font leurs entrées. Nous aurons donc un Tag Team Match !

Match #4 - 2 vs 2 – Guest Referee Tag Team Match
Lance Storm and TAKA Michinoku vs Chris Benoit and R-Truth.

Match Background: This will be a special guest referee bout. Eddie Guerrero will be the referee for this match. R-Truth is the reigning WCW Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Benoit goes down. Storm hits a dropkick on Chris Benoit and gets right back up. Hooks the leg for a two count. Storm tags out to TAKA Michinoku. Storm \ TAKA whip Benoit into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Second rope flying axe handle, Benoit goes down. One day, TAKA might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Chris Benoit elbows TAKA Michinoku in the face to break a hammerlock. Benoit almost belly-to-belly suplexes TAKA Michinoku through the mat. What? It's possible. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to R-Truth. Truth crushes TAKA with a huge legdrop. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Second rope flying axe handle, TAKA goes down. One day, Truth might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. TAKA counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Hard back suplex on Truth. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. TAKA tags out to Lance Storm. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Truth goes down. Tag between R-Truth and Chris Benoit. Flying elbow from Lance Storm connects. Chris Benoit hits Lance Storm with a flurry of punches. Chris Benoit floors Lance Storm. Here it comes...Crippler Crossface! Lance Storm is almost unconscious with pain! Eddie Guerrero has called for the bell, Benoit is celebrating...until the ring announcer says that he has been disqualified for using a closed fist punch during the earlier flurry! Eddie Guerrero has screwed Chris Benoit over! Chris Benoit has grabbed a chair from outside, and slides back into the ring. Eddie Guerrero turns around, and gets floored and bust open with a brutal chair shot! Chris Benoit has floored Eddie Guerrero with a chair and left his referee's shirt stained with blood.

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

Gagnant : Lance Storm & TAKA Michinoku - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 73% , Match : 88%)

Joey Style : Si Guerrero a disqualifié Benoit pour rien, à mon avis, Chris Benoit lui, c’est bel et bien venger.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan :Guerrero est mal en point et doit disputer un match dans quelques instants contre Psychosis.

Joey Style : J’ai rarement vu Chris Benoit utiliser une telle violence.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Je crois qu’il en a marre de se faire avoir par Eddie Guerrero…

Match #5 - 1 vs 1 – WCW Title Single Match
Eddie Guerrero vs Psychosis.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Eddie Guerrero connects with a back heel kick on Psychosis and gets back up quickly. Standing leg lariat by Eddie Guerrero on Psychosis. Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Psychosis. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Eddie hits a dropkick on Psychosis and gets right back up. Psychosis powers out of a headlock. Psychosis hits a rolling kick on Eddie. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Eddie is down! Hooks the leg for a two count. Eddie Guerrero powers out of a Psychosis headlock. Psychosis takes a NICE hurrancarana from Eddie Guerrero. Covers for a quick two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Eddie Guerrero. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Psychosis once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Psychosis just WAFFLES Eddie with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Eddie reverses a waistlock. Eddie hits a dropkick on Psychosis and gets right back up. Chris Benoit comes running down the aisle with a chair! Psychosis goes to irish whip Eddie Guerrero into the ropes. Benoit prepares to swing the chair...but Eddie Guerrero reverses! Benoit accidentally smacks Psychosis with a chair to the back! Eddie Guerrero floors Psychosis...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Frog Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! Psychosis and Benoit tie Eddie Guerrero up in the ropes, then start punching away at him until referees run down and break it up.

My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4

Gagnant : Eddie Guerrero - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 80% , Match : 96%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Joeyst10 EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bthebr10

Joey Style : On parlait de la violence de Chris Benoit… Lui et Psychosis viennent de passé à tabac un Eddie Guerrero déjà amoché.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : On vous rappel d’être avec nous la semaine prochaine puisque pas moins de 3 nouvelles personnes y seront, dont une de la WWE !

Joey Style : Eddie Guerrero affrontera Billy Kidman.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Et de l’action mur à mur, bonne fin de soirée !

Show Overall : 81%
Ratings : 7,50 (Smackdown 6,20)

Event Note :

IMPRESIONNANT 7,50 de ratings ! 6,20 pour SmackDown

We got a 7.50 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 8033 people.
We made $321320 from ticket sales.

Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title Ladder Match

WHC Cage Match
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Dimanche, 1er Juin 2001. Bilan après 3 mois de la Hogan Era.

Ce 3e mois a été un mois de changement. Thunder est passé devant Nitro dans les cotes d’écoute. Alicia Webb est maintenant reconnue comme une excellente gestionnaire, elle qui était sortie de nulle part. Page est devenu Face, Bagwell membre de la nWo, Foley qui s’est fait envoyé à l’hôpital… Bref, beaucoup d’action. Ça ne devrait pas changer en juin. Alors que la WCW se prépare pour Great American Bash, plusieurs se préparent aussi à la venu d’une nouvelle vedette à Thunder en provenance de la WWE. Mark Jindrak a été relâché par la WCW, alors que 2 jeunes du Power Plant ont été appelés à Thunder. Malheureusement, le mois de mai sera assombri par la perte de La Parka pour aller en réhabilitation.

Quelques informations en vrac provenant du personnel :

-Sophie nous informe des anniversaires du mois : The following birthdays occured this month: Booker T (38), Chris Benoit (36), Chris Kanyon (29), TAKA Michinoku (29), Erin Bray (19), Mick Foley (38)

Mark Jindrak a été libéré.

Le contrat de Raven a été prolongé de 2 ans.

Le contrat de R-Truth a été prolongé de 2 ans.

Notre Public Image est maintenant à 73. La WWE est passée de 100 à 92.

-Le Ryland Report nous informe que :

Scott Hall is recovering from a Neck Injury, expect him to be back in action in 5 months.

The midcard ranks are packed with great talent. In particular, i think any one of Sean O'Haire, Jamie Noble, Super Crazy, Christopher Daniels and Ultimo Dragon could be the next worker to find their way into the main event.

Power Plant is certainly an interesting area of the company. J.R. Ryder, Austin Lee, Lash LeRoux, Shark Boy and American Dragon are all loaded with potential, there are some real hoss's in that group of individuals.

Filler Text! Filler Text! Filler Text! My gawd, Ryland used the Filler Text! Damn them all to hell!

Masato Tanaka has been rumoured on other sites to be in negotiations with us. I will say that as far as i'm concerned, although we are of course keeping an open-mind, we have had no meetings with this talented performer.

We're all extremely pleased with the ratings that WCW Nitro has been getting. Another great show from WCW Thunder, it's becoming a high point of the WCW week. WCW Review is an exciting product, definitely a strong part of our brand.

Kevin Nash continues to be an inspiration backstage, the term 'locker room leader' has never been more appropriate.

Billy Kidman continues to impress, this youngster is a real blue-chipper.

Big thanks to our fantastic sponsors Nintendo, Playstation 2, Sports Illustrated and Stacker 2; these mutually beneficial relationships are great for all parties involved.

Until next time, take care...
Adam Ryland

Les lutteurs après 3 mois :

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 AbyssAbyss, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Adam_WindsorAdam Winsor, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Alicia_WebbAlicia Webb, Face – Gimmick : Authority Figure – Position : Upper Midcarter
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bryan_DanielsonAmerican Dragon, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Austin_LeeAustin Lee, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bam_Bam_BigelowBam Bam Bigelow, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 BG_JamesRoad Dogg Jesse James, Face – Gimmick : Fun Baby Face – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bill_Goldberg2Bill Goldberg, Face – Gimmick : Hero – Position : Main Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Billy_KidmanBilly Kidman, Face – Gimmick : Old School Face – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Black_DragonBlack Dragon, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Booker_TBooker T US Champ, Face – Gimmick : Sucka – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bob_SappBob Sapp, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bret_HartBret Hart, Face – Gimmick : Hero – Position : Main Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Marcus_BagwellBuff Bagwell, Heel – Gimmick : Ravishing – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Chad_CollyerChad Collyer, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Chris_Benoit2Chris Benoit, Face – Gimmick : No Gimmick Needed – Position : Main Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Chris_KanyonChris Kanyon, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Chris_DanielsChristopher Daniels, Heel – Gimmick : Cult Leader – Position : Midcarter
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 CM_PunkCm Punk, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 DDP2Diamond Dallas Page, Heel – Gimmick : Unique – Position : Main-Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Eddie_GuerreroEddie Guerrero, Heel – Gimmick : Cheater – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 HarrysmithErin Bray, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Frankie_KazarianFrankie Kazarian, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Harley_LewisHarley Lewis, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Bth_Hulk_Hogan23Hollywood Hogan WHC, Heel – Gimmick : Unique – Position : Main Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 JR_RyderJR Ryder, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 JamieKnobleJamie Noble, Heel – Gimmick : Trash – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Jeff_JarrettJeff Jarrett, Heel – Gimmick : Chosen One – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Jimyhart Jimmy Hart, Heel – Gimmick : Cowardly – Position : Manager/Comentator
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 JohnnyKashmereJohnny Kashmere, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Jushin_LigerJushin Thunder Liger, Face – Gimmick : Luchador – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Justin_CredibleJustin Credible, Heel – Gimmick : Arrogant– Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kevin_NashKevin Nash, Hell– Gimmick : Degenerate – Position Main-Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kid_KashKid Kash Cruiser Tag Team Champion, Tweener – Gimmick : Daredevil – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 KonnanKonnan, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Lash_LeRoux2Lash Leroux, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 La_Par-kLa Parka, Face – Gimmick : Comic Book Hero – Position : Rehabi]
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Lance_StormLance Storm, [i]Heel – Gimmick : Anti USA – Position : Upper Midcarder

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Mad_Man_PondoMad Man Pondo, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Matt_MorganMatt Morgan, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Mick_FoleyMick Foley, Face – Gimmick : People’s Boss – Position : Non-Wrestler
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Mike_SandersMike Sanders, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Manager
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Psychosis4Psychosis, Tweener – Gimmick : Foreing Star – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Randy_savage_150Randy Savage, Heel – Gimmick : Crazy –Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 RavenRaven , Hardcore Champ Heel – Gimmick : Extremist – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 ReyMysterioJr2Rey Mysterio Jr. , Face – Gimmick : Highlight Reel – Position : REHAB
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 AnimalRoad Warrior Animal Tag Team Champ, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Manager
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 HawkRoad Warrior Hawk Tag Team Champ, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Manager
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 RoadkillRoadkill (pas encore débuté!), Heel – Gimmick : None– Position : Lower Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Roderick_StrongRoderick Strong, Heel – Gimmick : None – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Ron_KillingsR-Truth, Cruiserweight Champion , Face – Gimmick : Fun Babyface– Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Scott_HallScott Hall, Tweener– Gimmick : Degenerate – Position : Midcarder (blessé pour 7 mois)
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Scott_SteinerScott Steiner, Heel – Gimmick : Monster – Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Sean_O'HaireSean O’Haire, Heel – Gimmick : Trouble Maker – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Shark_BoyShark Boy, Face – Gimmick : Shark Boy – Position : Power Plant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Shawn_StasiakShawn Stasiak, Face – Gimmick : None – Position : Lower Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Sonny_SiakiSonny Siaki, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Stacy_KeiblerStacy Keibler Heel – Gimmick : Seductress – Position : Manager
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Steve_Corino2Steve Corino, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Lower Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Sting4Sting , Face – Gimmick : Unique – Position : Main Eventer
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Super_CrazySuper Crazy, Cruiser Tag Team ChampionHeel – Gimmick : Psycho– Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Super_DragonSuper Dragon, Face – Gimmick : Bad Ass – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Taka_MichinokuTAKA Michinoku, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Upper Midcarter
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Terry_FunkTerry Funk, Facel – Gimmick : Metal Head – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 The_HurricaneThe Hurricane, Face – Gimmick : Comic Book Hero– Position : Upper Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 The_SandmanThe Sandman, Face – Gimmick : Fun Drunk– Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 TorrieWilsonTorrie Wilson Face – Gimmick : Cheerleader – Position : Manager
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Trent_AcidTrent Acid, Heel – Gimmick : Cocky – Position : Powerplan
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Ultimo_DragonUltimo Dragon, Face – Gimmick : Old School Face – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 VampiroVampiro, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Midcarder
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 VanessaVanessa, Face – Gimmick : Executive Consultant – Position : PowerPlant
EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Sean_WaltmanX-Pac, Heel – Gimmick : Old School Heel – Position : Midcarder

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WCW Reviews #3

Kevin Nash is backstage. I've got a feeling this one is going to be good. He was on Hype Central (HYPE CENTRAL!!!) tonight, this time for a match with Sting. Can you believe that I just marked out for Lance Wright? How many people even remember that guy?

[b Sting vs Kevin Nash. [/b]

Match Background: None.

The Match: Sting hits some punches. How generic. Sting gets taken down out of nowhere! Nash slams Sting. Sting charges, Nash moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Nash connects as Sting is down! Cover, but there's no one to count for Kevin Nash! Sting powers out of a headlock. Kevin Nash charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Nash gets hit with a HUGE clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying clothesline by Sting. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Kevin Nash elbows Sting in the face to break a hammerlock. Kevin Nash hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Sting once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Sting signals for the Scorpion Deathlock! Scott Steiner comes out of the crowd! He grabs the leg of Sting and drags him out of the ring. The referee has no option but to call for the DQ! Meanwhile, Sting gets sent crashing into the ring post! Nash and Poppa Pump are putting the boots to Sting! Bill Goldberg comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Nash \ Poppa Pump running for cover. Bill Goldberg saved Sting from a major beating.

My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match.

Gagnant : Sting - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 97% , Match : 90%)

Mick Foley is backstage, and announces that at the next show we will see Bill Goldberg and Hollywood Hulk Hogan fight one on one.

Billy Kidman vs Christopher Daniels.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Billy Kidman connects with a back heel kick on Daniels and gets back up quickly. Billy Kidman strikes Daniels. Kidman uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. One day, Kidman might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Christopher Daniels reverses a hip toss. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. GORGEOUS Spinning bulldog in the corner and Kidman is down. There's a two count on the pin. Billy Kidman powers out of a Christopher Daniels headlock. Lightning kick by Kidman on Daniels. There's a two count on the pin. Diamond Dust from Billy Kidman and Daniels is out! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Kidman charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Daniels just WAFFLES Kidman with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Kidman blocks a kick from Christopher Daniels. Hard back suplex on Daniels. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Kidman scores with a forearm, sending Daniels down into the corner. The referee pulls Billy Kidman away to get the break. Wait! Daniels has pulled something out of his tights. Billy Kidman walks over...and gets floored by a punch! No, the referee saw the brass knuckles! We have DQ decision! Christopher Daniels looks furious. The referee walks over...and gets blasted with a clothesline! Daniels has lost it!

My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Billy Kidman - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 83% , Match : 100%)

Torrie Wilson is backstage with Chris Benoit. Torrie Wilson was building up the feud between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. Good idea.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Diamond Dallas Page.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Diamond Dallas Page ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Diamond Dallas Page ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Hollywood Hulk Hogan by DDP. Remember when that was a legit finish? Diamond Dallas Page with a spinning neckbreaker on Hogan. Hollywood Hulk Hogan pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Hollywood Hulk Hogan with a spinning neckbreaker on DDP. Big piledriver on DDP. There's a two count on the pin. Hogan walks into a drop toe hold. DDP gets a stalling fallaway slam on Hollywood Hulk Hogan. There's a two count on the pin. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by DDP connects as Hogan is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Hogan blocks a punch. DDP is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Diamond Dallas Page elbows Hollywood Hulk Hogan in the face to break a hammerlock. DDP slams Hollywood Hulk Hogan down and motions to the crowd. Buff The Stuff Bagwell comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Diamond Dallas Page turns around. Buff The Stuff Bagwell slams DDP down. Buff The Stuff Bagwell climbs to the top rope and hits the Buff Blockbuster! Bagwell leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Hollywood Hulk Hogan, DDP got pinned. A second referee has come down...and is explaining to the first referee about the interference that just happened. The referee nods, then reverses the decision - he is disqualifying Hollywood Hulk Hogan due to the run in! Hogan and Bagwell are putting the boots to Diamond Dallas Page! Bill Goldberg comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Hogan \ Bagwell running for cover. Bill Goldberg saved DDP from a major beating.

My Opinion: I really shouldn't drink when I'm reviewing matches. Especially with Scotsman, I can't drink nearly as much, so I try too hard. It was either ** or ****, but I guess I'll have to compromise and say ***.

Gagnant : DDP via DQ - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 98% , Match : 83%)


Event Note

Show Overall Rating : 91%

We got a 4.60 rating for 'WCW Review'!
The attendance level was 8017 people.
We made $320680 from ticket sales.

Konnan a dit de la merde sur la WCW à une station de radio. La WCW a répondu avec une suspension de 3 mois sans salaire.
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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Nitro10
WCW Nitro #14
Hogan Era

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco12

Micheal Cole : À moins de 15 jours de Great American Bash, on vous accueil pour un autre épisode de Nitro !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La soirée de ce soir sera cloture par un match pour le titre de champion poids lourd du monde entre le champion Hogan contre D’a Man, Bill Goldberg.

Micheal Cole : Nous savons que les Road Warriors défendront aussi leurs titres contre l’équipe formé de Raven et Bam Bam Bigelow.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Hogan aurait des annonces à faire en lien avec Great American Bash. On peut s’attendre à ce qu’il se venge de Mick Foley qui l’oblige à défendre son titre à chaque Nitro.

Micheal Cole : Il aurait raison de vouloir se venger. Tout comme Foley a raison d’être à bout de la conduite d’Hogan.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Commençons par le début, le premier match de la soirée oppose Chris Kanyon à Road Dogg Jesse James.

Match #1 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Chris Kanyon vs Road Dogg Jesse James.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Road Dogg Jesse James ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Chris Kanyon elbows Road Dogg Jesse James in the face to break a hammerlock. Chris Kanyon hits some punches. How generic. Kanyon whips James into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! Powerbomb on James. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! James flips out of a Chris Kanyon bodyslam attempt. Flying shoulder tackle by James sends Kanyon CRASHING to the mat. Spinebuster by Road Dogg Jesse James. Covers for a quick two count. Death valley driver by Road Dogg Jesse James! No one executes that move properly anymore. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Chris Kanyon fights out of a grapple. Spear by Chris Kanyon. Pin, but James is out just before the three count. Chris Kanyon misses a clothesline. Chris Kanyon is in trouble. Dogg Pound! 1....2....3. Road Dogg Jesse James is still in the ring celebrating. Chris Kanyon pushes the referee away. Chris Kanyon spins James around. Chris Kanyon hits the Flatliner!

My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating.

Gagnant : Jesse James - Match Overall : 79% (Crowd : 83% , Match Quality : 77%)

Micheal Cole : Road Dogg Jesse James repart avec la victoire… et probablement un bon mal de tête avec le traitement que Kanyon lui a réservé à la fin du match.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Kanyon ne digère pas sa défaite je crois !

Micheal Cole : Un autre qui ne digère pas la défaite, mais qui, grâce a une victoire peu reluisante, c’est mérité un match de championnat cette semaine.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Double J Jeff Jarrett a sa chance ce soir pour le titre US contre Booker T.

Micheal Cole : Jarrett demande depuis longtemps, revendique même sa place avec les Goldberg, Sting, Nash et Hogan dans les Main-Events… Mais je ne suis pas certain qu’il aie ce qu’il faut.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Je suis même certain qu’il ne l’a pas. Commençons par le début. Il doit prouver qu’il peut devenir champion US !

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Match #2 – 1 vs 1 – US Title Table Match
Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett.

Match Background: This will be a tables bout. This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Jeff Jarrett pulls Booker onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Spear by Jeff Jarrett. Booker T pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Booker T ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Jeff Jarrett by Booker. Remember when that was a legit finish? Booker T pulls Jarrett onto the table for a powerbomb, but he uses a backdrop to get out of the predicament. BAAACK Body drop by Jarrett gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Jeff Jarrett comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Massive backbreaker on Booker and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Jeff Jarrett scores with a standing spinebuster. Fallaway slam by Jeff Jarrett puts down Booker T. Jeff Jarrett goes to slam Booker through a table, but he manages to escape. Booker T fights out of a grapple. Running knee lift from Booker T. High Angle DDT by Booker T just SPIKES Jeff Jarrett down! Booker climbs onto the table with Jeff Jarrett and uses a powerslam to break the table for the win! Booker T climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

[b]Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 89% (Crowd : 92% , Match Quality : 83%)

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Micheal Cole : Belle victoire de Booker T qui defend encore son titre et qui, cette fois, ramène Double J sur Terre.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Booker T célèbre sa victoire avec la foule qui en semble bien heureuse ! Booker T est en train d’établir un record de durée de possession de titre depuis la Hogan Era !

Micheal Cole : En arrière, The Sandman, visiblement intoxiqué, est devant la loge de la nWo et il appel Randy Savage.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mais c’est Kevin Nash qui ouvre la porte. Sandman lève les yeux pour croiser ceux du grand Nash.

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Kevin Nash : T’en a pas eu assez de Randy Savage. Va-t-en dans le ring! J’irai te rejoindre.

The Sandman : Good Thing.

The Sandman écrase sa canette de bière dans son front et quitte vers le ring alors que Nash prend une bouteille d’eau avant de faire de même.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 - Single Match
Kevin Nash vs The Sandman.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Sandman is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Nash slams The Sandman. Running knee lift from Kevin Nash. Flying shoulder tackle by Nash sends Sandman CRASHING to the mat. The Sandman is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Flying shoulder tackle by Sandman sends Nash CRASHING to the mat. Nice piledriver on Nash. There's a two count on the pin. Nash reverses a The Sandman hammerlock. Ring-shaking body slam on Sandman. There's a two count on the pin. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Nash connects as Sandman is down! Pin, but Sandman is out just before the three count. The Sandman fights out of a grapple. Sandman hits a right hand. Nash kicks The Sandman in the gut to reverse the momentum. Running knee lift from Kevin Nash. The Sandman is in trouble. Jacknife Powerbomb! 1....2....3. Kevin Nash is still in the ring celebrating. The Sandman pushes the referee away. The Sandman spins Nash around. The Sandman hits the White Russian Leg Sweep!

My Opinion: I really shouldn't drink when I'm reviewing matches. Especially with Scotsman, I can't drink nearly as much, so I try too hard. It was either ** or ****, but I guess I'll have to compromise and say ***

Gagnant : Kevin Nash - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 88% , Match Quality : 80%)

Micheal Cole : Une autre défaite pour le Sandman. Ce n’est pas facile pour Sandman ces derniers temps.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Il s’en prend à la nWo, ce n’est pas la meilleure idée!

Micheal Cole : Je suis d’accord. J’aimerais bien revoir un match entre lui et Raven, du bon vieux Hardcore !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Raven sera justement dans le prochain match, accompagné de Bam Bam Bigelow pour affronter les Tag Team Champions, les Road Warriors.

Micheal Cole : C’est une grosse soirée avec 6 matchs ce soir Jerry. Il restera ensuite bien sur le Main-Event entre Goldberg et Hogan pour le titre WHC mais je viens de recevoir un message de Mick Foley qui annonce qu’avant le Main-Event, nous verrons Sting et Bret Hart affronter Buff Bagwell et Scott Steiner.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mais avant, Tag Team Championship Match !

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Match #4 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Title Match
Road Warriors vs Raven and Bam Bam Bigelow.

Match Background: Road Warriors are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WCW Tag Team titles. Road Warriors have been WCW Tag Team champions since 21 April 2014.

The Match: BIG clothesline on Animal. Raven gets a stalling fallaway slam on Road Warrior Animal. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Bam Bam Bigelow. Bam Bam \ Raven hook up Animal, then hit a double suplex. Bam Bam slams Road Warrior Animal down and motions to the crowd. There's a two count on the pin. Bam Bam scoops and slams Road Warrior Animal. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Road Warrior Animal fights out of a grapple. High Angle DDT by Road Warrior Animal just SPIKES Bam Bam Bigelow down! Tag to Road Warrior Hawk. Hawk slams Bam Bam Bigelow down and motions to the crowd. Bam Bam walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Bam Bam Bigelow pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag to Raven. A sit out full nelson slam on Hawk. Impaler DDT by Raven just SPIKES Road Warrior Hawk down! Pin, but Hawk is out just before the three count. Hawk takes a headbutt from Raven. Hawk counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Massive backbreaker on Raven and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Raven is all alone...Doomsday Device!! 1....2....3! Raven \ Bam Bam don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Road Warriors, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.

[b]Gagnant : The Road Warriors - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 80% , Match Quality : 80%)

Micheal Cole : Une autre victoire pour les Road Warriors. Avant de passer au prochain match, c’est Hogan qui viendra nous rendre visite.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mister Owner qui a surement des annonces pour Great American Bash. Le voilà qui arrive avec sa ceinture de champion du monde dans les mains.

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Hollywood Hulk Hogan : J’irai droit au but. Mick Foley, tu veux vraiment me faire chier hein ! Great American Bash, toi et moi. Hell in the Cell. Ton post de Commish, ma ceinture. Ce n’est pas un choix, that’s it Brother! Il y aura aussi un 4 vs 4 War Games entre Bagwell, Nash, Savage & Jeff Jarrett contre Goldberg, Sting, Bret Hart & Booker T. La semaine prochaine, Bagwell et Page signeront un contrat pour s’affronter lors de Great American Bash eux aussi. Maintenant, laissons Bagwell et Big Poppa Pump botter le cul de Bret Hart et de ce Stinger.

Match #5 – 2 vs 2– Tag Team Match
Sting and Bret Hart vs Buff and Bad

Match Background: None.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Bagwell who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Running knee lift from Sting. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Bret Hart. Sting \ The Hitman whip Bagwell into the corner. Sting whips Bret Hart in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. The Hitman drives a thrust kick into the chest of Bagwell. Bagwell backdrops Bret Hart out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Massive backbreaker on The Hitman and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Covers for a quick two count. Bagwell tags out to Scott Steiner. Spear by Scott Steiner. Pin, but The Hitman is out just before the three count. Running knee lift from Scott Steiner. Bret Hart comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. The Hitman drives a thrust kick into the chest of Poppa Pump. The Hitman tags out to Sting. STIFF~! chop lights up Poppa Pump who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Tag between Scott Steiner and Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Flying shoulder tackle by Sting sends Bagwell CRASHING to the mat. Diamond Dallas Page comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Bagwell turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by DDP! Diamond Dallas Page has left Bagwell in big trouble. Buff The Stuff Bagwell gets knocked to the ground by Sting. Buff The Stuff Bagwell gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory! Buff and Bad are left down and out in the ring thanks to the attack of Sting, The Hitman and DDP.

My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Sting & Bret Hart - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 95% , Match Quality : 94%)

Micheal Cole : Page a coûté le match à Bagwell entre une fois, c’est la guerre entre les 2 anciens partenaires.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Les 2 qui devraient finalement s’affronter un contre un lors du PPV.

Micheal Cole : C’est un match attendu par les 2 individus… et tous les fans de la WCW !

Jerry « the King« Lawler :

Micheal Cole :

Jerry « the King« Lawler :

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Match #6 – 1 vs 1 – WHC Single Match
Bill Goldberg vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Match Background: This will be a last man standing bout. This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Goldberg gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. DDT onto a stop sign by Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Flying shoulder tackle by Hogan sends Goldberg CRASHING to the mat. BAAACK Body drop by Goldberg gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Hogan drops an elbow...but Bill Goldberg moves out of the way. Bill Goldberg hits a double axehandle off the table onto Hogan. Hogan gets hit with a HUGE clothesline. The referee is counting: 5....6....Hollywood Hulk Hogan is back up. Bill Goldberg gets taken down out of nowhere! Hogan gets a stalling fallaway slam on Bill Goldberg. The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Goldberg stands up. Hollywood Hulk Hogan drills Bill Goldberg with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! The referee gets to a seven count....and Bill Goldberg gets back up. Goldberg blocks a punch. Goldberg hits a right hand. Hollywood Hulk Hogan comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Hollywood Hulk Hogan with a spinning neckbreaker on Goldberg. Kevin Nash comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Bill Goldberg turns around. Kevin Nash spins Goldberg around. Kevin Nash hits the Jacknife Powerbomb! Nash leaves the ring, the damage done! Hollywood Hulk Hogan has Bill Goldberg down on the canvas. Big Legdrop! Boom! The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Hogan \ Nash are beating down on Bill Goldberg! The music of Mick Foley hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Hogan and Nash bail out of the ring, leaving Bill Goldberg down in the ring. Mick Foley may have saved Bill Goldberg from a brutal beating.

My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match.

[b]Gagnant : Hollywood Hulk Hogan - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 97% , Match Quality : 90%)

Micheal Cole : Nash et Hogan ont passé le KO à Goldberg. Je n’ai jamais vu ça !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : INCROYABLE ! Mick Foley est venu sauver son ami mais le mal était déjà fait.

Micheal Cole : Ça met la table pour un Great American Bash plein d’actions avec les annonces par Hogan.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Vous pouvez dire ce que vous voulez d’Hogan. Certain l’adorent, d’autres le détestent, mais une chose est sur, il nous donne un PPV incroyable, tout comme Foley nous donne de très bon Nitro !

Micheal Cole : La rivalité entre les 2 hommes est bonne pour la compagnie.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mais tout pourrait changer lors du PPV!

Micheal Cole : C’est tout pour nous ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 86%[/color]


Event Note :

Nitro devant Raw par 0,54.

We got a 6.65 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 8048 people.
We made $321920 from ticket sales.

Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

4 vs 4 War Games
Buff Bagwell & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Jeff Jarrett
Goldberg & Sting & Bret Hart & Booker T
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

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WCW Thunder #9
Hogan Era

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Joey Style : Bonjour à tous et bienvenue à ce qui promet d’être un Thunder marquant !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Des nouveaux visages, de l’actions, des champions en actions des informations sur Great American Bash et tout ça, dans ce même programme de 2h que vous propose Thunder.

Joey Style : On sait déjà qu’un lutteur de la WWE sera avec nous ce soir, tel qu’annoncé par Alicia Webb la semaine dernière. On se rappelera qu’il y a 3 mois, Juventud Guerrera est passé de la WCW à la WWE. C’est maintenant la WCW qui va jouer dans la cours de la fédération de Vince McMahon.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Sonny Siaki est dans le ring, s’il n’est pas un nouveau, il sera l’adversaire de Lash LeRoux qui effectue ce soir son premier match à la WCW. Il est tout droit sortit du Power Plant. Le Ragin’Cajun s’amène vers le ring. Voyons ce que le rouquin a dans le ventre.

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Match #1 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Lash LeRoux vs Sonny Siaki.

Match Background: LeRoux is making his debut at this show.

The Match: Siaki drives a thrust kick into the chest of LeRoux. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg for a two count. LeRoux counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Standing leg lariat by Lash LeRoux on Siaki. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Covers for a quick two count. Siaki walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Implant DDT by Lash LeRoux! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Lash LeRoux gets taken down out of nowhere! LeRoux walks into a jaw breaker. Covers for a quick two count. Tor-NADO DDT from Sonny Siaki, LeRoux got planted! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Flying elbow from Sonny Siaki connects. Sonny Siaki strikes LeRoux. LeRoux reverses a Sonny Siaki hammerlock. Hard back suplex on Siaki. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. DDT from the top rope by Lash LeRoux. That looked KILLER! Sonny Siaki is in trouble. Whiplash!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Lash LeRoux remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

My Opinion: Solid bout, but they could do a lot better. ***

Gagnant : Lash LeRoux - Match Overall : 77% (Crowd : 67% , Match : 84%)

Joey Style : Un bon début pour le Ragin’Cajun Lash LeRoux. Il est un peu bizarre, mais je l’aime bien !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Il est bizarre, mais au moins, il est drôle et il est toujours souriant, un vrai Cajun !

Joey Style : Le prochain match Bobby, nous permettra de voir à l’oeuvre un autre nouveau visage. Cette fois, c’est CM Punk qui a été prit sous l’aile de Christopher Daniels. D’ailleurs, les 2 hommes affronteront le toujours aussi talentueux Jushin Liger accompagné du champion Cruiserweight R-Truth.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ça fait du bien de voir de nouveaux gars. J’ai hâte de voir ce CM Punk. Je crains un peu de l’infleuence que peut avoir un gars comme Daniels sur lui par contre. Un chose est sur, Punk est voué à un bel avenir si je me fis à ces adversaires. Voyons voir ce qu’il peut faire.

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Match #2 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Match
Christopher Daniels and CM Punk vs Jushin Liger and R-Truth.

Match Background: Punk is making his debut at this show. R-Truth is the reigning WCW Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Flying elbow from CM Punk connects. Flying cross body off the top rope! There's a two count on the pin. Punk tags out to Christopher Daniels. Daniels \ Punk whip Truth into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Covers for a quick two count. Daniels just WAFFLES Truth with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Truth backdrops Christopher Daniels out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of R-Truth. Tiger suplex on Daniels. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Tag between R-Truth and Jushin Liger. Liger hits a dropkick on Christopher Daniels and gets right back up. Flying cross body off the top rope! Daniels blocks a punch. Daniels tags out to CM Punk. Flying cross body off the top rope! Delayed BRAINBUSTAH~! Punk really drove that one down big time. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! CM Punk kicks the leg, knocks Liger down, and goes to work on it. Liger reverses a CM Punk hammerlock. Superkick by Jushin Liger practically knocks out all of CM Punk's teeth! Jushin Liger moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Brainbuster. 1....2...3, it's finished. Punk \ Daniels don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Liger \ Truth, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

My Opinion: Great match, it deserves every snowflake its getting. ****1\4

Gagnant : Jushin Liger and R-Truth - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 79% , Match : 96%)

Joey Style : Punk et Daniels se sont bien défendu mais l’adversité était forte. Il faut dire que la marche est haute pour CM Punk qui arrive du Power Plant.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Je demeure quand même excite et anxieux. Je me demande bien qui sera ce gars nouvellement signé. J’entends la musique d’Alicia Webb. Peut-être nous en dira-t-elle plus…

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Alicia Webb : Bonsoir à tous. Eh bien, pour te répondre Bobby. Cet homme en question n’est toujours pas arrivé. J’espère qu’il ne nous a pas posé un lapin. Je vais donc me taire pour l’instant. J’ai entendu, comme tout le monde, les annonces d’Hogan pour le PPV. Je crois qu’il est temps de faire les miennes. Eddie Guerrero affrontera Chris Benoit dans un Last Man Standing Match. Ce sera la dernière fois qu’Eddie Guerrero défendra son titre WCW contre Chris Benoit. Ça commence à faire. Daniels… tu auras ta chance contre R-Truth pour le titre dans un No DQ Match. Cette fois, la tricherie d’existera pas.

Le Tron s’allume à ce moment et on voit une limousine qui entre dans le stationnement de l’aréna. Alicia Webb reprend la parole…

Alicia Webb : Couper cette projection. Je dois aller accueillir le nouveau. Avant de partir, je vous annonce le retour de La Parka. Il affrontera le client de Mademoiselle Keibler, TAKA Michinoku. Ensuite, Chris Benoit va affronter Lance Storm et Psychosis dans un Triangle Match…et comme vous le savez, Eddie Guerrero va affronter Billy Kidman. Sur ce, Bonne fin de soirée.

Joey Style : Nous n’en savons pas plus sur cette personne mystère. Il y a une bonne nouvelle, c’est le retour de La Parka !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Pas trop long son absence, c’est une bonne chose. J’espère qu’on le reverra formé une équipe avec The Hurricane. En attendant, voyons ce match contre TAKA.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 – Single Match
La Parka vs TAKA Michinoku.

Match Background: None.

The Match: TAKA just WAFFLES Parka with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! TAKA Michinoku kicks the leg, knocks Parka down, and goes to work on it. Parka takes a flying neckbreaker from TAKA Michinoku. Hard back suplex on Parka. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Parka pushes out of a TAKA Michinoku hold. TAKA takes a flying neckbreaker from La Parka. Parka crushes TAKA with a running senton. Covers for a quick two count. TAKA Michinoku elbows La Parka in the face to break a hammerlock. Springboard reverse elbow by TAKA Michinoku. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. There's a two count on the pin. DDT from the top rope by TAKA Michinoku. That looked KILLER! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! TAKA drops an elbow...but La Parka moves out of the way. Parka just WAFFLES TAKA with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! TAKA flips out of a La Parka bodyslam attempt. Flying elbow from TAKA Michinoku connects. Stacy Keibler is at ringside! Parka wastes valuable time by yelling at Stacy! TAKA Michinoku takes advantage of the distraction and nails Parka from behind! La Parka can barely stand. Swinging DDT! 1....2....3. TAKA Michinoku smiles and walks over and shakes hands with Stacy Keibler, thanking her for interfering and helping win this match.

My Opinion: I really shouldn't drink when I'm reviewing matches. Especially with Scotsman, I can't drink nearly as much, so I try too hard. It was either ** or ****, but I guess I'll have to compromise and say ***.

Gagnant : TAKA Michinoku - Match Overall : 77% (Crowd : 70% , Match : 84%)

Joey Style : Stacy Keibler fait encore une fois très bien son travaille et déconcentre l’adversaire de TAKA, cette fois c’est La Parka qui tombe dans le piège et malheureusement, voit son retour gâché.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : TAKA continue de s’imposer et je dois avouer qu’il est quelque chose à voir dans le ring… Mais le regard demeure attiré malgré tout vers sa manager!

Joey Style : Justement, regarde sur le Tron…

Stacy Keibler et Torrie Wilson se croise en coulisse et Stacy fait une Remarque dégradante à Torrie. Il n’en faut pas plus pour que les 2 femmes se mettent à se chamailler.

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Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : La sécurité se fait un plaisir d’intervenir et de séparé les demoiselle ! Torrie Wilson reprend son calme et va rejoindre Chris Benoit, en route pour son match.

Match #4 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Triangle Match
Chris Benoit vs Lance Storm vs Psychosis.

Match Background: This will be a triangle bout.

The Match: Storm hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Standing leg lariat by Lance Storm on Psychosis. Lance Storm misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Implant DDT by Chris Benoit! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Psychosis crushes Benoit with a running senton. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Flying elbow from Lance Storm connects. Lance Storm misses a clothesline. Chris Benoit scoops up Storm. Psychosis bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. DDT from the top rope by Chris Benoit. That looked KILLER. Psychosis connects with a back heel kick on Benoit and gets back up quickly. Benoit blocks a kick from Psychosis. Storm gets caught with a short powerbomb from Benoit. Lance Storm gets knocked to the ground by Benoit. Here it comes...Crippler Crossface! Lance Storm taps!

My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.

Gagnant : Chris Benoit - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 70% , Match : 90%)

Joey Style : Une belle victoire par Chris Benoit. Ça fait longtemps que le Crippler n’a pas eu la chance de faire un match sans l’intervention de Guerrero.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Eddie en a prit toute une avant son match la semaine dernière. On apprend de nos erreurs !

Joey Style : Toujours pas de signe du nouveau… Est-ce que c’est un canular tout ça ?

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : J’espère que non. Peut-être viendra-t-il après le match. Justement, ce match promet. Ladder match en plus. Billy Kidman a fait de belles choses en l’absence de Rey Mysterio Jr. C’est le temps de saisir sa chance !

Match #5 – 1 vs 1 – WCW Title LADDER Match
Billy Kidman vs Eddie Guerrero.

Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Eddie Guerrero connects with a back heel kick on Kidman and gets back up quickly. Eddie Guerrero dives off the middle of the ladder with a clothesline that connects. Implant DDT by Eddie Guerrero! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Spin kick by Eddie Guerrero to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Kidman kicks Eddie Guerrero in the gut to reverse the momentum. Eddie gets hip-tossed onto the ladder! Flying reverse elbow by Billy Kidman. Kidman charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Flying reverse elbow by Eddie Guerrero. Back heel kick off the second rope, Kidman goes down. Eddie Guerrero misses a clothesline. STIFF high kick on Eddie by Billy Kidman. Eddie Guerrero comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Hard back suplex on Kidman. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Kidman begins to climb the ladder.

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Chavo Guerrero Jr comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring....and shoves the ladder! Kidman is sent crashing hard to the canvas! Eddie Guerrero climbs the ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Eddie and Chavo are beating the hell out of Billy Kidman!

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Jeff Hardy sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with Eddie Guerrero, exchanging punches, while Billy Kidman comes back, sending Chavo out of the ring with a clothesline. J.Hardy \ Kidman have cleared the ring, driving off Eddie and Chavo!

My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Eddie Guerrero - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 86% , Match : 97%)

Joey Style : QUOI! Jeff Hardy est là !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Et Chavo Guerrero Jr! Justement, Eddie prend la parole alors qu’il est à côté du ring, Jeff Hardy et Kidman demeurant dans le ring.

Eddie Guerrero. : Je savais que Jeff allait arrivé. J’ai seulement voulu protéger mes arrières. Je sais que plusieurs en ont marre de moi, et bien ça ne fait que commencer !

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C’est alors qu’Alicia Webb apparaît sur le Tron…

Alicia Webb : Eh bien Eh bien. Alors que je signe Chavo, on m’envoie aussi Jeff Hardy. Ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose. J’ai décidé d’ajouté un match à la carte de GAB. TLC Match. Cruiserweight Tag Team Title on the line. Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) vs The Hurricane & La Parka vs Billy Kidman & Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku & Chavo Guerrero.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : WOW ! C’est tout le temps que nous avons, bonne soirée !

Show Overall : 84%
Ratings : 7,50 (Smackdown 6,20)

Event Note :

Encore un bon 7,43 de ratings ! 6,13 pour SmackDown.

We got a 7.43 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 8050 people.
We made $322000 from ticket sales.

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Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

WCW Title Last Man Standing / Last Chance
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero(c)

Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) vs The Hurricane & La Parka vs Billy Kidman & Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku & Chavo Guerrero

4 vs 4 War Games
Buff Bagwell & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Jeff Jarrett
Goldberg & Sting & Bret Hart & Booker T

Cruiserweight Title No DQ Match
Christopher Daniels vs R-Truth(c)
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
WCW Reviews #4

Raven is in the ring. The Sandman comes out, and challenges him to a match tonight. The challenge is accepted.

Raven vs The Sandman.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WCW Hardcore title. Raven has been WCW Hardcore champion since 19 May 2014.

The Match: Sandman chair shots Raven. Spear by The Sandman. Covers for a quick two count. Raven blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Raven hits a right hand. Raven with a spinning neckbreaker on Sandman. Covers for a quick two count. Raven chair shots The Sandman. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Raven with a spinning neckbreaker on Sandman. Sandman counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Spear by The Sandman. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Raven! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Flying shoulder tackle by Sandman sends Raven CRASHING to the mat. The Sandman scoop slams Raven onto and through a table. Raven reverses a waistlock. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on The Sandman by Raven. Remember when that was a legit finish? Raven drills The Sandman with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Bam Bam Bigelow comes running down the aisle with a chair! Raven whips The Sandman into the ropes. Bam Bam jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Bam Bam, Sandman, and the chair! The Sandman staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! Raven and Bam Bam are putting the boots to The Sandman! Terry Funk comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Raven \ Bam Bam running for cover. Terry Funk bends down to help Sandman back up. Wait! Raven slides back in and attacks! Terry Funk fights back...but is then jumped by Bam Bam as well! Both Funker and Sandman are subjected to a beat down by Raven \ Bam Bam, leaving them down and out on the canvas.

My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4

Gagnant : Raven - Match Overall : 86% (Crowd : 83% , Match : 89%)

Punk \ Daniels are backstage. They wanted to rip into Liger \ Truth.

Jushin Liger and R-Truth vs Christopher Daniels and CM Punk.

Match Background: R-Truth is the reigning WCW Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Liger gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Punk! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Jushin Liger by Punk. Remember when that was a legit finish? There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Christopher Daniels. Punk \ Daniels whip Liger into the corner. CM Punk whips Christopher Daniels in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. There's a two count on the pin. Christopher Daniels hits a rolling kick on Liger. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Liger flips out of a Christopher Daniels bodyslam attempt. Lightning kick by Liger on Daniels. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Jushin Liger and R-Truth. SUPER frankensteiner on Daniels, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Hard back suplex on Daniels. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Truth charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Daniels hits a dropkick on R-Truth and gets right back up. Tag to CM Punk. Punk hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Tag to Jushin Liger. Second rope flying axe handle, Liger goes down. One day, Punk might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. CM Punk ducks a Liger clothesline and does a quick roll up. Punk has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! Liger \ Truth don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Punk \ Daniels, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

My Opinion: As close to a ***** match as possible...but unfortunately, it was missing something, so I can only give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Punk \ Daniels - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 81% , Match : 100%)

Buff The Stuff Bagwell is backstage. I've got a feeling this one is going to be good. He got on THE STICK~! and talked trash about Diamond Dallas Page, continuing their feud. To the death, I say!

Sting and Bret Hart vs Buff and Bad.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Back suplex on Bagwell. Bodyslam by The Hitman. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Sting. The Hitman \ Sting whip Bagwell into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Hooks the leg for a two count. Fallaway slam by Sting puts down Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Bagwell reverses a waistlock. Full nelson slam on Sting. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Scott Steiner. Sting walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Poppa Pump slams Sting down and motions to the crowd. Sting counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Sting slams Scott Steiner down and motions to the crowd. Tag to Bret Hart. The Hitman drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Poppa Pump. Poppa Pump tags out to Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Bret Hart with a spinning neckbreaker on Bagwell. Diamond Dallas Page comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Buff The Stuff Bagwell turns around. Diamond Dallas Page spins Bagwell around. Diamond Dallas Page hits the Diamond Cutter! DDP leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Bret Hart, Bagwell got pinned. Buff and Bad look like they aren't done...and they attack The Hitman \ Sting! After an exchange of blows, The Hitman and Sting are laid out in the ring.

My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.

Gagnant : Sting & Hitman - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 97% , Match : 90%)

Jeff Hardy is walking backstage, when he suddenly stops and looks around. He shrugs and walks off. The camera pans to the side to see a shadowy figure emerge from behind some crates where Jeff Hardy was moments ago, then run off.

Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett.

Match Background: This will be a tables bout. This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Jarrett is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Booker T pulls Jarrett onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Booker slams Jeff Jarrett down and motions to the crowd. Running knee lift from Booker T. Jarrett counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Jeff Jarrett pulls Booker onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Massive backbreaker on Booker and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Booker counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Jarrett walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. High Angle DDT by Booker T just SPIKES Jeff Jarrett down! Booker walks into a drop toe hold. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Jeff Jarrett ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Booker T powers out of a Jeff Jarrett headlock. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Jeff Jarrett by Booker. Remember when that was a legit finish? Booker climbs onto the table with Jeff Jarrett and scores with a piledriver to destroy the table and get the victory. Booker T goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 91% , Match : 83%)

Torrie Wilson is in the ring. Behind her, Stacy Keibler comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring. She attacks, and strips Torrie out of her dress, leaving her down on the mat in her underwear.

Eddie Guerrero vs Billy Kidman.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Spinning back kick from Billy Kidman. Eddie ducks a wild right hand. Spinning back kick from Eddie Guerrero. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Tor-NADO DDT from Eddie Guerrero, Kidman got planted! Cover, but there's no one to count for Eddie Guerrero! Eddie drops an elbow...but Billy Kidman moves out of the way. Implant DDT by Billy Kidman! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Lightning kick by Kidman on Eddie. There's a two count on the pin. Power drive elbow by Billy Kidman. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Kidman walks into a drop toe hold. Flying cross body off the top rope! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Eddie charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Kidman scores with a forearm, sending Eddie down into the corner. The referee pulls Billy Kidman away to get the break. Wait! Eddie has pulled something out of his tights. Billy Kidman walks over...and gets floored by a punch! No, the referee saw the brass knuckles! We have DQ decision! Christopher Daniels has grabbed a chair. Eddie walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Kidman also takes a hard shot. Daniels has laid everybody out!

My Opinion: This match was SO close from being perfect...but I'd feel almost...dirty giving it the full monty, so I'm only going to give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Billy Kidman via DQ - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 82% , Match : 99%)


Event Note

Show Overall Rating : 87%

We got a 4.68 rating for 'WCW Review'!
The attendance level was 8030 people.
We made $331010 from ticket sales.

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Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

WCW Title Last Man Standing / Last Chance
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero(c)

Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) vs The Hurricane & La Parka vs Billy Kidman & Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku & Chavo Guerrero

4 vs 4 War Games
Buff Bagwell & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Jeff Jarrett
Goldberg & Sting & Bret Hart & Booker T

Cruiserweight Title No DQ Match
Christopher Daniels vs R-Truth(c)

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

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WCW Nitro #15
Hogan Era

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Micheal Cole : Nous sommes à 6 jours de Great American Bash et toute une soirée nous attend ce soir à Nitro.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La carte de Great American Bash fait rêver et on peut s’attendre à une soirée memorable. Mais tout ça comme tu l’as dis, c’est dans 6 jours.

Micheal Cole : Thunder a fait parlé beaucoup cette semaine suite à la signature de Jeff Hardy et Chavo Guerrero Jr. Nitro continue de jouer dur dans les cotes d’écoute avec Raw. Bref, nous avons la lutte à son meilleur !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : On commence la soirée avec la Living Legend et Bam Bam Bigelow dans un Hardcore Match.

Match #1 – 1 vs 1– Hardcore Title Match
Terry Funk vs Bam Bam Bigelow.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Bam Bam who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Terry Funk misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Bam Bam Bigelow connects with rights and lefts and Terry Funk is down! Bam Bam Bigelow misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Bam Bam goes for a splash but Funker puts the knees up. Funker hits Bam Bam with a plastic dinosaur! Spear by Terry Funk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Terry Funk connects and Bam Bam Bigelow is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Funker charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Ouch! Funker just got flapjacked off the ropes through a table. Pin, but Funker is out just before the three count. Funker kicks Bam Bam Bigelow in the gut to reverse the momentum. Bam Bam Bigelow gets knocked to the ground by Funker. Here it comes...Spinning Toe Hold! Bam Bam Bigelow taps! Terry Funk remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : Terry Funk - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 75% , Match Quality : 100%)

Micheal Cole : Un bon vieux match dans la tradition Hardcore. Avec la disparition de la ECW, la WCW est la seule grosse fédération à offrir ce genre de divertissement. Oh… et voici la musique de Raven !

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Le champion Hardcore s’amène dans le ring, avec sa ceinture Hardcore ainsi qu’un micro.

Raven : Je serai du PPV. Je viens de parler avec Hogan, et je serai de ce PPV. Malheureusement, comme d’habitude, je ne suis pas pris au sérieux et je suis relayé au Dark Match. C’est un insulte. Mais je serai de ce PPV et je défendrai ma ceinture contre celui qui vient de gagner ce match, le vieux Terry Funk. Après ce match Terry, ce ne sera plus la Living Legend, mais la Dying Legend. Quote the Raven, NEVERMORE.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La WCW combine le charisma, les brawlers, les techniciens, luchadors et lutteur Hardcore, tout ça dans une même offre : la World Championship Wrestling. La WCW doit sa renaissance à Hogan, mais elle lui doit aussi l’exposure auquel elle a eu droit dans les années 97-98-99 avec la NWO et le Heel Turn d’Hogan.

Micheal Cole : Il ne faut pas oublier Sting. Toujours fidèle à la federation et qui a évolué au rythme de celle-ci. Justement, voilà le Stinger qui s’amène sur le ring…

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Sting : WCW Nitro, Avez-vous hâte à Great American Bash ? Voulez-vous voir Sting en action ce soir ? J’ai bien l’intention de me battre dans le ring ce soir. Et j’ai un adversaire précis en tête. Il a défendu son titre à plusieurs reprises dernièrement, et non je ne parle pas de Booker T qui défend le titre US avec brio et qui mérite mon admiration mais bien de Mister New World Order. Patron Corrompu : Hulk Hogan… Hulk ou Hollywood… Même merde. Alors Hogan, est-ce que ce sera… SHOWTIME ce soir ?

La musique d’Hogan se fait entendre et le World Heavyweight Champion arrive sous le Tron. Hogan demeure sur la rampe…

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The Man, Owner et World Heavyweight Champion de la WCW, Hollywood Hogan : C’est bien Sting. Je suis heureux de voir que tu as encore le feu sacré. Tu en as encore à donner à cette compagnie. Dimanche, lors de Great American Bash, je vais régler le problème de Mick Foley et reprendre le contrôle sur ce show. Car on va être honnête Sting. Si je n’accepte pas ton match, tu vas aller pleurer à Foley et tu l’auras ton match. Alors Brother, you want it, you got it.

Sting : It’s gonna be SHOWTIME, FOLKS !

Micheal Cole : Sting contre Hogan, ce soir ? Incroyable !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Peut-être que Hogan ne pourra pas defender son titre dimanche car il doit commencer par passer Sting ce soir.

Micheal Cole : Mais avant, il reste beaucoup de match sur la carte et le prochain met à l’œuvre les champions par équipe les Road Warriors qui affronte Savage et Jarrett.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La New World Order qui compte un nouveau membre en Jeff Jarrett. La New World Order, en l’absence de Scott Hall toujours blessé, prend de l’ampleur comptant maintenant 6 membres Hogan, Nash, Steiner, Savage, Bagwell et Jarrett, sans compter Scott Hall.

Match #2 – 2 vs 2– Tag Team Title Match
Road Warriors vs Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett.

Match Background: Road Warriors are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WCW Tag Team titles. Road Warriors have been WCW Tag Team champions since 21 April 2014.

The Match: Road Warrior Hawk hits some punches. How generic. BIG clothesline on Savage. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal. Road Warrior Hawk scoops up Savage. Animal bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Randy Savage charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Road Warrior Animal misses a clothesline. Full nelson slam on Animal. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Randy Savage and Jeff Jarrett. Spinebuster by Jeff Jarrett. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Road Warrior Animal charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Animal counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Running knee lift from Road Warrior Animal. Animal tags out to Road Warrior Hawk. Jarrett takes a headbutt from Road Warrior Hawk. Tag to Randy Savage. Randy Savage charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Road Warriors have Randy Savage to themselves. Doomsday Device! 1....2....3! It's over. Savage \ Jarrett don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Road Warriors, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

My Opinion: Smack dab in the middle of the star spectrum for an average match. **1\2.

Gagnant : The Road Warriors - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 82% , Match Quality : 78%)

Micheal Cole : Savage et Double J ont vidé le ring, après la défaite.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ils ont prit le contrôle un peu trop tard et c’est les Road Warriors qui repartent avec la victoire, conservant leurs titres.

Micheal Cole : Après Sting, voici que Kevin Nash s’amène sur le ring. Big Sexy, qui a ramené The Sandman sur Terre la semaine dernière avance et grimpe dans le ring. Il prend un micro avant de prendre la parole…

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Big Sexy Kevin Nash: Nitro… Kevin Nash is in the HOUSE ! Je suis aussi dans le ring et je n’y suis pas pour rien. Je n’ai qu’un mot à dire. J’attend. J’attend. Quel est ce mot. GOLDBERG…

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La musique de Goldberg se fait alors entendre et D’A Man arrive sous le tron. Après avoir fait son entrée habituelle, Goldberg marche vers le ring. Il pointe vers Nash et lui fait oui de la tête. Goldberg glisse dans le ring et le match débute.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Kevin Nash vs Bill Goldberg.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Flying shoulder tackle by Nash sends Goldberg CRASHING to the mat. Massive backbreaker on Goldberg. Hooks the leg for a two count. Goldberg blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Goldberg scoops and slams Kevin Nash. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Nash. Covers for a quick two count. Bill Goldberg scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Pin, but Nash is out just before the three count. Flying shoulder tackle by Goldberg sends Nash CRASHING to the mat. Kevin Nash avoids a Bill Goldberg avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Kevin Nash hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Impaler DDT by Kevin Nash just SPIKES Bill Goldberg down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Fallaway slam by Kevin Nash puts down Bill Goldberg. Kevin Nash hits some punches. How generic. Bill Goldberg reverses a hip toss. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Kevin Nash by Goldberg. Remember when that was a legit finish? Flying spear out of the corner! Nash nearly got crushed into little bits! Kevin Nash can barely stand. Here it comes - Jackhammer. 1....2...3, it's finished. I don't think the fight has finished. Kevin Nash and Goldberg have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.

My Opinion: I'd love to see a rematch and see if they can top this. ****

Gagnant : Bill Goldberg - Match Overall : 93% (Crowd : 95% , Match Quality : 90%)

Micheal Cole : Grosse victoire par Goldberg mais le match ne semble pas fini.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La cloche a sonnée, le match est terminé!

Micheal Cole : Quoi qu’il en soit, Goldberg et Nash disparaissent en coulisse, le combat continuant.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Alors que Nash et Goldberg foutent le bordel en coulisses, nous on doit continuer car nous avons une soirée chargée. Le prochain match opposera DDP à Scott Steiner. Steiner a fait équipe à quelques reprises avec Bagwell, ce dernier ayant joint récemment la nWo. Ce soir, c’est seul qu’il affronte l’ancien partenaire de Bagwell : DDP.

Match #4 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Scott Steiner vs Diamond Dallas Page.

Match Background: This is a continuation of the DDP \ Booker vs Buff and Bad feud. Buff and Bad have yet to beat their rivals in the ring since the feud began.

The Match: Poppa Pump hits a right hand. DDP gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Scott Steiner with a spinning neckbreaker on DDP. Flying shoulder tackle by Poppa Pump sends DDP CRASHING to the mat. DDP blocks a kick from Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Diamond Dallas Page, executed to perfection. There's a two count on the pin. Poppa Pump blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Nice piledriver on DDP. There's a two count on the pin. Scott Steiner scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Diamond Dallas Page fights out of a grapple. Poppa Pump gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Scott Steiner powers out of a Diamond Dallas Page headlock. Scott Steiner with a spinning neckbreaker on DDP. Buff The Stuff Bagwell comes running down the aisle with a chair! Poppa Pump whips Diamond Dallas Page into the ropes. Bagwell jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Bagwell, DDP, and the chair! Diamond Dallas Page staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! Diamond Dallas Page fights back, and has soon sent both Scott Steiner and Buff The Stuff Bagwell into retreat.

My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.

Gagnant : Big Poppa Pump - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 93% , Match Quality : 82%)

Micheal Cole : C’était prévisible, mais Buff Bagwell vient de couter le match à DDP.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ou de procurer la victoire à Scott Steiner.

Micheal Cole : C’est la même chose.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Bagwell devra vite recentrer ca concentration puisqu’il a la chance de mettre la main sur le titre US dès maintenant en affrontant Booker T.

Match #5 – 1 vs 1– US Title Single Match
Booker T vs Buff The Stuff Bagwell.

Match Background: This is a continuation of the DDP \ Booker vs Buff and Bad feud. This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Bagwell who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! STIFF~! chop lights up Bagwell who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Booker slams Buff The Stuff Bagwell down and motions to the crowd. Bodyslam by Booker. Booker T misses a clothesline. Booker T charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Spinebuster by Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Hooks the leg for a two count. Booker blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Spear by Booker T. Hooks the leg for a two count. Booker T scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Buff The Stuff Bagwell powers out of a Booker T headlock. Bagwell slams Booker T. Bagwell goes for a splash but Booker puts the knees up. BIG clothesline on Bagwell. Buff The Stuff Bagwell is in trouble. Scissors Kick! 1....2....3. Diamond Dallas Page comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Diamond Dallas Page spins Bagwell around. Diamond Dallas Page hits the Diamond Cutter! Buff The Stuff Bagwell has been left down on the canvas.

My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4

Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 92% (Crowd : 91% , Match Quality : 94%)

Micheal Cole : Page a remis la monnaie de sa pièce à Bagwell. J’ai vraiment hâte de voir ce match lors de G.A.B.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Le contrat entre les 2 hommes n’est toujours pas signé. D’ailleurs, on est en train de placer le ring afin de procéder à la signature de ce contrat, avant de passer au Main-Event de ce soir, c’est à dire le match entre Sting et Hogan pour la ceinture WHC.

Micheal Cole : Depuis plus d’un mois, cette rivalité entre Bagwell et Page dégénère et les 2 hommes ne se sont toujours pas affrontés.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Voyons si ce contrat sera signé, j’espère que ce sera fait rapidement, car j’ai hâte de voir Sting contre Hogan.

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Diamond Dallas Page s’amène donc vers le ring. Celui qui, il y a peu de temps, était un mal-aimé est l’un des favoris de la foule, si non, LE favoris depuis quelques semaines. Page surfe sur cette vague de popularité depuis qu’il s’est allié à Booker T, et surtout, depuis qu’il a tourné le dos à Buff Bagwell qui a décidé de joindre la New World Order.

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Justement, voilà maintenant Bagwell qui arrive. Buff The Stuff s’amène avec tout l’arrogance qu’on lui connaît. Avant même que Bagwell n’ait mis le pied dans le ring, DDP a déjà signé le contrat. Iron Man Match ! Bagwell grimpe sur le rebord du ring et demande à DDP de reculer. Bagwell entre finalement dans le ring et s’avance vers la table où est posé le contrat. Bagwell signe le contrat et le lance à Page. Alors que DDP regarde le contrat, la NWO débarque dans le ring et vient passer à Tabac DDP.

Micheal Cole : Et bien… Voilà qui met la table à un affrontement unique et de grande tension.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Great American Bash promet. Non seulement le 4 vs 4 War Games, non seulement le match Iron Man entre Page et Bagwell, non seulement le Hell in a Cell entre Hogan et Foley, mais aussi, tous les matchs de Thunder. Mais avant Great American Bash, un match demeure à faire à Nitro, et il se déroulera dès MAINTENANT!

Match #6 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Sting vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Sting slams Hollywood Hulk Hogan down and motions to the crowd. BRUTAL face-first slam from Sting on Hogan. Covers for a quick two count. Hogan blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Hollywood Hulk Hogan hits some punches. How generic. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Sting by Hogan. Remember when that was a legit finish? Hooks the leg for a two count. Hollywood Hulk Hogan drills Sting with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! BAAACK Body drop by Sting gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Sting powers out of a Hollywood Hulk Hogan headlock. Big piledriver on Hogan. Hooks the leg for a two count. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Sting just KILLS Hollywood Hulk Hogan! Pin, but Hogan is out just before the three count. Sting with a spinning neckbreaker on Hogan. Sting slams Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Fallaway slam by Hollywood Hulk Hogan puts down Sting. Hogan pulls a jumping piledriver out of nowhere!! Sting tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Hogan goes to the eyes! Hollywood Hulk Hogan quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Sting collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Sting got screwed! Mick Foley comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Hollywood Hulk Hogan is ready though, and strikes first! Hollywood Hulk Hogan floors Foley. Hollywood Hulk Hogan signals - Big Legdrop! Mick Foley has been left down on the canvas. The attempted ambush has backfired.

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

Gagnant : Hollywood Hogan - Match Overall : 92% (Crowd : 97% , Match Quality : 86%)

Micheal Cole : Sting s’est fait avoir par Hogan. Quel coup bas.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Hogan n’avait pas l’intention de perdre son titre et de se presenter à Great American Bash sans lui. Comme si ce n’était pas assez, il a porté sa Leg Drop sur Mick Foley après le match.

Micheal Cole : Foley a voulu secourir son ami Sting, mais c’est complètement raté.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Tout ça sera à suivre ce dimanche…

Micheal Cole : C’est tout pour nous ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 90%[/color]


Event Note :

Côté Overall show rating, c’est le meilleur Nitro depuis longtemps !

Pas rapport avec l’event, mais DDP accapare 35% des ventes de marchandises depuis son Turn. J’ai rarement vue ça. Lui et Goldberg comptent pour 63% de la marchandise vendu!

Au tournant du prochain mois, une autre vedette, une tête d’affiche de la WWE s’en vient. Je vous laisse spéculer !

Nitro devant Raw par 0,59.

We got a 6.65 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 8046 people.
We made $321840 from ticket sales.

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Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

WCW Title Last Man Standing / Last Chance
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero(c)

Iron Man Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs Buff Bagwell

Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) vs The Hurricane & La Parka vs Billy Kidman & Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku & Chavo Guerrero

4 vs 4 War Games
Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Jeff Jarrett
Goldberg & Sting & Bret Hart & Booker T

Cruiserweight Title No DQ Match
Christopher Daniels vs R-Truth(c)

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WCW Thunder #10
Hogan Era

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Joey Style : Trois jours. Trois petits jours avant Great American Bash ! Cette soirée qui fait grimper les attentes depuis quelques semaines déjà.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : La semaine dernière, nous avons assistés à l’arrivé de CM Punk, Lash LeRoux, Chavo Guerrero Jr. ainsi que Jeff Hardy. C’est 4 hommes peuvent changer la donne ici à Thunder.

Joey Style : Dimanche sera aussi le point culminant de la rivalité entre Chris Benoit et Eddie Guerrero car si Benoit ne gagne pas ce match, il peut dire adieu à une chance au titre WCW.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Pour commencer notre soirée, on retrouvera l’un des nouveaux, Lash LeRoux qui affronte ce soir Jamie Noble.

Match #1 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Lash LeRoux vs Jamie Noble.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Spin kick by Jamie Noble to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Superkick by Jamie Noble practically knocks out all of Lash LeRoux's teeth! Covers for a quick two count. LeRoux backdrops Jamie Noble out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Lash LeRoux. LeRoux just WAFFLES Noble with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Lash LeRoux hits a rolling kick on Noble. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Covers for a quick two count. SHINING WIZARD~! on Noble by LeRoux! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Implant DDT by Lash LeRoux! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Noble backdrops Lash LeRoux out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Jamie Noble. Noble crushes LeRoux with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Slingshot senton by Noble, crushing the chest cavity of LeRoux. Pin, but LeRoux is out just before the three count. Implant DDT by Jamie Noble! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and LeRoux goes down. Jamie Noble misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Flying elbow from Lash LeRoux connects. Slingshot senton by LeRoux, crushing the chest cavity of Noble. Jamie Noble is in trouble. Whiplash!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Lash LeRoux goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : Lash LeRoux - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 70% , Match : 100%)

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On se trouve en arrière où on retrouve Lance Storm. Le Canadien entre dans le bureau d’Alicia Webb, et visiblement, il n’est pas content. Lance Storm est frustré de ne pas être du PPV et Alicia Webb essaie de lui faire comprendre qu’il mérite sa place, comme Eddie Guerrero et Chris Benoit. Mais Storm demeure sur sa position revenant sur le fait qu’il a eu des rivalités avec eux. Alicia Webb en est bien consciente, mais la carte du PPV est pleine. Lance Storm quitte le bureau de la patronne de Thunder avec fracas et l’avise de ne pas compter sur lui ce soir, il quitte le building.

Joey Style : Lance Storm est vraiment en colère. Il a certaines raisons de l’être. Mais il aurait dû en profiter pour prouver à Alicia Webb sa fougue sa ténacité et non s’en aller, frustré.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Tout à fait Joey, mais l’émotion n’est pas la meilleure conseillière! Mais bon, Lance Storm est l’artiste de sa situation. Dans un registre plus heureux Lash LeRoux est aussi maître de sa destiné et il démontre de belles choses encore cette semaine.

Joey Style : Lui et Jamie Noble nous ont donnés tout un match !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est la marque de commerce de Thunder et c’est 2 là pourraient bien avoir plus de visibilité avec ce type de match.

Joey Style : Le match suivant sera aussi un match qui peut permettre à 2 gars d’aller se chercher une visibilité.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Psychosis contre Jushin Liger, la tradition des lutteurs masqués à l’honneur !

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 –Single Match
Jushin Liger vs Psychosis.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Psychosis walks into a high dropkick from Jushin Liger, almost losing several teeth in the process. Liger drops an elbow...but Psychosis moves out of the way. Spinning back kick from Psychosis. Psychosis misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Liger walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Cover, but there's no one to count for Psychosis! Liger pushes out of a Psychosis hold. Hard back suplex on Psychosis. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Springboard reverse elbow by Jushin Liger. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. There's a two count on the pin. Psychosis walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Psychosis backdrops Jushin Liger out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Psychosis. SUPER frankensteiner on Liger, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Liger counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Psychosis can barely stand. Here it comes - Brainbuster. 1....2...3, it's finished. Jushin Liger goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Jushin Liger - Match Overall : 86% (Crowd : 72% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Encore un très bon match !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Une belle victoire par Liger. Je regarde les 2 derniers matchs et vraiment, Lance Storm a tout intérêt à retourner dans le ring plutôt qu’à la maison.

Joey Style : La competition s’intensifie à Thunder et c’est nous et les fans qui en profitent !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Les fans ont encore beaucoup à attendre de Thunder, ce show qui est en train de devenir le show phare de la WCW.

Joey Style : C’est un show différent, et cette difference est payante.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Trève de bla bla. Chavo Guerrero Jr s’amène vers le ring. Il y grimpe, micro à la main. Le nouveau venu à de toute évidence quelque chose à nous partager.

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Chavo Guerrero Jr. : La semaine dernière, j’étais heureux de faire mon retour à la WCW et de retrouver mon cousin Eddie Guerrero… Mais un homme bien particulier est venu gâcher ce moment. Jeff Hardy, ont ne gâche pas mes moments sans en payer le prix. Amènes ton cul ici qu’on règle ça entre homme.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 –Single Match
Jeff Hardy vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Flying elbow from Chavo Guerrero Jr connects. Superkick by Chavo Guerrero Jr practically knocks out all of Jeff Hardy's teeth! Hooks the leg for a two count. Chavo Guerrero Jr misses a clothesline. Standing leg lariat by Jeff Hardy on Chavo. Spin kick by Jeff Hardy to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. There's a two count on the pin. Slingshot senton by J.Hardy, crushing the chest cavity of Chavo. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! J.Hardy uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Chavo Guerrero Jr elbows Jeff Hardy in the face to break a hammerlock. SUPER frankensteiner on J.Hardy, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. J.Hardy walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Spin kick by Chavo Guerrero Jr to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and J.Hardy goes down. J.Hardy flips out of a Chavo Guerrero Jr bodyslam attempt. Jeff Hardy hits a rolling kick on Chavo. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Chavo walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Chavo Guerrero Jr slams J.Hardy, who rolls onto his stomach. What is Jeff Hardy doing? Chavo Guerrero Jr picks him up and signals for a powerbomb. He raises J.Hardy up...but then throws him off. Chavo Guerrero Jr saw that J.Hardy had a chain and was ready to hit him with it. A kick to the gut stuns J.Hardy, and the chain gets taken by Chavo, who wraps it around his fist. Knock-out punch! Jeff Hardy is out cold, KOed by his own weapon! The referee gets up to see the pinfall - 1....2....3! Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out to the first official that Chavo Guerrero Jr used a steel chain to get this victory. The referee reverses the decision! Chavo Guerrero Jr has been disqualified! TAKA Michinoku comes running down the aisle with a chair! Jeff Hardy is just leaving the ring...and TAKA scores with a brutal chair shot! Jeff Hardy falls to the floor holding his head.

My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4

Gagnant : Jeff Hardy - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 74% , Match : 96%)

Joey Style : Quelle attaque violente par TAKA Michinoku sur Jeff Hardy alors qu’il retraitait après sa victoire.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Il faut rappeler qu’on verra un TLC match pour les Cruiserweight Tag Team Title dimanche dans lequel TAKA forme une équipe avec Chavo Guerrero et Jeff Hardy est en équipe avec Billy Kidman.

Joey Style : Ce sera tout un match j’en suis certain. De tout façon, un TLC est toujours impressionnant.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Parlant d’impressionnant, Alicia Webb semble impressionnée par le nouveau venu, CM Punk. Nous avions entendu beaucoup de bien de ce jeune homme qui a fait ses classes dans de plus petites federations avant de joindre le Power Plant.

Joey Style : Et bien, la patronne doit bien l’aimé car Punk se mérite ce soir un match 1 contre 1 avec le champion Cruiserweight, Title on the line !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : J’ai bien hâte de voir ce que Christopher Daniels pensera de ça. Sont protégé qui mérite cette chance avant lui !

Match #4 – 1 vs 1 –Cruiserweight Title Single Match
R-Truth vs CM Punk.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Cruiserweight title. R-Truth has been WCW Cruiserweight champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Punk by R-Truth. Standing leg lariat by R-Truth on Punk. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Flying elbow from R-Truth connects. R-Truth misses a clothesline. Stun Gun from CM Punk! I still can't believe that was Austin's finisher at one point. Lightning kick by Punk on Truth. Covers for a quick two count. Truth blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Super kick by R-Truth. There's a two count on the pin. Tor-NADO DDT from R-Truth, Punk got planted! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Punk counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! CM Punk strikes Truth. Truth reverses a waistlock. R-Truth hits a rolling kick on Punk. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. R-Truth moves in for the kill. Truth Or Consequences! 1....2....3. Christopher Daniels comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Christopher Daniels spins Truth around. Christopher Daniels hits the Angel's Wings! R-Truth has been left down on the canvas.

My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

Gagnant : R-Truth - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 88% , Match : 100%)

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Joey Style : CM Punk ‘est bien défendu mais c’est le champion qui repart avec la victoire, ce qui, dans les circonstance, fera certainement plaisir à Daniels puisqu’il affrontera Truth dimanche.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : En tout cas, Daniels a passé son message à R-Truth après le match. Daniels et CM Punk ont retraité ensemble dans les coulisses après l’attaque de Christopher Daniels.

Joey Style : Le prochain match mettra à l’action 2 équipes qui seront du TLC, Masked Hero, réunis depuis le retour de La Parka ainsi que les champions par équipe Kid Kash et Super Crazy.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Justement, on retrouve La Parka et The Hurricane qui se preparent pour le match en coulisse.

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The Hurricane : Alors, tu as retrouvé tes supers pouvoirs ?

La Parka: Je n’ais pas de pouvoir, je suis seulement un lutteur de la tradition mexicaine, et cette tradition veut que nous soyons masqués !

The Hurricane : Pourquoi sommes nous les Maked Hero ?

La Parka: Car tu es le super-héro et je suis le masqué ! Mais oui, je suis de retour et en pleine forme.

The Hurricane : Allons battre ces 2 wanna-be champions ! …

La Parka: Wazzup with that !

Match #5 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Match (non-title)
Masked Hero vs Super Crazy and Kid Kash.

Match Background: Super Crazy and Kid Kash are the reigning WCW Cruiser Tag Team champions, and have been since 24 April 2014.

The Match: Flying elbow from Super Crazy connects. Lightning kick by Crazy on Hurricane. Covers for a quick two count. Tag between Super Crazy and Kid Kash. Super Crazy and Kid Kash whip Hurricane into the corner. Kid Kash whips Super Crazy in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Kash uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Kid Kash connects with a back heel kick on Hurricane and gets back up quickly. The Hurricane powers out of a Kid Kash headlock. Springboard dropkick from The Hurricane. Nicely done. Tag between The Hurricane and La Parka. Kash takes a flying neckbreaker from La Parka. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Kash is down! Kash counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Kash tags out to Super Crazy. Lightning kick by Crazy on Parka. Springboard dropkick from Super Crazy. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Super Crazy kicks the leg, knocks Parka down, and goes to work on it. Parka reverses a waistlock. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Crazy is down! Masked Hero have Super Crazy to themselves. Triple Powerbomb Frog Splash! 1....2....3! It's over. Masked Hero go into the crowd, where they celebrate their win.

My Opinion: Absolutely solid match. A few minor things brought it down, so I'm tacking on a **** rating.

Gagnant : Masked Hero - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 76% , Match : 96%)

Joey Style : Ouff! Quelle finale par les Masked Hero! Triple Powerbomb et Frog Splash sur Super Crazy.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Il n’y a pas de doute.. La Parka est en forme et ces 2 là veulent reprendre les titres ce dimanche.

Joey Style : Nous arrivons au Main-Event de la soirée qui opposera Billy Kidman et Chris Benoit à Eddie Guerrero et TAKA Michinoku.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Kidman et TAKA qui seront du TLC alors que Benoit et Guerrero s’affrontent dans un Last Man Standing Match, Last Chance Match !

Joey Style : Chris Benoit n’a toujours pas réussi a vaincre Eddie Guerrero depuis le début de la rivalité. Pas de pin, de soumission ou autre.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ça pourrait changer avec ce match.

Match #6 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Match
Billy Kidman and Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero and TAKA Michinoku.

Match Background: This is another chapter in the long-running Benoit vs Eddie feud. So far, Benoit hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Eddie since the feud started. Eddie Guerrero is the reigning WCW Title champion, and has been since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Benoit walks into a high dropkick from Eddie Guerrero, almost losing several teeth in the process. Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. Eddie tags out to TAKA Michinoku. Eddie \ TAKA whip Benoit into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. TAKA uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Chris Benoit powers out of a TAKA Michinoku headlock. TAKA walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Billy Kidman. TAKA takes a NICE hurrancarana from Billy Kidman. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Second rope flying axe handle, TAKA goes down. One day, Kidman might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. TAKA kicks Billy Kidman in the gut to reverse the momentum. Spin kick by TAKA Michinoku to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Tag to Eddie Guerrero. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Kidman goes down. Tag to Chris Benoit. Eddie hits a dropkick on Chris Benoit and gets right back up. Chavo Guerrero Jr comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Chris Benoit turns around. Chavo Guerrero Jr spins Benoit around. Chavo Guerrero Jr hits the Brainbuster! Chavo leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Eddie Guerrero, Benoit got pinned. Chavo Guerrero Jr is still in the ring. He signals for the Brainbuster! Their music hits, and out come Masked Hero to make the save! They march down aisle, which causes Chavo to swiftly exit the ring and leave through the crowd! Masked Hero stopped Chavo Guerrero Jr from continuing his assault.

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Eddie & TAKA - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 79% , Match : 94%)

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Joey Style : Chavo Guerrero Jr c’est assure que Chris Benoit perdure dans sa mauvaise sequence.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Et les Masked Hero se sont assurés de sauver le derrière des Los Guerreros et de TAKA.

Joey Style : Tout ça attaindera son paroxysme dimanche !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Great American Bash, toute la communauté de la WCW vous y attend, bonne soirée à tous.

Show Overall : 86%
Ratings : 7,83 (Smackdown 6,14)

Event Note :

Encore un bon 7,83 de ratings ! 6,14 pour SmackDown.

We got a 7.83 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 9041 people.
We made $361640 from ticket sales.

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Résumé de la carte de Great American Bash jusqu’à maintenant :

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan

WCW Title Last Man Standing / Last Chance
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero(c)

Iron Man Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs Buff Bagwell

Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) vs The Hurricane & La Parka vs Billy Kidman & Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku & Chavo Guerrero

4 vs 4 War Games
Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Jeff Jarrett
Goldberg & Sting & Bret Hart & Booker T

Cruiserweight Title No DQ Match
Christopher Daniels vs R-Truth(c)

Hardcore Title Dark Match
Terry Funk vs Raven (c)
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Nombre de messages : 1108
Je continue de suivre tes shows ne t'en fait pas, j'adore toujours autant voir plus ce que tu fait avec les storys que tu met en place et tout le reste. J'aime ce que tu fait avec les Road Warriors, Booker T qui défend comme un chef son titre presque toute les semaines, NWO vs Foley Goldberg et Sting, les rivalités à Thunder (toujours sous le charme de tes thunder) et autres j'en oublie, J'adore aussi ce que tu fais avec les femmes EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 474843591 (à quand un match Stacy vs Torrie).

Les feud sont bien travaillé rien à dire j'aime beaucoup, et je te tire mon chapeau pour les segments. La carte du prochain PPV est juteuse, hâte de voir si ça sera à la hauteur de la carte Twisted Evil

T'inquiète, je trouve tes shows toujours aussi bon, c'est juste que j'ai manqué de temps. Je continue de suivre t'en fais pas, continue Wink  Hâte de voir le PPV !

EDIT : Il me semblait qu'il y avait un sondage, je n'est pas répondu et maintenant je ne le vois pas, c'est normal ?
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Merci mon cher ! Le Match Torrie vs Stacy n'arrivera pas car elles n'ont aucun aptitude au combat. Mais il y aura des changement. Les 2 sont passé de 75 à 100 d'ov depuis le début ! Alicia Webb est toujours à 79..

Le sondage est là :
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Dark Match - 1 vs 1 – Hardcore Title Match
Raven vs Terry Funk.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WCW Hardcore title. Raven has been WCW Hardcore champion since 19 May 2014.

The Match: Funker takes a headbutt from Raven. Raven uses a big bag of popcorn to floor Funker. I wonder if butter adds impact. BAAACK Body drop by Funker gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Fallaway slam by Raven puts down Terry Funk. Funker ducks a wild right hand. Raven eats a trash can, but not the contents in it, obviously. Spear by Terry Funk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Raven blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Raven gets a stalling fallaway slam on Terry Funk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Raven scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Funker counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Funker hits a right hand. Raven reverses a waistlock. Running knee lift from Raven. Terry Funk is in trouble. Here it comes - Complete Shot. 1....2...3, it's finished. Bam Bam Bigelow has grabbed a chair. Raven walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Funker also takes a hard shot. Bam Bam has laid everybody out!

My Opinion: Almost got a **** match, but was lacking in certain areas, so i'm knocking off a quarter of a star. Yes, there is such a thing as a quarter star. ***3/4.

Gagnant : Raven - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 82% , Match : 88%)

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Micheal Cole : Nous ne vous avons pas encore souhaiter la bienvenue, car vous venez juste d’arriver mais vous avez manquer un match Hardcore des plus intense entre Terry Funk et le champion Raven.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Match remporté par Raven. Le champion qui souvent fait équipe avec Bam Bam Bigelow dernièrement ne sera sûrement plus enclin à faire équipe avec lui car Bam Bam a passé le KO à Funk et Raven après le match.

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Micheal Cole : C’est ce que vous avez manquer ! Maintenant, nous pouvons vous souhaiter la bienvenue officiel à ce Pay Per View du mois de Juin : Great American Bash !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Oh que j’avais hâte que ce PPV se pointe le bout du nez. Le Dark match de la soirée est déjà passé et il reste pas moins de 6 matchs à voir.

Micheal Cole : Des titres, des réputations, des jobs même sont en jeu ce soir.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : J’irais même jusqu’à dire des destinés!

Micheal Cole : Attardons-nous au premier match de ce soir, enfin, premier match télédiffuser. C’est R-Truth qui va défendre son titre de champion Cruiserweight contre Christopher Daniels.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Depuis plus d’un mois, Daniels tente de se faire justice. Alicia Webb lui donne enfin sa chance. À lui de prouver ce qu’il vaut.

Micheal Cole : Mais cette fois, pas de tricherie, puisque le match est un No Dq.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : R-Truth a défendu son titre avec succès contre Cm Punk jeudi dernier. Daniels ne semblait pas heureux de voir son dauphin avoir une chance avant lui. Comme je l’ai dis, à lui d’en profiter.

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Match #1 - 1 vs 1 – No DQ Cruiserweight Title Match
Christopher Daniels vs R-Truth.

Match Background: This will be a No DQ bout. This match is for the WCW Cruiserweight title. R-Truth has been WCW Cruiserweight champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Daniels goes down. R-Truth misses a clothesline. Truth walks into a high dropkick from Christopher Daniels, almost losing several teeth in the process. Christopher Daniels misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Slingshot senton by Daniels, crushing the chest cavity of Truth. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Truth flips out of a Christopher Daniels bodyslam attempt. R-Truth dropkicks Daniels after leaping off an upturned shopping cart! Lightning kick by Truth on Daniels. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tiger suplex on Daniels. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! R-Truth gets taken down out of nowhere! Table shot! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Truth blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Christopher Daniels can barely stand. Truth Or Consequences! 1....2....3.

My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!

Gagnant : R-Truth - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 88% , Match : 100%)

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Micheal Cole : R-Truth célèbre sa victoire mais, pour peu de temps car CM Punk vient s’en prendre à lui. Daniels reprend ses esprits et c’est maintenant un 2 contre 1 sur le champion.

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Jerry «The King» Lawler : Mais c’est Jeff Hardy qui arrive pour sauver R-Truth d’une situation pour le moins désagréable.

Micheal Cole : On verra justement Hardy et The Hurricane dans le match TLC qui aura lieu dans quelques minutes.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Oh, mais regarde ce qui se passe en arrière…

On voit alors La Parka, dans un débrit de table. Il est complètement KO. The Hurricane arrive en courant et appel les medics. Alors qu’on s’occupe de La Parka, Alicia Webb annonce à The Hurricance que Lash LeRoux sera son partenaire ce soir…

Micheal Cole : What ?!

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Jerry «The King» Lawler : Et bien cette malchance pour La Parka donne toute une chance à Lash LeRoux. Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match, it’s a go !

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Match #2 – 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 – Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy and Kid Kash vs The Hurricane and Lash LeRoux vs TAKA Michinoku and Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Jeff Hardy and Billy Kidman.

Match Background: This will be a TLC bout. This match is for the WCW Cruiser Tag Team titles. Super Crazy and Kid Kash have been WCW Cruiser Tag Team champions since 24 April 2014.

The Match: Billy Kidman kicks the leg, knocks LeRoux down, and goes to work on it. Springboard kick drives a table into TAKA. Flying reverse elbow by The Hurricane. Flying elbow by Super Crazy from the top of the ladder! OOHHH, YEAH! Flying elbow from Lash LeRoux connects. LeRoux crushes Kash with a sweet running senton. Chavo Guerrero Jr dropkicks J.Hardy after leaping off an upturned shopping cart! Spin kick by Chavo Guerrero Jr to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Jeff Hardy scoops up Hurricane. Kidman bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. LeRoux gets splashed through a table by Jeff Hardy. Super kick by Billy Kidman. VICIOUS lightning kick by TAKA on Kidman. Diamond Dust from TAKA Michinoku, J.Hardy is out! Dropkick from the middle of the ladder by Kash. Table shot! Super Crazy and Kid Kash climb the ladder and grab the prize for the win.

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Super Crazy & Kid Kash - Match Overall : 82% (Crowd : 76% , Match : 89%)

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Micheal Cole : Et bien là, je suis vraiment surpris de voir ces deux là conserver leurs titres. Ils commencent à s’imposer pas mal !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Crazy et Kash sont de bons lutteurs.

Micheal Cole : Ils viennent de le prouver et ce, de belle façon. Il est certain que Kash et Crazy n’affrontaient pas des équipes bien rodés. Mais ils méritent un A+ pour ce match. J’aimerais souligner aussi la présence de Lash LeRoux en remplacement de La Parka.

Micheal Cole : Voilà la musique de Buff Bagwell ! Buff The Stuff s’en vient vers le ring et prend soin de charmer quelques demoiselles le long de son chemin. Il grimpe dans le ring et celui qui va affronter DDP ce soir prend la parole alors que les demoiselles le sifflent!

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Buff «The Stuff» Bagwell : Merci mes dames ! Je vous comprend, ce n’est pas tous les jours qu’un gars comme moi passe dans votre ville de merde. Mais ce soir, avant de prendre du bon temps avec la chanceuse de la soirée, il y a quelque chose d’important. Non pas Diamond Dallas Page, lui on s’en fou. Mais ma victoire étincelante qui me propulsera vers les hauts sommets de cette fédération.

C’est alors que La Parka arrive. Celui qui c’est fait attaqué plutôt ce soir entre dans le ring. Bagwell le bouscule mais La Parka repousse Bagwell à son tour. Les 2 hommes s’échangent quelques droites quand La Parka en bloque une et… DIAMOND CUTTER !?!

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Micheal Cole : Diamond Dallas Page a déjoué tout le monde ainsi que Buff Bagwell.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Le prochain match ne nous donnera pas la compétition relative à un match ou le titre est en jeu… Mais il risque d’y avoir bien de l’animosité dans ce match.

Micheal Cole : En effet Bobby, 4 membres de la nWo contre Goldberg, Sting, Booker T et Bret Hart. Ces 4 hommes s’affrontent dans un War Games, match qu’on voit rarement !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Svge, Steiner, Nash et Double J constituent l’équipe nWo. Voyons ce qui ce match donnera !

Match #3 - 4 vs 4 – War Games Match
nWo vs Goldberg, Sting, Bret Hart & Booker T.

Match Background: New World Order consists of Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Scott Steiner, and Jeff Jarrett. Team Booker consists of Booker T, Sting, Bill Goldberg, and Bret Hart. DDP \ Booker and Buff and Bad have been feuding for quite some time now. Booker T is the reigning WCW United States champion, and has been since 24 March 2014.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Booker who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Fallaway slam by Jeff Jarrett puts down Booker T. Scott Steiner connects with rights and lefts and Booker T is down! Booker walks into a side slam. Kevin Nash drives Booker into the cage side. Scott Steiner hits some punches. How generic. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Scott Steiner ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Spinebuster by Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner launches Goldberg into the cage wall. BIG clothesline on Goldberg. Big piledriver on Goldberg. Jeff Jarrett scores with a standing spinebuster. Jeff Jarrett launches Goldberg into the cage wall. Goldberg flips out of a Jeff Jarrett bodyslam attempt. Running knee lift from Sting. A sit out full nelson slam on Jarrett. Sting launches Jarrett into the cage wall. Sting scoops up Jarrett. The Hitman bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Bret Hart drives Poppa Pump into the cage side. Delayed BRAINBUSTAH~! by The Hitman who held onto that one for ages. Bret Hart launches Poppa Pump into the cage wall. Bodyslam by Booker. Big piledriver on Poppa Pump. The Hitman \ Booker whip Poppa Pump into the corner. Bret Hart whips Booker T in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Poppa Pump kicks Bret Hart in the gut to reverse the momentum. BIG clothesline on The Hitman. Massive backbreaker on The Hitman and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Bret Hart once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. The Hitman \ Sting whip Savage into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Sting throws Savage into the cage. Randy Savage comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Spinebuster by Randy Savage. Randy Savage has gotten a chair from under the ring! Sting walks over...and gets smashed across the head with it. There's another shot...and another! Sting collapses to the ground, and the referee calls for the bell! Sting has been rendered unconscious, and that has ended the match.

My Opinion: They definitely need to hook up again, I don't care what anyone says. ***1\2

Gagnant : nWo - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 89% , Match : 85%)

Micheal Cole : Ouff ! Sting s’est prit un coup de chaise, mais tout un et ce, en pleine gueule et Randy Savage a ainsi procure la victoire à son équipe.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : C’est une grosse victoire pour l’équipe nWo, mais les plus gros matchs sont à venir pour la New World Order. Le prochain alors que Bagwell affronte DDP dans un Iron Man Match, mais surtout, le Main-Event entre Foley et Hogan.

Micheal Cole : On se souviendra pour l’histoire entre Page et Bagwell, que tout dérapé quand Bagwell a couté le match pour le titre US à Page alors qu’il affrontait Booker T lors de Spring Stampede.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : C’est sur que de lancer la chaise à Booker T n’a pas aidé Page… Mais ce soir, c’est face à face, dans un Iron Man Match que ça va se passer.

Match #4 - 1 vs 1 – Iron Man Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs Buff The Stuff Bagwell.

Match Background: This will be an iron man bout. DDP \ Booker and Buff and Bad have been feuding for quite some time now.

The Match: FIRST FALL: Fallaway slam by Buff The Stuff Bagwell puts down Diamond Dallas Page. Bagwell hits a piledriver on Diamond Dallas Page. That used to end matches, you know. Covers for a quick two count. DDP backdrops Buff The Stuff Bagwell out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Diamond Dallas Page. Bagwell is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Buff The Stuff Bagwell by DDP. Remember when that was a legit finish? Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying spear out of the corner! Bagwell nearly got crushed into little bits! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Diamond Dallas Page with a spinning neckbreaker on Bagwell. DDP goes for a splash but Bagwell puts the knees up. Nice piledriver on DDP. Covers for a quick two count. High Angle DDT by Buff The Stuff Bagwell just SPIKES Diamond Dallas Page down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Running knee lift from Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Bagwell hits a right hand. DDP ducks a wild right hand. BAAACK Body drop by Bagwell gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Massive lariat by DDP with some POWER behind it. ONE...TWO...THREE. DDP defeats Bagwell. SECOND FALL: DDP hits a right hand. Bagwell is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Diamond Dallas Page with a spinning neckbreaker on Bagwell. BAAACK Body drop by Bagwell gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Buff The Stuff Bagwell comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying shoulder tackle by Bagwell sends DDP CRASHING to the mat. DDP walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. There's a two count on the pin. Bagwell charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Ring-shaking body slam on Bagwell. Covers for a quick two count. Massive lariat by DDP with some POWER behind it. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Buff The Stuff Bagwell pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Spear by Buff The Stuff Bagwell. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Buff The Stuff Bagwell pins DDP. THIRD FALL: DDP slams Buff The Stuff Bagwell. Bagwell blocks a punch. DDP is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. DDP reverses an irish whip...and Buff The Stuff Bagwell runs into the referee! Brutal sit out powerbomb on DDP! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! DDP counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. BIG clothesline on Bagwell. Diamond Dallas Page hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by DDP connects as Bagwell is down! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Bagwell powers out of a headlock. DDP walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Pin, but DDP is out just before the three count. Diamond Dallas Page elbows Buff The Stuff Bagwell in the face to break a hammerlock. Buff The Stuff Bagwell can barely stand. Diamond Cutter!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! END OF BOUT. Scott Steiner comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Scott Steiner drops DDP to the canvas. Scott Steiner quickly locks on the Steiner Recliner! Diamond Dallas Page has been left down on the canvas.

My Opinion: Slightly above average match. Only gets a **3\4 rating from me.

Gagnant : DDP - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 93% , Match : 83%)

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Micheal Cole : Et bien, Pge n’aura pas vraiment savouré cette belle victoire. Scott Steiner envoie Page au sol et lui porte son Steiner Recliner.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Ça va déjà un peu moins bien pour la New World Order…

Micheal Cole : Nous en sommes déjà à l’avant dernier match de cette soirée qui jusqu’à maintenant, n’a pas manqué d’action. Le prochain match est le match dernière chance de Chris Benoit alors qu’il affrontera Eddie Guerrero pour le WCW Title dans un Last Man Standing Match.

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Mais j’entends la musique de la New World Order et la troupe grimpe dans le ring. Les members de la nWo se place en «U» autour d’Hogan qui prend la parole.

The man, owner and champion of the WCW – Hollywood Hulk Hogan : J’espère que vous passez une belle soirée. La mienne est en demi teinte et j’ai une mauvaise nouvelle pour vous. On m’a apprit ce matin que d’un commun accord, Alicia Webb avait mis fin au contrat de Lance Storm lui qui était mécontent. Thunder a de merveilleux chiffres, mais de laisser aller Storm de la sorte, ce n’est pas la WCW. Je suis avant tout le propriétaire de cette compagnie. J’ai pris une décision suite à cette nouvelle. Alicia Webb a été mise à la porte. Elle n’est pas ici ce soir et elle n’est plus sous contrat avec la WCW. Ce qui laisse donc la place de GM de Thunder vacant. Il y a 2 jeunes femmes qui en mènent large là-bas et j’ai de la misère à me décidé de qui entre Stacy Keibler et Torrie Wilson devrait s’occuper de ce show…

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La musique de Stacy Keibler débute et les plus belles jambes de la WCW s’en viennent dans le ring. Stacy Keibler se dirige vers la table des commentateurs et y grimpe… Avant qu’une musique commence et Stacy retire sa jupe sous le regard hypnotisé de Jerry The King. Elle fait une danse en fixant Hogan dans les yeux pour ensuite aller le rejoindre dans le ring. C’est alors que la musique de Torrie Wilson débute. Torrie grimpe dans le ring et retire un peignoir pour révélé un jolie bikini rouge. Sucette à la bouche, elle s’approche d’Hogan et liche sensuellement sa sucette avant de lui faire un clin d’œil.

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The man, owner and champion of the WCW – Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que vous êtes convainquantes les filles ! Et bien je crois que la solution est simple, chacune d’entre vous aura son tour. 2 femmes qui ne s’entendent pas, ça ne peut que donner du piquant n’est pas les Brothers ?

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Les membres de la NWO confirment alors que la musique du groupe reprend de plus belle. Tout le monde quitte le ring car c’est le temps du WCW Title Match.

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Match #5 - 1 vs 1 – WCW Title Last Man Standing Match
Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero.

Match Background: This will be a last man standing bout. This is another chapter in the long-running Benoit vs Eddie feud. So far, Benoit hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Eddie since the feud started. This match is for the WCW Title title. Eddie Guerrero has been WCW Title champion since 18 May 2014.

The Match: Eddie takes a back suplex. Chris Benoit sets up a chair, then bounces off it to hit a flying avalanche into the corner. VERY Sabu-like. Benoit hits a dropkick on Eddie Guerrero and gets right back up. Second rope flying axe handle, Eddie goes down. One day, Benoit might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Eddie Guerrero is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Benoit gets splashed through a table by Eddie Guerrero. Eddie crushes Benoit with a huge legdrop. The referee gets to a five count....and Chris Benoit gets back up. Eddie Guerrero gets taken down out of nowhere! Flying cross body off the top rope! The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Eddie stands up. Tiger suplex on Eddie. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. The referee gets to a seven count....and Eddie Guerrero gets back up. Chris Benoit misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Benoit walks into a high dropkick from Eddie Guerrero, almost losing several teeth in the process. Benoit reverses a waistlock. Benoit hits a dropkick on Eddie Guerrero and gets right back up. Chris Benoit has Eddie Guerrero down on the canvas. Here it comes...Crippler Crossface! Eddie Guerrero is almost unconscious with pain! The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Chris Benoit extends his hand to Eddie...and it is accepted! They shake!

My Opinion: Absolutely solid match. A few minor things brought it down, so I'm tacking on a **** rating.

Gagnant : Chris Benoit - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 80 % , Match : 96%)

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Micheal Cole : QUOI ! Les 2 hommes viennent de se serer la main ! C’est … incroyable !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Eddie Guerrero qui démontre du Fair play, on aura tout vu. Les 2 hommes repartent vers les coulisses cotes à cotes… OH MON DIEU!

Micheal Cole : Est-ce qu’il est vivant ?

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Eddie Guerrero vient de pousser Chris Benoit en bas de la rampe et le nouveau champion fait une chute d’une 12aines de pied dans le kit de son. De la fumée et des flemmèches sortent du tas d’électronique alors que des paramédics s’affairent à aider Benoit.

Micheal Cole : Tu as vu le regard et le sourire d’Eddie… On vous donnera plus de détails d’ici la fin du PPV… puisqu’on descend le Hell in the Cell !

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Match #6 - 1 vs 1 – WHC Championship + Creative Controle of Nitro – Hell in a Cell
Mick Foley vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan has been WCW World Heavyweight champion since 20 April 2014.

The Match: Foley walks into a side slam. Mick Foley fights out of a grapple. STIFF~! chop lights up Hogan who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Running knee lift from Mick Foley. Flying shoulder tackle by Foley sends Hogan CRASHING to the mat. Hogan kicks Mick Foley in the gut to reverse the momentum. Ring-shaking body slam on Foley. Flying spear out of the corner! Foley nearly got crushed into little bits! Mick Foley charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Foley reverses a Hollywood Hulk Hogan hammerlock. Running knee lift from Mick Foley. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Mick Foley just KILLS Hollywood Hulk Hogan! Kevin Nash comes running down the aisle with a chair! Hogan goes to irish whip Mick Foley into the ropes. Nash prepares to swing the chair...but Mick Foley reverses! Nash accidentally smacks Hogan with a chair to the back! Mick Foley moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Double Arm DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished. Mick Foley goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: Ohh, looky. A **3/4 match!

Gagnant : Mick Foley - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 95% , Match : 79%)

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Micheal Cole : OH MY GOD ! Mick Foley est le champion ! Nash vient de coûter le titre, et le contrôle Créatif des mains d’Hogan…

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Mick Foley champion et en charge total de Nitro ! Alicia Webb n’est plus à la WCW et nous avons une nouvelle de dernière minute…

Micheal Cole : Plus recent que la victoire de Mick Foley ?

Jerry «The King» Lawler : On vient tout juste de m’informer que la WCW vient de passé devant la WWE au classement des fédérations de lutte professionnelle !

Micheal Cole : QUOI!

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Great American Bash marque l’histoire de la WCW, mais aussi de la competition entre la WCW et la WWE. Qui aurait cru que ça se reproduirait un jour !

Micheal Cole : Nous aurions besoin d’un autre 2 heures pour réagir à tout ce qu’on a vu ce soir, mais nous devons vous quitté !

Jerry «The King» Lawler : Good Night Folks, à demain pour NITRO !

Show Overall : 88% [/color]

Event Note :

We got a 1.86 buy rate for 'The Great American Bash'!
The attendance was 18319 people.
We made $4650000 from pay-per-view revenue.
We made $1099140 from ticket sales.

La WCW est maintenant la première fédération devançant la WWE !

Alicia Webb et Lance Storm virés.

Foley en charge de Nitro, Stacy Keibler et Torrie Wilson en charge de Thunder.

Résumé des résultats de Great American Bash:

WCW Title/Commish Job Hell in a Cell Match
Mick Foley à cause d’une interference ratée de Kevin Nash.

WCW Title Last Man Standing / Last Chance
Chris Benoit gagne la ceinture !

Iron Man Match
Diamond Dallas Page

Cruiserweight Tag Team Title TLC Match
Super Crazy & Kid Cash(c) concervent leur titre.

4 vs 4 War Games
La NOW remportent le War Games

Cruiserweight Title No DQ Match
R-Truth conserve son titre.

Hardcore Title Dark Match
Raven (c)

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

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WCW Nitro #16
Hogan Era

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Micheal Cole : Bonjour à tous et à toutes et bienvenue à ce Nitro moins de 24h après Great American Bash, qui porte bien son nom. En fait, ce n’était pas Great, c’était Awesome !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Nouveau champion World Heavyweight, nouveau champion WCW ! Kash et Crazy qui conservent leurs titres comme Booker T et R-Truth !

Micheal Cole : Mick Foley qui prend le contrôle total de Nitro, et le WHC ! Alicia Webb qui est virée…

Jerry « the King« Lawler : On retrouve d’ailleurs Mick Foley en direct des coulisses. Le GM de Nitro aurait une grande annonce à faire.

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«People Boss» Mick Foley : What a NICE DAY! C’était toute une soirée hier. Ce retour dans le ring était ma foi… satisfaisant. Je veux d’ailleurs remercier Kevin Nash qui m’a aidé là dedans ! HAHAHA ! Mais bon, je suis revenu à la demande du comité de direction et pas pour lutter à temps plein. Ce titre est un honneur que j’apprécie, mais il sera mieux défendu par un lutteur temps plein. Ce soir sera une soirée spéciale car vous verrez un nouveau champion du monde poids lourd. La carte de ce soir sera constituée de 5 matchs. Les 3 premiers seront des 1 vs 1 vs 1 Elimination et les 3 gagnants s’affronteront dans un Ultime 3 Mens Cage Match pour le WHC. Le Pre Main-Event sera entre Booker T et Jeff Jarrett pour le US Title. Le premier Elimination sera entre Goldberg vs Hogan vs Road Warrior Hawk. Le deuxième sera entre Sting vs Kevin Nash vs Road Warrior Animal et le 3e entre Diamond Dallas Page vs Scott Steiner vs Bret Hart. Tu vois Hogan, je suis capable d’être juste et équitable ! Bonne soirée à tous, Have a Nice Day !

Match #1 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Elimination Match
Bill Goldberg vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Road Warrior Hawk.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout.

The Match: Hogan scoops and slams Bill Goldberg. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Road Warrior Hawk connects with rights and lefts and Hollywood Hulk Hogan is down! Bill Goldberg once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Massive backbreaker on Hawk. Hogan gets hit with a HUGE clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. High Angle DDT by Road Warrior Hawk just SPIKES Bill Goldberg down! Cover gets three for Road Warrior Hawk, Goldberg got pinned. Hogan is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Spear by Road Warrior Hawk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Road Warrior Hawk misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Hawk walks into a face-first flapjack. Hollywood Hulk Hogan floors Road Warrior Hawk. Here it comes - Big Legdrop, forget about it. 1....2...3!

My Opinion: All it gets is a ***1\2 rating from me. Deal with it.

Gagnant : Hollywood Hogan - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 93% , Match Quality : 83%)

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Micheal Cole : Mais quelle soirée c’est déjà ! Hogan passe au match Main-Event et aura la chance de reprendre son titre.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Kevin Nash ne lui a pas coûté le match cette fois ! J’ai été surprise de voir Hawk sortir Goldberg du match.

Micheal Cole : Goldberg lui même a dû être surpris, lui qui aurait bien voulu reprendre cette ceinture.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Voyons ce qui dira le prochain Elimination Match !

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Elimination Match
Kevin Nash vs Sting vs Road Warrior Animal.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout.

The Match: Road Warrior Animal hits some punches. How generic. Animal hits a right hand. Sting reverses a waistlock. Fallaway slam by Sting puts down Road Warrior Animal. Powerful Spear by Kevin Nash. I'd like to see him spear Goldberg, just for my amusement. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and ther
e. BIG clothesline on Nash. Kevin Nash avoids a Road Warrior Animal avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Sting & Nash whip Animal into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Sting scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Cover gets three for Sting, Animal got pinned. Sting gets a stalling fallaway slam on Kevin Nash. Sting misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Kevin Nash drills Sting with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Hooks the leg for a two count. Sting elbows Kevin Nash in the face to break a hammerlock. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Sting, executed to perfection. Sting has Kevin Nash down on the canvas. Kevin Nash gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory!

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Sting - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 90% , Match Quality : 85%)

Micheal Cole : Ouff ! Je ne sais pas qui de Page, Steiner ou Bret Hart sera de la finale pour ce WHC, mais il y aura de la compétition car en plus d’Hogan, c’est Sting qui sera dans ce match.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Mais pour l’instant, Buff Bagwell s’en vient sur le ring. Après quelques mots doux avec une demoiselle à l’avant, il grimpe dans le ring et micro à la main, prend la parole…

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Buff «The Stuff» Bagwell : Hey Foley, tu n’as pas oublié quelqu’un dans ces match éliminatoire. Je veux ma place. Buff The Stuff mérite cette place. Je suis…

SELF HIGH FIVE…BANG ! C’est Diamond Dallas Page qui s’amène et DDP ne vient pas pour faire l’accolade à Buff Bagwell. Il grimpe dans le ring et la bagarre éclate rapidement entre les 2 hommes. Page sort Bagwell du ring avec un Diamond Cutter avant de le pousser à l’extérieur.

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Diamond Dallas Page : C’est pour ça que tu n’es pas de ce match. Maintenant, j’ai quelque chose à régler avec Scott Steiner, et je devrai aussi vaincre Bret Hart pour renouer avec l’or et mettre la main sur le World Heavyweight Title.

Micheal Cole : Buff Bagwell vient de se faire fermer la trappe par Page…

Jerry « the King« Lawler : voyons qui accompagnera Sting et Hogan dans le Main-Event !

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Elimination Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs Scott Steiner vs Bret Hart.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. This is another chapter in the long-running DDP \ Booker vs Buff and Bad feud.

The Match: DDP hits a right hand. STIFF~! chop lights up DDP who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Poppa Pump goes for a splash but The Hitman puts the knees up. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Bret Hart! Full nelson slam on DDP. Covers for a quick two count. Powerbomb on The Hitman. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Scott Steiner pins The Hitman. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Scott Steiner ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Nice piledriver on DDP. Hooks the leg for a two count. Scott Steiner misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Diamond Dallas Page drills Scott Steiner with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Scott Steiner is in trouble. Diamond Cutter!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

My Opinion: Almost got a **** match, but was lacking in certain areas, so i'm knocking off a quarter of a star. Yes, there is such a thing as a quarter star. ***3/4.

Gagnant : Diamond Dallas Page - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 90% , Match Quality : 85%)

Micheal Cole : Grosse victoire par Page. DDP a le vent dans les voiles depuis qu’il a change de camp, comme en témoigne sa victoire d’hier et de ce soir.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : BANG! Comme dirait DDP. Page sera donc le 3e participant de ce match avec Sting et Hogan. Avant d’aller à ce match, Booker T affonte Jarrett.

Micheal Cole : Mais voici qu’Hogan s’amène vers le ring. Le champion déchu n’a vraiment pas l’air de bon humeur, malgré sa victoire un peu plus tôt ce soir.

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Hollywood Hogan : Ce n’est pas bon moment pour Hogan. Mon titre, mon show. Je suis le propriétaire mais le Conseil d’administration à préséance et voilà que je suis pris avec Foley sur les bras… Mais le pire… C’est que tout ça a été causé par un de mes Brothers. Je dois dire que je suis….

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La musique de la New World Order reprend et cette fois, c’est Kevin Nash qui s’amène. Nash vient rejoindre Hogan dans le ring et les 2 hommes échangent plusieurs mots et ils ne semblent pas parler de recette de cuisine. Hogan pointe Nash du doigt et la tension monte entre les 2 hommes. Le reste de la nWo viendra séparer les 2 hommes avant qu’ils n’en viennent aux poings.

Micheal Cole : Ça brasse dans la New World Order!

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ce n’est pas étonnant avec tout ce qui se passe. S’il faut que le nWo tourne le dos à Nash, il sera bien seul en l’absence de son ami de toujours Scott Hall. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est l’heure du Pre Main-Event !

Match #4 – 1 vs 1– US Title Match
Booker T vs Jeff Jarrett.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW United States title. Booker T has been WCW United States champion since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Flying shoulder tackle by Jarrett sends Booker CRASHING to the mat. Spear by Jeff Jarrett. Hooks the leg for a two count. Booker T comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Jarrett is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Fallaway slam by Booker T puts down Jeff Jarrett. Covers for a quick two count. Massive lariat! Stan Hansen would approve. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! BIG clothesline on Jarrett. Jarrett flips out of a Booker T bodyslam attempt. Spinebuster by Jeff Jarrett. There's a two count on the pin. Jeff Jarrett scores with a big spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Running knee lift from Jeff Jarrett. STIFF~! chop lights up Booker who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Booker blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! BAAACK Body drop by Jarrett gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. High Angle DDT by Booker T just SPIKES Jeff Jarrett down! Jeff Jarrett slides out and grabs a chair! Booker goes to climb out of the ring...and takes a chair to the head! The referee has no hesitation in calling for the bell! Disqualification. Jeff Jarrett looks furious. The referee walks over...and gets blasted with a clothesline! Jarrett has lost it!

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Booker T - Match Overall : 87% (Crowd : 84% , Match Quality : 90%)

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Micheal Cole : Il triche en ensuite s’en prend à Double J. Il méritait d’être disqualifié, il n’avait pas à s’en prendre pour l’arbitre.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est du grand Jeff Jarrett Micheal ! Nous sommes à quelques instant d’avoir un nouveau champion du monde poids lourd. Foley a renoncé au titre en début de match et, Fair Play, a donné une chance à Hogan.

Micheal Cole : Hogan a saisi cette chance, tout comme Sting et Diamond Dallas Page ce qui donnera un impressionnant Cage Match.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : D’ici la fin de ce match, nous couronnerons notre nouveau champion du monde poids lourd.

Match #5 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 –WHC Cage Match
Sting vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. This match is for the WCW World Heavyweight title.

The Match: Hogan hits a right hand. Hollywood Hulk Hogan connects with rights and lefts and Sting is down! Hogan charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Diamond Dallas Page drives Hogan into the cage side. DDP gets hit with a HUGE clothesline. Sting and DDP climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! BAAACK Body drop by Sting gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Hogan goes for a splash but Sting puts the knees up. DDP \ Sting whip Hogan into the corner. Diamond Dallas Page whips Sting in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Diamond Dallas Page scores with a NASTY spinebuster. Sting drives DDP into the cage side. Diamond Dallas Page reverses a hip toss. BAAACK Body drop by Hogan gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Buff The Stuff Bagwell runs down to ringside and throws a chair over the top to Hogan...but DDP catches it instead! Chair shot takes Hollywood Hulk Hogan down and out! DDP escapes the cage for the win.

My Opinion: Absolutely solid match. A few minor things brought it down, so I'm tacking on a **** rating.

Gagnant : Diamond Dallas Page - Match Overall : 86% (Crowd : 100% , Match Quality : 89%)

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Micheal Cole : QUOI ! Après Nash, Buff Bagwell !?

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Hogan vient de perdre le titre à Page à cause de Bagwell.

Micheal Cole : Diamond Dallas Page a gagné ce match à cause de l’interférence ratée de Bagwell tu veux dire.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Tu as raison qu’il ne faut pas oublier que Diamond Dallas Page s’empare du titre de champion poids lourd.

Micheal Cole : La New World Order est en effondrement total ! Ils n’ont plus de pouvoir et pas plus de titre.

Micheal Cole : C’est tout le temps que nous avions ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 87%[/color]


Event Note :

Au tournant du prochain mois, une autre vedette, une tête d’affiche de la WWE s’en vient. Je vous laisse spéculer !

Nouveau champion WHC.

We got a 6.86 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 9044 people.
We made $361760 from ticket sales.

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WCW Thunder #11
Hogan Era – Torrie Wilson First Night

Torrie Wilson : Bonsoir à tous ! Je suis heureuse de vous accueillir à ce premier Thunder sous ma gouverne ! J’ai préparé 5 matchs pour vous ce soir et 2 titres seront en jeu alors que Chris Benoit va défendre son titre contre Psychosis et Jushin Liger alors que les champions par équipe affronteront les Masked Hero dans un Ladder Match pour les titres! J’ai pour vous ce soir une carte relevée et j’espère que vous apprécierez. Merci à tous et…

Stacy Keibler arrive et celle qui sera en charge du show la semaine prochaine vient rejoindre Torrie Wilson dans le ring et prend la parole.

Stacy Keibler : Oh.My.God. Mais quelle carte de merde ! Un traitement de faveur pour Chris Benoit, encore les Masked Hero qui ne font jamais rien et finalement, rien pour TAKA Michinoku.

Torrie Wilson : Bien sur que oui, il pourra se faire valoir dans un match contre Lash LeRoux.

Stacy Keibler : Se faire valoir ? Tu lui donne ce minable roux… Taka est une légende en Asie. Il mérite plus de respect.

Torrie Wilson : C’est tout ce que tu auras ce soir.

Stacy Keibler : Petite salope…

Torrie Wilson se fait giffler par Stacy. Keibler envoie Torrie dans les câbles mais Torrie lui envoie un coup de genou dans le ventre suivis d’un DDT et la GM de ce soir sort Stacy du ring.

Torrie Wilson : Sécurité, sortez cette femme d’ici. Elle est interdite dans le building tant que le show n’est pas terminé. Maintenant, débutons ce show avec un match élimination à 4 hommes !

Match #1 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1- Elimination Match
Jamie Noble vs Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Ultimo Dragon vs X-Pac.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout.

The Match: Pac hits a dropkick on Ultimo Dragon and gets right back up. Dragon walks into a high dropkick from X-Pac, almost losing several teeth in the process. Hooks the leg for a two count. Pac tags out to Jamie Noble. Dragon takes a flying neckbreaker from Jamie Noble. SHINING WIZARD~! on Dragon by Noble! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Tag to Chavo Guerrero Jr. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Tag to X-Pac. X-Pac kicks the leg, knocks Chavo down, and goes to work on it. Chavo kicks X-Pac in the gut to reverse the momentum. Slingshot senton by Chavo, crushing the chest cavity of Pac. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Chavo Guerrero Jr pins Pac. Spin kick by Ultimo Dragon to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Lightning kick by Dragon on Chavo. Hooks the leg for a two count. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Tag between Chavo Guerrero Jr and Jamie Noble. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Second rope flying axe handle, Dragon goes down. One day, Noble might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Ultimo Dragon fights out of a grapple. Implant DDT by Ultimo Dragon! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Back heel kick off the second rope, Noble goes down. ONE...TWO...THREE. Dragon defeats Noble. Superkick by Ultimo Dragon practically knocks out all of Chavo Guerrero Jr's teeth! SHINING WIZARD~! on Chavo by Dragon! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Ultimo Dragon misses a clothesline. Ultimo Dragon charges, Chavo moves, and the referee is knocked silly! Ultimo Dragon knocks Chavo to the outside, then signals for the Dragon Sleeper. He reaches out of the ring for Chavo Guerrero Jr...and gets clobbered with the ring bell! Right to the head! The referee wakes up to see Chavo sliding in and making the pinfall: 1....2....3! Forget about it.

My Opinion: A ***3/4 rating! Yay!

Gagnant : Chavo Guerrero Jr. - Match Overall : 81% (Crowd : 73% , Match : 90%)

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Joey Style : Par où commencer Bobby?

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Par bonsoir tout le monde. C’est le permier show suivant Great American Bash et laissez moi vous dire que les choses changent…et que ça va vite !

Joey Style : Lance Storm a quitté, Alicia Webb a été mise à la porte. Torrie Wilson et Stacy Keibler sont co-Gm à raison de chacune sa semaine.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Chris Benoit est le champion WCW et lui et Eddie Guerrero se sont serrés la main après leur match lors du PPV.

Joey Style : Stacy Keibler vient d’être interdite dans le building de ce soir et la rivalité promet entre les 2 co general managers.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : J’ai hâte de voir ce que Stacy fera la semaine prochaine, car ça semble terminé pour elle cette semaine.

Joey Style : Chavo Guerrero vient de gagner un beau match d’ouverture et on passe maintenant au match qui a déclenchée la furie de Stacy !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Une belle chance pour Lash LeRoux qui connait tout un début alors qu’il affronte ce soir TAKA Michinoku.

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 –Single Match
Lash LeRoux vs TAKA Michinoku.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Spin kick by Lash LeRoux to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Flying cross body off the top rope! Covers for a quick two count. TAKA Michinoku once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and LeRoux goes down. Implant DDT by TAKA Michinoku! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Covers for a quick two count. DDT from the top rope by TAKA Michinoku. That looked KILLER! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Second rope flying axe handle, LeRoux goes down. One day, TAKA might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. LeRoux reverses a TAKA Michinoku hammerlock. Lightning kick by LeRoux on TAKA. Covers for a quick two count. Slingshot senton by LeRoux, crushing the chest cavity of TAKA. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! TAKA takes a flying neckbreaker from Lash LeRoux. Lash LeRoux connects with a back heel kick on TAKA and gets back up quickly. TAKA blocks a kick from Lash LeRoux. LeRoux takes a flying neckbreaker from TAKA Michinoku. Springboard dropkick from TAKA Michinoku. Nicely done. Lash LeRoux is in trouble. Michinoku Driver! 1....2....3. Lash LeRoux offers a handshake to TAKA...and he accepts it! No! TAKA Michinoku levels LeRoux with a cheap shot right hand! TAKA Michinoku spins LeRoux around. TAKA Michinoku hits the Michinoku Driver! Lash LeRoux has been floored after the match.

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : TAKA - Match Overall : 86% (Crowd : 72% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Lash LeRoux c’est fait avoir pour son Fair Play après le match, il a perdu ce match, mais il a encore marquee des points avec une très belle prestation !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : J’aime bien ces 2 jeunes venus du Power Plant, LeRoux et CM Punk.

Joey Style : Justement, CM Punk sera du prochain match.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Justement, Gene Okerlund l’attend en bas de la rampe…

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Gene Okerlund : Le voilà qui arrive, CM Punk. Punk, cette association avec Chris Daniels, c’est durable ?

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«Ennemi of the State» CM Punk : Nous formerons désormais une équipe. C’est nous qui devrait avoir une chance pour les titres par équipe. Pas ces 2 clowns masqués…

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Daniels vient alors rejoindre CM Punk.

«Ennemi of the State» CM Punk : Ce soir, ce sera la première victoire d’une grande série pour l’équipe qui marquera l’histoire… Ennemies of the State, Daniels et CM Punk !

Les 2 hommes avancent vers le ring alors que Gene Okerlund annonce que Ennemies of the State affronteront R-Truth et Jeff Hardy dans quelques minutes…

Match #3 – 2 vs 2– Single Match
R-Truth and Jeff Hardy vs Enemies of the State.

Match Background: Punk and Daniels are teaming up as Enemies of the State for the first time tonight. Enemies of the State and J.Hardy \ Truth have been feuding recently. Neither team holds an in-ring victory since the feud started. R-Truth is the reigning WCW Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 18 May 2014.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Punk by Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy hits a rolling kick on Punk. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. There's a two count on the pin. J.Hardy tags out to R-Truth. J.Hardy \ Truth whip Punk into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Second rope flying axe handle, Punk goes down. One day, Truth might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. CM Punk reverses a hip toss. Springboard reverse elbow by CM Punk. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Christopher Daniels. Springboard reverse elbow by Christopher Daniels. Excellent move. Looks like Muta has giving out lessons. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Hard back suplex on Truth. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. R-Truth powers out of a Christopher Daniels headlock. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Tag to Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy connects with a back heel kick on Daniels and gets back up quickly. Tag to CM Punk. J.Hardy hits a dropkick on CM Punk and gets right back up. Jeff Hardy has CM Punk down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Swanton Bomb! 1....2....3. Enemies of the State look like they aren't done...and they attack J.Hardy \ Truth! After an exchange of blows, J.Hardy and Truth are laid out in the ring.

My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!

Gagnant : Jeff Hardy & R-Truth - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 89% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Quel match Bobby ! Victoire par Jeff Hardy et le champion Cruiserweight, mais revanche immédiate par les Ennemies of the State.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Mais c’était un sapré match ! Toute une soirée jusqu’à maintenant grace à Torrie Wilson.

Joey Style : Mais on va se dire les vrais choses, elle à mit son protégé dans un drôle de match.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Non seulement dans un drôle de match mais je m’attendais à une celebration, quelque chose pour célébrer son couronnement comme champion WCW.

Joey Style : C’est drôlement joué par Torrie Wilson.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : J’espère que Benoit saura se defender dans ce match à 3. Avant le match, on retrouve The Hurricane en coulisse.

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The Hurricane se promène en coulisse. Il tourne le coin du corridor et il rencontre Eddie Guerrero. Eddie ne perd pas une seconde et il envoie une droite au Hurricane avant de l’envoyer tête première dans le mur de béton. Eddie va rejoindre Chavo Guerrero Jr. laissant The Hurricane au sol.

Match #4 – 1 vs 1 vs 1– WCW Title Elimination Match
Chris Benoit vs Psychosis vs Jushin Liger.

J’ai oublié de copier le match like a dude…

Gagnant : Chris Benoit - Match Overall : 80% (Crowd : 75% , Match : 85%)

Joey Style : Chris Benoit repart avec la victoire devant Psychosis et Jushin Liger et il defend sa ceinture pour la première fois. Mais immédiatement après le match, Chris Benoit sort du ring. Il prend son titre et part vers les coulisses, et il ne semble pas content.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ce n’est pas le match le plus glorieux de Chris Benoit. Mais bon, peut-être Torrie voulait-elle seulement le ménagé vu le gros week-end ! Quoi qu’il en soit, il est toujours champion et nous en sommes au Main-Event de la soirée.

Joey Style : Super Crazy et Kid Kash ont bien fait lors de GAB en défendant leur titre dans ce TLC match excitant.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Mais avant de passer au match, voici Torrie qui s’amène vers le ring.

La patronne de Thunder ce soir, Torrie Wilson, s’en vient sur le ring. Elle prend place au centre du ring, micro à la main. Après quelques moments, elle prend la parole…

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Torrie Wilson : Que vous êtes gentils ! Je suis de retour ce soir car nous avons de la grande visite à Thunder. Le propriétaire de la WCW, Mesdames et messieurs, Monsieurs Hulk Hogan !

La musique d’Hogan se fait entendre et pour une rare fois, le propriétaire de la WCW s’amène. Il fait quelques taunts avant de grimper dans le ring où on lui donne un micro.

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Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Merci à toi jolie Torrie. Elle fait du beau boulot ce soir ! Je ne serai pas ici longtemps, simplement pour vous dire que je viens de conclure une entente avec FOX et notre émission du dimanche sera elle aussi en Prime Time et ce, dès dimanche prochain. Donc Dimanche, de 21h à 23h, vous verrez cette nouvelle émission Inter-division, donc les vedettes de Nitro ET de Thunder y seront. Le show se nommera WCW Just Too Much. La crème de la crème de la WCW ! Une autre étape dans le chemin de la domination de la WCW… Yeah brothers ! What you gonna do, now that WCW Mania runs wild on you !?!

Hogan et Torrie Wilson se font la bise et quitte le ring, il est temps de passer au Main-Event de la soirée !

Match #5, Main-Event – 2 vs 2 –WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Title Ladder Match
Super Crazy and Kid Kash vs Masked Hero.

Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. This match is for the WCW Cruiser Tag Team titles. Super Crazy and Kid Kash have been WCW Cruiser Tag Team champions since 24 April 2014.

The Match: Parka takes a flying neckbreaker from Kid Kash. DDT from the top rope by Super Crazy. That looked KILLER! Super Crazy scoops up Parka. Kash bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Hurricane gets hip-tossed onto the ladder! Parka counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. The Hurricane hits a rolling kick on Kash. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Ladder assisted standing moonsault, Kash gets CRUSHED! Vicious kick to the teeth from La Parka. Los Guerreros come running down the aisle and into the ring! Double clothesline...but Hurricane ducks! Kid Kash gets hit! Los Guerreros leave the ring, holding their heads. Kid Kash is in trouble. Hurri-Chokeslam!!! That shook the ring. The Hurricane and La Parka climb the ladder and grab the prize for the win. Los Guerreros are still in the ring doing a beat-down. Out from the crowd comes Billy Kidman! He has a chair! Los Guerreros bail out of the ring as Kidman slides in to the squared circle, unwilling to taste the steel.

My Opinion: A ****3/4 rating for a great match. Close, but not 5 stars.

Gagnant : Masked Heros - Match Overall : 89% (Crowd : 78% , Match : 100%)

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Joey Style : Nouvelle patronne, nouveau show, nouveaux champions ! Quelle soirée !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : La Parka et The Hurricane ont mi s fin au règne de Kid Kash et Super Crazy pour devenir les 2e champions par équipe Cruiserweight de la WCW. Los Guerreros ont voulu s’en prendre au nouveaux champions mais voilà que Billy Kidman vient les chasser armé d’une chaise ! C’est toute une fin de soirée… et ce n’est qu’un début à Thunder !

Joey Style : La semaine prochaine, c’est Stacy Keibler qui sera General Manager, et d’après moi, elle réservera une surprise à Torrie Wilson qui l’a fait expulsée de l’édifice ce soir…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est une guerre à suivre !

Joey Style : À la semaine prochaine tout le monde et ne râter pas WCW Just Too Much dimanche sur FOX!

Show Overall : 85%
Ratings : 7,86 (Smackdown 6,17)

Event Note :

We got a 7.86 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 9017 people.
We made $360680 from ticket sales.

Ça fait 4 semaines en ligne que Thunder bat son propre record de ratings et domine SmackDown!

Le moral de Chris Benoit baisse sans cesse, je ne comprend pas pourquoi. Ça a fait la même chose avec Lance Storm…

Mais bon, clairement, avoir plus de rosters à Thunder me permet de faire de meilleurs shows !
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WCW Just Too Much #1

Vampiro vs Psychosis.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Psychosis takes a butterfly suplex from Vampiro. Vampiro crushes Psychosis with a running senton. Covers for a quick two count. Vampiro misses a clothesline. Psychosis just WAFFLES Vampiro with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Vampiro takes a flying neckbreaker from Psychosis. Hooks the leg for a two count. Power drive elbow by Psychosis. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Implant DDT by Psychosis! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Vampiro pushes out of a Psychosis hold. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Psychosis is down! Hooks the leg for a two count. Tor-NADO DDT from Vampiro, Psychosis got planted! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Vampiro hits a dropkick on Psychosis and gets right back up. Vampiro hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Psychosis is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Second rope flying axe handle, Vampiro goes down. One day, Psychosis might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. DDT from the top rope by Psychosis. That looked KILLER. Psychosis has Vampiro down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Guillotine Leg Drop! 1....2....3. Psychosis is still in the ring celebrating. Vampiro pushes the referee away. Vampiro spins Psychosis around. Vampiro hits the Nail In The Coffin!

My Opinion: A **** rating is well deserved for the competitors in this match.

Gagnant : Psychosis, Ov : 83%

Booker T is backstage in his locker room. In comes Scott Steiner, and he attacks. They begin brawling around the room. Buff The Stuff Bagwell comes in too, and he joins in the attack on Booker. The two-on-one attack leaves Booker T down in his own locker room.

Randy Savage vs The Sandman.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Sandman takes a headbutt from Randy Savage. Sandman reverses a waistlock. Savage is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Randy Savage charges, Sandman moves, and the referee is knocked silly! The Sandman scores with a big spinebuster. Cover, but there's no one to count for The Sandman! Savage pushes out of a The Sandman hold. BAAACK Body drop by Sandman gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Full nelson slam on Sandman. There's a two count on the pin. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Randy Savage just KILLS The Sandman! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. The Sandman is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Full nelson slam on Savage. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Randy Savage fights out of a grapple. Randy Savage floors The Sandman...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Savage Elbow, forget about it. 1....2...3! The Sandman offers a handshake to Savage...and he accepts it! No! Randy Savage levels Sandman with a cheap shot right hand! Randy Savage slams Sandman down. Randy Savage climbs to the top rope and hits the Savage Elbow! The Sandman has been floored after the match.

My Opinion: A badly blown spot prevents me from giving out more snowflakes. ***3/4

Gagnant : Randy Savage, OV : 84%

Raven is in the ring, and he calls out Bret Hart. The Hitman runs down and hits the ring, and they brawl all the way back into the aisle, and eventually out of sight backstage.

Raven vs Bret Hart.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Raven is the reigning WCW Hardcore champion, and has been since 19 May 2014.

The Match: Raven just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from The Hitman. Raven fights out of a grapple. Raven connects with rights and lefts and Bret Hart is down! The ref is bumped, as goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Flying clothesline by Raven. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Raven walks into a drop toe hold. Bret Hart smashes a Playstation console over the head of Raven. Should have used an X-Box, they're much bigger. Doctor Bomb connects and Raven landed hard. There's a two count on the pin. Front legsweep slam aka The Stroke by Bret Hart. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Raven pushes out of a Bret Hart hold. Raven sets up a table upright in the corner....and then spears The Hitman through it! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. The Hitman powers out of a headlock. Terry Funk comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Raven turns around. Terry Funk drops Raven to the canvas. Terry Funk quickly locks on the Spinning Toe Hold! Funker leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Bret Hart, Raven got pinned. Bret Hart and Terry Funk try to beat down Raven, but end up getting run out of the ring by a furious Raven. They leave quickly before they end up taking any more punishment.

My Opinion: As close to a ***** match as possible...but unfortunately, it was missing something, so I can only give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : Bret Hart, OV : 91%

Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler are backstage, arguing over who is better, Chris Benoit or TAKA Michinoku. They decide to settle the dispute by putting them in a singles match to battle it out.

Chris Benoit vs TAKA Michinoku.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Title title. Chris Benoit has been WCW Title champion since 15 June 2014.

The Match: Chris Benoit connects with a HARD right hand, sending the opponent down to the mat again. TAKA blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Spinning back kick from TAKA Michinoku. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Back heel kick off the second rope, Benoit goes down. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Benoit flips out of a TAKA Michinoku bodyslam attempt. Hard back suplex on TAKA. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. TAKA walks into a stiff sit-out jaw breaker. Hooks the leg for a two count. TAKA walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. TAKA reverses a waistlock. TAKA crushes Benoit with a sweet running senton. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Benoit pushes out of a TAKA Michinoku hold. Chris Benoit has TAKA Michinoku down on the canvas. Crippler Crossface!!! TAKA Michinoku taps out! Chris Benoit slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. He's happy to have the win, and evidently isn't going to hang around for TAKA to get some payback.

My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match.

Gagnant : Chris Benoit, OV: 80

The Hurricane is in the ring. CM Punk slides in to the ring from out of nowhere and hits him with a chair to the back. He grabs the dazed Hurricane and proceeds to snap his fingers. CM Punk leaves via the crowd as The Hurricane rolls around in pain.

La Parka vs CM Punk.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Punk just WAFFLES Parka with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! La Parka reverses a hip toss. Standing leg lariat by La Parka on Punk. La Parka misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! DDT from the top rope by La Parka. That looked KILLER. Cover, but there's no one to count for La Parka! Punk powers out of a headlock. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Punk. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. Punk crushes Parka with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Parka goes down. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Punk goes for a splash but Parka puts the knees up. Lightning kick by Parka on Punk. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! CM Punk fights out of a grapple. Eddie Guerrero comes running down the aisle with a chair! Punk and La Parka continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Eddie Guerrero slides in and blasts La Parka with a chair to the head! Eddie climbs out of the ring, the damage done! CM Punk has La Parka down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Pepsi Plunge!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Punk \ Eddie are beating down on La Parka! The music of The Hurricane hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Punk and Eddie bail out of the ring, leaving La Parka down in the ring. The Hurricane may have saved La Parka from a brutal beating.

My Opinion: I can be generous sometimes. Well, depends on your definition of generous. **1/4.

Gagnant : CM Punk, OV, 80%

Sting is walking backstage, when out of nowhere he gets grabbed and pulled behind some crates. We hear a crack, and someone's footsteps running off. The camera pans over, and Sting is out cold on the floor, a monkey wrench lying next to him, with no sign of the attacker.

Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Diamond Dallas Page and Bill Goldberg.

Match Background: Diamond Dallas Page is the reigning WCW World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 16 June 2014.

The Match: Fallaway slam by Hollywood Hulk Hogan puts down Diamond Dallas Page. A sit out full nelson slam on DDP. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to Kevin Nash. Nash \ Hogan whip DDP into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Bodyslam by Nash. There's a two count on the pin. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Kevin Nash ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. DDP flips out of a Kevin Nash bodyslam attempt. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by DDP connects as Nash is down! DDP tags out to Bill Goldberg. Bill Goldberg with a spinning neckbreaker on Nash. Arn Anderson-like Spinebuster by Bill Goldberg, executed to perfection. Nash blocks a punch. Tag between Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Massive backbreaker on Goldberg. Brutal spinning powerbomb on Goldberg! Pin, but Goldberg is out just before the three count. Hogan slams Bill Goldberg. Goldberg blocks a kick from Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Goldberg gets a stalling fallaway slam on Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hogan holds Bill Goldberg in place. Kevin Nash charges...but Goldberg ducks, andNashends up flooringHogan! Hollywood Hulk Hogan can barely stand. Jackhammer! 1....2....3. Nash and Hogan remain in the ring, arguing. Hollywood Hulk Hogan looks really angry. Kevin Nash pushes Hogan away and walks off, looking furious.

My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating.  

Gagnant : Goldberg & DDP, OV : 90%

Overall show : 86%

We got a 7.36 rating for 'WCW Just Too Much'!
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Sammy Guevara
Sammy Guevara
Content de voir que Goldberg reprend du poil de la bête, y a certaine superstars que j'aime vraiment.
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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Nitro10
WCW Nitro #17
Hogan Era

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco12

Micheal Cole : bienvenue à tous à ce Nitro, le premier avec DDP comme champion, lui qui a gagné le titre la semaine dernière.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Nous avons encore une fois toute une soirée devant nous. On peut vous affirmer que le titre Hardcore sera en jeu entre Raven, Funk et The Sandman.

Micheal Cole : La semaine dernière, Mick Foley laissait le titre de champion qu’il avait gagné la veille et c’est finalement Diamond Dallas Page qui est repartit avec le titre. Depuis ce temps, nous avons eu droit à un autre changement à la WCW alors que l’émission Review, qui était diffusé en fin de soirée sur FOX a été revampé. Le show est passé en Prime Time et est maintenant un show à part entière interbrands. Donc avec des gars de Thunder et Nitro.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Le rosters de la WCW grossit de mois en mois, il faut faire voir tous ces talents…

C’est alors que la musique de Justin Credible se fait entendre. Credible ne semble pas content et il se rend jusqu’au ring, Kando Stick à la main. Il grimpe dans le ring et demande un micro qu’on lui apporte…

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Justin10

Justin Credible : Je vous écoute parler Jerry et Cole.. Hogan, la nWo, Foley… toujours les mêmes. Vous parlez du grands nombre de lutteurs à la WCW mais en réalité, c’est toujours les mêmes qui sont à l’écran, qui ont des opportunités. J’ai été l’un des grands champion de la ECW et je mérite d’être considéré et je vais le prouver. Peut-importe qui veut m’affronter peut s’amener ici et maintenant, ECW Rules ! Je…

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La musique de Roadkill se fait alors entendre et le Mastodonte marche tranquillement vers le ring. Il regarde Credible, effrayé mais orgueilleux, qui demeure dans le ring. Roadkill entre dans le ring et le combat débute entre les 2 hommes.

Match #1 – 1 vs 1– Hardcore Match
Justin Credible vs Roadkill.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout.

The Match: Roadkill scoops and slams Justin Credible. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Credible kicks Roadkill in the gut to reverse the momentum. STIFF~! chop lights up Roadkill who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Spear! Roadkill is down! Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Roadkill blocks a punch. Roadkill uses a big bag of popcorn to floor Credible. I wonder if butter adds impact. Credible walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. There's a two count on the pin. Roadkill scores with a big spinebuster. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Credible blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Ouch! Roadkill just got flapjacked off the ropes through a table. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Justin Credible misses a clothesline. Justin Credible is in trouble. Amish Splash! 1....2....3. Roadkill offers a handshake to Credible...but he spits at Roadkill and walks off!

My Opinion: Nothing offensive, but nothing too special either. **1\2 rating.

Gagnant : Roadkill - Match Overall : 73% (Crowd : 66% , Match Quality : 80%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco15

Micheal Cole : C’est sans grande surprise que Roadkill a le dessus sur Credible. Le gabarit de Roadkill est juste trop imposant !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Le Mormon a bien été passé dans une table par Credible quelques secondes avant la fin du match, mais une fois sous le Amish Splash, Justin Credible n’en pouvait plus !

Micheal Cole : Nous allons demeurer dans le type Hardcore pour le prochain match.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Cette fois, le titre Hardcore sera en jeu entre Raven, Sandman et Terry Funk.

Micheal Cole : Terry Funk et Raven ont été en rivalité un moment alors que The Sandman revient dans la division Hardcore après quelques matchs contre Randy Savage et Kevin Nash entre autre.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : 3 légendes du Hardcore dans le même match!

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 – Hardcore Title Match
Terry Funk vs The Sandman vs Raven.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WCW Hardcore title. Raven has been WCW Hardcore champion since 19 May 2014.

The Match: Sandman slams Raven. STIFF~! chop lights up Funker who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! The Sandman gets taken down out of nowhere! Raven chair shots The Sandman. Spear by Terry Funk. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Terry Funk charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Funker reverses a The Sandman hammerlock. Raven \ Funker whip Sandman into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Brutal spinning powerbomb on Sandman! Terry Funk uses a big bag of popcorn to floor Raven. I wonder if butter adds impact. Raven blocks a punch. BAAACK Body drop by Sandman gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. The Sandman hooks up a suplex, but it is blocked. Raven scores with a low blow, then turns it into a small package! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! The Sandman got screwed out of the victory!

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Raven - Match Overall : 84% (Crowd : 81% , Match Quality : 87%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco12

Micheal Cole : Raven garde ce titre qu’il détient depuis un bon moment, mais le champion avec le plus grand règne demeure Booker T qui détient le titre US depuis le 24 Mars, soit 3 mois.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est difficile de garder un titre longtemps puisque les General Manager demandent aux champions de défendrent leurs titres soirs après soirs.

Micheal Cole : Mais ça nous donne de maudits bons shows !

Oh you didn’t Know… You ass is better callllll Somebodyyyy !! La musique de Road Dogg Jesse James résonne dans l’amphithéâtre et Jesse James s’amène. Il tape dans les mains des fans et grimpe dans le ring où il prend la parole.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Rdjj10

Road Dogg Jesse James : J-E-double S-E J-A-double M-E-S. Double J, Jesse James est ici. Si Justin Credible peut venir sur le ring et avoir un match, si c’est comme ça que ça marche, et bien je le peux aussi ! Puis si vous n’êtes pas d’accord, j’ai deux mots pour vous… SUCK IT!

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est la musique de la New World Order qu’on entend… et c’est Jeff Jarrett qui s’amène! Celui là même qui a integer Road Dogg à la WWE il y a plusieurs années.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Jeff10

Double J, Jeff Jarrett : Comme Jerry l’a dit, sans moi, tu ne serais rien Jesse James. Et ce soir, je te retourne là où tu devrais être. Dans l’anonymat.

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 – Single Match
Road Dogg Jesse James vs Jeff Jarrett.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Jeff Jarrett charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Road Dogg Jesse James hits a bulldog off the ropes. Covers for a quick two count. Jarrett flips out of a Road Dogg Jesse James bodyslam attempt. James is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Fallaway slam by Jeff Jarrett puts down Road Dogg Jesse James. There's a two count on the pin. Jeff Jarrett scores with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! BAAACK Body drop by James gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Road Dogg Jesse James pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Nice piledriver on Jarrett. Covers for a quick two count. High Angle DDT by Road Dogg Jesse James just SPIKES Jeff Jarrett down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying shoulder tackle by James sends Jarrett CRASHING to the mat. Road Dogg Jesse James hits some punches. How generic. Jarrett counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Jeff Jarrett with a spinning neckbreaker on James. Death valley driver by Jeff Jarrett! No one executes that move properly anymore. Jeff Jarrett gets a roll-up...and grabs a handful of tights as well! The referee doesn't see it: 1....2...3!! Jeff Jarrett leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Jarrett has the victory, and isn't hanging around for Road Dogg Jesse James to look for revenge.

My Opinion: Some blown spots really drag this match down a notch, so its ***1\2 for you.

Gagnant : Jeff Jarrett - Match Overall : 82% (Crowd : 79% , Match Quality : 86%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco15

Micheal Cole : Double J triche et se sauve qu’on un voleur.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’est parce qu’il vient effectivement de voler la victoire Micheal !

Micheal Cole : Malheureusement pour Jesse James, ce match n’a pas tourné comme il l’espérait. Mais tout se passait bien pour le Road Dogg jusqu’à cette Death Valley Driver.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’était un bon match qui ne passera pas à l’histoire… Nous sommes prêt à aller au prochain match… OH! C’est la musique de Mick Foley !

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Foley511

«People Boss» Mick Foley : N’est-ce pas beau de voir Hollywood Hogan perdre ses matchs les uns après les autres à cause de ses brothers. Je trouve ça merveilleux. À chaque fois, ça fait ma journée ! J’ai bien aimé la dernière scène du Soap «La New World Order se déchire» avec Hogan qui pointe Nash du doigt et toute la meute qui rapplique pour calmer le jeu. Ça ne va pas durer tout ça, ça va finir par éclater. Par vous éclater au visage et nous serons plusieurs à en rire ! Je voulais prendre 2 minutes en fait pour souligner la victoire de DDP la semaine dernière et bien sur, le féliciter. Être champion poids lourd du monde, c’est une grande responsabilité. Ce soir, Page et Booker T formeront une équipe contre Big Puppa Pump et Buff Bagwell dans un Cage Match, ce sera votre dernier Main-Event. Car il y en aura 2 autres avant avec un match un contre un entre Sting et Kevin Nash et juste avant ce match là, les Road Warriors vont défendre leur titre contre 2 gars de la nWo… Randy Savage et…. HOGAN! Have a nice Day !

Match #4 – 1 vs 1 – Single Match
Bret Hart vs Chris Kanyon.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Bret Hart connects with a HARD right hand, sending the opponent down to the mat again. Bret Hart connects with rights and lefts and Chris Kanyon is down! Flying shoulder tackle by The Hitman sends Kanyon CRASHING to the mat. A Gut buster connects on Kanyon and hits hard. Kanyon counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Flying shoulder tackle by Kanyon sends The Hitman CRASHING to the mat. Spear by Chris Kanyon. Covers for a quick two count. The Hitman powers out of a headlock. Spear by Bret Hart. There's a two count on the pin. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Bret Hart, is executed so well, it hurt MY back. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Kanyon backdrops Bret Hart out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Chris Kanyon. The Hitman gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. The Hitman reverses a Chris Kanyon hammerlock. Chris Kanyon takes a butterfly suplex from The Hitman. Bret Hart has Chris Kanyon down on the canvas. Chris Kanyon gets locked in the Sharpshooter! Submission victory! Bret Hart goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: A ****1\2 rating for a great match. Keep on'll get there.

Gagnant : Bret Hart - Match Overall : 89% (Crowd : 82% , Match Quality : 97%)

Micheal Cole : Bret Hart est tout simplement trop fort pour Chris Kanyon !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Je ne sais pas s’il est trop fort… Mais une fois que le Hitman a porté son sharpshooter, il n’y a plus grand chose à faire.

Micheal Cole : Bobby, je suis intrigué par le prochain match ! Les Road Warriors qui affrontent une des grandes equips des années 80 qu’on a pas vu ensemble depuis des années: Hulk Hogan et Randy Savage.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Toute une commande pour les Roads Warriors… Voyons si Savage et Hogan peuvent retrouver la chimie d’antan…

Match #5 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Title Match
Road Warriors vs Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage.

Match Background: Road Warriors are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WCW Tag Team titles. Road Warriors have been WCW Tag Team champions since 21 April 2014.

The Match: BIG clothesline on Hawk. Road Warrior Hawk comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying shoulder tackle by Hawk sends Savage CRASHING to the mat. Tag to Road Warrior Animal. Road Warrior Animal with a spinning neckbreaker on Savage. Flying shoulder tackle by Animal sends Savage CRASHING to the mat. Savage kicks Road Warrior Animal in the gut to reverse the momentum. BIG clothesline on Animal. Savage tags out to Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Animal is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Road Warrior Animal charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Road Warrior Animal powers out of a Hollywood Hulk Hogan headlock. Road Warrior Animal with a spinning neckbreaker on Hogan. Tag to Road Warrior Hawk. High Angle DDT by Road Warrior Hawk just SPIKES Hollywood Hulk Hogan down! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! BIG clothesline on Hogan. Nash \ Jarrett come running down the aisle with chairs! Hogan whips Road Warrior Hawk into the ropes. Nash jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Nash, Hawk, and the chair! Road Warrior Hawk falls to the canvas. Hollywood Hulk Hogan floors Road Warrior Hawk. Big Legdrop! 1....2....3. A second referee has run down...and is telling the first referee about the run in. The referee reverses the decision, he is disqualifying Hollywood Hulk Hogan for outside interference! Nash \ Jarrett signal for the Double DDT! From the crowd come Goldberg \ DDP, and they look ready for action! They slide in and start brawling with Nash \ Jarrett! It only lasts a few moments before Nash \ Jarrett bail out of the ring and head for the backstage area, looking furious. Goldberg \ DDP remain in the ring, having gotten the upper hand this time.

My Opinion: *1\2 rating. Hey, you wanted to make it harder on yourself, right?

Gagnant : The Road Warriors - Match Overall : 85% (Crowd : 90% , Match Quality : 60%)

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Kingco15

Micheal Cole : Décision renversée et victoire pour les Road Warriors. Hogan subit encore une fois la défaite en partie à cause de la nWo. Nash et Jarrett qui viennent se mêler du match en trainant avec eux une chaise…

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Ils ont voulu s’en prendre aux champions après le match mais Goldberg et Page étaient là !

Micheal Cole : Page qu’on verra d’ailleurs dans le main-event de ce soir en compagnie de Booker T alors que les 2 hommes affronteront Buff Bagwell et Scott Steiner.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : La foule s’anime Micheal, c’est que la musique de Sting se fait entendre ici et The Icon arrive sur la rampe et il s’en vient vers le ring. Sting prend le temps de saluer quelques jeunes fans avant d’aller dans le ring où il prend la parole…

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Sting210

«The Icon»Sting : C’est le fun tout ça. Il y a quelques années, j’essayais de mettre la main sur le titre WHC mais Hogan et la nWo étaient toujours là pour m’en empêcher. Depuis quelques semaines, c’est la nWo qui empêche la nWo de gagner, c’est Nash qui empêche Hogan de gagner. Moi, être à la place d’Hogan, je n’aimerais pas ça. Je réagirais. Mais bon, la vieillesse aidante, il semble qu’Hogan laisse passer ça. Hier, lors de la premièr de Just Too Much à FOX, j’ai été victime d’une attaque surnoise et personne n’a vu de qui c’est venu. Ce soir, j’ai un match contre Nash, je ne serais d’ailleurs pas surpris que ça vienne de lui, question de détourner l’attention. Mais bon, je n’ai pas de preuve. À celui qui s’amuse avec cette attaque, ton heure viendra. Peut-être sera tu assez sage pour ne jamais commettre à nouveau une telle chose. Mais si oui, tu rencontreras le Big Black Bat. D’ici là, Kevin Nash, amène ton cul dans ce ring, je ne suis pas papi Hogan, mais The Icon Sting, it,s gonna be showtime, Folks !

Match #6 – 1 vs 1– Single Match
Sting vs Kevin Nash.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Bodyslam by Nash. BRUTAL face-first slam from Nash on Sting. Hooks the leg for a two count. Nash walks into a drop toe hold. Nash is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Kevin Nash by Sting. Remember when that was a legit finish? Covers for a quick two count. Sting drills Kevin Nash with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver! Pin, but Nash is out just before the three count. Bodyslam by Sting. Nash blocks a kick from Sting. Massive backbreaker on Sting. Covers for a quick two count. Mick Foley-esque Double Arm DDT by Nash connects as Sting is down! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! BAAACK Body drop by Sting gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Nash hits a right hand. Sting fights out of a grapple. Running knee lift from Sting. Massive lariat by Sting with some POWER behind it. Sting floors Kevin Nash. Here it comes...Scorpion Deathlock! Kevin Nash taps! Sting is still in the ring celebrating. Kevin Nash pushes the referee away. Kevin Nash spins Sting around. Kevin Nash hits the Jacknife Powerbomb!

My Opinion: Absolutely solid match. A few minor things brought it down, so I'm tacking on a **** rating.

Gagnant : Sting - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 96% , Match Quality : 92%)

Micheal Cole : Sting repart avec la victoire mais après avoir vu Kevin Nash abdiquer à son Scorpion Deathlock, Sting s’est prit le Powerbomb de Nash qui n’a pas accepté cette défaite.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : On me dit qu’on va voir un segment filmé plutôt avec Bagwell et Scott Steiner.

EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001) - Page 3 Jbagsc10

Buff Bagwell : Tu as vu toutes ces bonnes femmes qui nous reluquent comme si nous étions des pièces de viande…

Scott Steiner : Des pièces de viandes taillés au couteau ! Regarde les, toutes de grosses truies. De truies qui mériteraient d’être saignées comme on va saigner Page et Booker T ce soir.

Buff Bagwell : I’m Buff, I’m The Stuff… and Booker T & Page… Surely don’t got enough !

Scott Steiner : Pas une maudite chance. Allez, allons en coulisse…

Buff Bagwell : Allons retrouver des femmes, des vrais.

Match #7 – 2 vs 2 – Feud Ending Tag Team Match
Buff and Bad vs Diamond Dallas Page and Booker T.

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. This is another chapter in the long-running DDP \ Booker vs Buff and Bad feud. Diamond Dallas Page is the reigning WCW World Heavyweight champion, and has been since 16 June 2014. Booker T is the reigning WCW United States champion, and has been since 24 March 2014.

The Match: Poppa Pump gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Booker gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Scott Steiner by DDP. Remember when that was a legit finish? Booker T is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Big piledriver on Bagwell. DDP \ Booker whip Poppa Pump into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Big piledriver on Poppa Pump. Booker T and Bagwell climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! Poppa Pump blocks a kick from Diamond Dallas Page. Scott Steiner throws DDP into the cage. Buff and Bad whip Booker into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. BAAACK Body drop by DDP gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Diamond Dallas Page elbows Scott Steiner in the face to break a hammerlock. Diamond Dallas Page drives Bagwell into the cage side. DDP and Poppa Pump both climb up and over the cage, leaving their partners battling it out. Booker spins Bagwell around and hits the Scissors Kick! Booker takes the opportunity to climb out of the door and get the win for DDP \ Booker!

My Opinion: *** rating for an above average match.

Gagnant : DDP & Booker T - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 95% , Match Quality : 85%)

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Micheal Cole : Belle victoire de Page et Booker T dans ce qui est annoncé comme le Feud Ending Battle de ces 4 hommes.

Jerry « the King« Lawler : C’était encore une fois un show rempli de surprises, mais malheureusement, c’est tout pour nous pour ce soir.

Micheal Cole : C’est donc… la musique de la New World Order ?

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Hollywood Hogan s’en vient vers le ring…

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Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Je voulais simplement répondre à ceux qui se pose la question. Oui, je questionne l’intention de mes Brothers, non je ne sais pas encore ce que je vais faire… Mais je l’annoncerai la semaine prochaine. D’ici là je…

C’est Kevin Nash maintenant qui s’amène. Big Sexy vient rejoindre Hogan dans le ring et demande un micro qu’on lui lance. Nash regarde Hogan, sourire en coin.

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Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Qu’est-ce que tu veux ?

Big Sexy Kevin Nash : Du calme, Brother ! C’est quoi cette histoire. Tu réfléchis ?

Hollywood Hulk Hogan : C’est assez clair il me semble… je réfléchi !

Big Sexy Kevin Nash : C’est ça, quitte la NWO qui tente de t’aider. Quitte ta famille!

Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Vous êtes incapable de me laisser lutter. Je suis capable de gagner par moi-même. Restez loin du ring !

Big Sexy Kevin Nash : Est-ce que tu vas pleurer ? Des erreurs ont été commises. Ça arrive et on passe à autre chose.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Je vais peut-être passer à autre chose…

Big Sexy Kevin Nash : N’oublie pas Brother… Personne ne quitte la nWo.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan : On verra bien… BROTHER.

Micheal Cole : Alors que Nash et Hogan sont face à face, yeux dans les yeux…on doit couper ! C’est tout le temps que nous avions ce soir !

Jerry « the King« Lawler : Good Night Folks !

Overall Show Rating : 86%[/color]


Event Note :

Au tournant du prochain mois, une autre vedette, une tête d’affiche de la WWE s’en vient. Je vous laisse spéculer !

We got a 6.58 rating for 'WCW Nitro'!
The attendance level was 10038 people.
We made $401520 from ticket sales.

Booker T gained 9 points of overness from this feud ending. Buff The Stuff Bagwell gained 2 points of overness from this feud ending. Scott Steiner gained 2 points of overness from this feud ending.

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WCW Thunder #12
Hogan Era – Stacy Keibler First Night

Alors que le show est en onde, dès le début c’est la musique de Stacy Keibler qu’on entend. La demoiselle aux plus belles jambes de la WCW s’avance vers le ring. Elle passe tranquillement entre le 2e et le 3e câble nous laissant observer sa magnifique croupe. Elle prend ensuite place au centre du ring où elle prend la parole…

Stacy Keibler : Ce soir est un grand soir. Pas un soir comme la semaine dernière. Un soir où on dira «Je me souviens de ce que je faisais quand c’est arrivé!» Six matchs seront à l’affiche ce soir dont un main-event opposant Chris Benoit & R-Truth à Los Guerreros. Jeff Hardy se mesurera à TAKA Michinoku dans la soirée alors que les Cruiserweight Tag Team Title seront en jeu entre les champions Masked Heros et Ennemies of the State composé de Christopher Daniels et CM Punk.

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Gene Okerlund : Désolé de vous interrompre mais tel que convenu je suis à la loge de Torrie Wilson où sont posté des policiers qui surveille étroitement son arrivé.

Stacy Keibler : Elle s’en est pris à moi. Je porte plainte et elle sera arrêtée ce soir. Il faut de l’autorité ici. Dans 2 semaines et demi, ce sera Bash at the Beach et aucun match n’a encore été annoncé. Alors je prend la primeur en vous annonçant qu’R-Truth va défendre son titre Cruiserweight contre CM Punk dans un Ladder Match.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Regarde le Tron Joey… Torrie Wilson arrive!

Gene Okerlund : Torrie, qu’as-tu à dire suite à la decision de Stacy Keibler de porter plainte contre toi ?

Torrie Wilson: Porter plainte ? Je ne suis pas au courant… De quoi il s’agit ?

Policier : Madame Torrie Wilson, vous êtes en état d’arrestation pour coups et blessures à l’endroit de Stacy Keibler. Vous avez le droit de garder le silence. Tout ce que vous direz pourra être retenue contre vous dans le cadre d’un procès.

Torrie Wilson: C’est quoi cette plaisantrie ?

Joey Style : Torrie Wilson est embarquée par les policiers ! C’est n’importe quoi de la part de Stacy Keibler !

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est comme ça que Stacy Keibler a decide de répliquer à son expulsion la semaine dernière.

Stacy Keibler : Voilà un bon problème de réglé. On devrait pouvoir passer une belle soirée maintenant ! Enjoy !

Match #1 – 1 vs 1 - Single Match
Sonny Siaki vs Ultimo Dragon.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Standing leg lariat by Ultimo Dragon on Siaki. Sonny Siaki fights out of a grapple. Standing leg lariat by Sonny Siaki on Dragon. Dragon reverses an irish whip...and Sonny Siaki runs into the referee! Tiger suplex on Dragon. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Dragon counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Dragon hits a dropkick on Sonny Siaki and gets right back up. Dragon crushes Siaki with a sweet running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Siaki walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Ultimo Dragon misses a clothesline. Siaki crushes Dragon with a huge legdrop. Pin, but Dragon is out just before the three count. Siaki goes for a splash but Dragon puts the knees up. Ultimo Dragon moves in for the kill. Asai Moonsault!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Ultimo Dragon extends his hand to Siaki...but it is ignored!

My Opinion: Let me practice my math. 13 quarter stars equal a ***1\4 rating, right? Yeah, it does. That's what you get.

Gagnant : Ultimo Dragon. - Match Overall : 77% (Crowd : 67% , Match : 88%)

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Joey Style : Siaki ne va certainement pas serer la main de celui qui vient de le vaincre.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Tout comme on ne peut pas s’attendre à ce que Torrie Wilson pardonne à Stacy Keibler de sitôt !

Joey Style : Stacy qui prend le contrôle ce soir, mais pas seulement le contrôle de Thunder. Elle prend le contrôle de sa rivalité avec Torrie et elle annonce un match pour Bash at the Beach entre CM Punk et R-Truth.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Et son protégé TAKA Michinoku ?

Joey Style : Il semble qu’il doit prendre son mal en patience…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : On verra plus tard car Jamie Noble est dans le ring et le Ragin Cajun s’amène pour le match entre les 2.

Match #2 – 1 vs 1 –Single Match
Lash LeRoux vs Jamie Noble.

Match Background: None.

The Match: Standing leg lariat by Lash LeRoux on Noble. STIFF high kick on Noble by Lash LeRoux. LeRoux hits a dropkick on Jamie Noble and gets right back up. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Noble counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Flying elbow from Jamie Noble connects. VICIOUS lightning kick by Noble on LeRoux. Hooks the leg for a two count. Noble goes for a splash but LeRoux puts the knees up. Lightning kick by LeRoux on Noble. Covers for a quick two count. Slingshot senton by LeRoux, crushing the chest cavity of Noble. Pin, but Noble is out just before the three count. Noble counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Jamie Noble strikes LeRoux. Lash LeRoux powers out of a Jamie Noble headlock. LeRoux uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Jamie Noble can barely stand. Whiplash!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Lash LeRoux goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

My Opinion: A ****3/4 rating for a great match. Close, but not 5 stars.

Gagnant : Lash LeRoux - Match Overall : 90% (Crowd : 80% , Match : 100%)

Joey Style : Lash LeRoux est en train de s’imposer comme un des favoris de la foule. Un autre très beau match de la part du rouquin qui a donné du fil à retorde à Jamie Noble.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : On retrouve The Hurricane en coulisse …

The Hurricane est en train de discuter avec un employé de production de la WCW quand il se prend un coup de chaise derrière la tête. Avant même que le champion par équipe ne réalise ce qui se trâme, il se prend un DDT sur cette même chose le tout, grâcieuseté des cousins Guerrero. Los Guerreros crachent sur le super héro. Eddie Guerrero prend alors le telephone cellulaire du Hurricane et il compose. Imitant la voix de Hurricane, il donne rendez-vous à son interlocuteur dans le stationnement de l’aréna…

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Joey Style : Je sens que Los Guerreros n’ont pas terminé de brasser des choses ce soir.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Pour l’instant, on doit passer au Triangle Match !

Match #3 – 1 vs 1 vs 1 - Triangle Match
Billy Kidman vs Psychosis vs Jushin Liger.

Match Background: This will be a triangle bout.

The Match: Psychosis walks into a high dropkick from Billy Kidman, almost losing several teeth in the process. Spinning back kick from Jushin Liger. Psychosis powers out of a headlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Spinning bulldog in the corner and Kidman is down! Covers for a quick two count. Tiger suplex on Psychosis. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Psychosis pushes out of a Jushin Liger hold. Psychosis crushes Liger with a huge legdrop. Tor-NADO DDT from Billy Kidman, Psychosis got planted! Psychosis gets knocked to the ground by Kidman, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Shooting Star Press! 1....2....3.

My Opinion: All it gets is a ***1\2 rating from me. Deal with it.

Gagnant : Billy Kidman. - Match Overall : 81% (Crowd : 75% , Match : 88%)

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Joey Style : Belle victoire de Billy Kidman. Je me demande ce qui va arriver avec ce Kidman. Avec Rey Mysterio, tout allait bien mais depuis que son ami est en Rehab, on ne semble pas vouloir donner de chance réelle à Kidman.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Je crois que la structure de Thunder fait que les chances viennent pour tout le monde, mais qu’il faut la saisir. Kidman aurait pu prendre le WCW Title il y a quelques semaines face à Eddie et ne l’a pas fait. Il doit recommencer le travail et il l’a fait de brillante façon ce soir.

Joey Style : J’aimerais revenir sur l’altercation entre Los Guerreros et The Hurricane…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Du grand Los Guerreros… Mais avant, on retrouve La Parka en coulisse qui est probablement tombé dans le piège des Guerreros…

Joey Style : Piège ?

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Ce n’est pas un piège qui attend La Parka dans le parking, mais il retrouve plutôt sa voiture complètement sabotée. De la peinture à été versée à l’intérieur, sans compter toutes les bosses sur la carrosserie et les vitres éclatées. La Parka ne comprend pas ce qui se passe et regarde sa voiture tout en laissant s’échapper quelques jurons…

Match #4 – 1 vs 1 –Single Match
Jeff Hardy vs TAKA Michinoku.

Match Background: None.

The Match: J.Hardy walks into a high dropkick from TAKA Michinoku, almost losing several teeth in the process. Spinning back kick from TAKA Michinoku. TAKA hits a dropkick on Jeff Hardy and gets right back up. TAKA uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! J.Hardy backdrops TAKA Michinoku out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Jeff Hardy. Flying elbow from Jeff Hardy connects. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeff Hardy gets taken down out of nowhere! TAKA crushes J.Hardy with a sweet running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, J.Hardy goes down. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! J.Hardy backdrops TAKA Michinoku out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Jeff Hardy. TAKA walks into a high dropkick from Jeff Hardy, almost losing several teeth in the process. TAKA blocks a punch. Hard back suplex on J.Hardy. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. CM Punk comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Jeff Hardy turns around. CM Punk slams J.Hardy down. CM Punk climbs to the top rope and hits the Pepsi Plunge! Punk leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. TAKA Michinoku pins J.Hardy. TAKA Michinoku and CM Punk try to beat down Jeff Hardy, but end up getting run out of the ring by a furious Jeff Hardy. They leave quickly before they end up taking any more punishment.

My Opinion: As close to a ***** match as possible...but unfortunately, it was missing something, so I can only give it ****3/4.

Gagnant : TAKA - Match Overall : 91% (Crowd : 82% , Match : 100%)

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Joey Style : Qu’est-ce que CM Punk vient faire ici ?

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Lui et Daniels ont eu leurs différents avec R-Truth et Jeff Hardy et ça ne fait que continuer.

Joey Style : Il faut dire que plusieurs personnes ont été frustré du traitement réserve à Jeff Hardy à son arrivé alors que les autres tentent depuis longtemps de faire leur place.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : C’est n’importe quoi. Ce n’est pas comme s’il avait eu un traitement de faveur, au contraire. Parlant de Punk et Daniels, bien que La Parka et The Hurricane ont eu de la difficulté avec Los Guerreros, ce soir, c’est Ennemies of the State qui a une chance pour les Cruiserweight Tag Team Title. Voyons si les champions pourront mettre de côté les événements de la journée pour se concentrer sur leur match…

Match #5 – 2 vs 2 – Cruiserweight Tag Team Title Match
Masked Hero vs Enemies of the State.

Match Background: This match is for the WCW Cruiser Tag Team titles. Masked Hero have been WCW Cruiser Tag Team champions since 19 June 2014.

The Match: Standing leg lariat by The Hurricane on Daniels. Spin kick by The Hurricane to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between The Hurricane and La Parka. Masked Hero hook up Daniels, then hit a double suplex. Covers for a quick two count. Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. One day, Parka might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Christopher Daniels powers out of a La Parka headlock. Lightning kick by Daniels on Parka. Covers for a quick two count. Tag to CM Punk. Punk crushes Parka with a running senton. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. La Parka reverses a hip toss. Punk takes a flying neckbreaker from La Parka. Tag to The Hurricane. The Hurricane kicks the leg, knocks Punk down, and goes to work on it. Tag between CM Punk and Christopher Daniels. Hurricane uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Christopher Daniels is all alone...Triple Powerbomb Frog Spl!! 1....2....3! Jeff Hardy comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Punk turns...and narrowly avoids vicious chair shot! CM Punk slams J.Hardy down. CM Punk climbs to the top rope and hits the Pepsi Plunge! CM Punk has left J.Hardy down on the canvas.

My Opinion: Consider yourself lucky, a ****1\4 is hard to get and it was earned every step of the way. Let's see if you can do better now.

Gagnant : Masked Heros - Match Overall : 88% (Crowd : 82% , Match : 94%)

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Joey Style : Jeff Hardy n’allait pas se laisser faire comme ça. CM Punk a causé sa défaite et il a bien voulu se venger mais, Punk a évité et c’est Jeff Hardy qui s’est retrouvé au tapis…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Cette rivalité est loin d’être terminé ! L’action ne manqué pas à Thunder depuis quelques semaines, voir quelques mois, mais ça devient dément.

Joey Style : Et le meilleur est à venir car nous aurons droit au Main-Event dans quelques instants alors que Chris Benoit fait équipe avec R-Truth contre Los Guerreros.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Chris Benoit et Eddie Guerrero ont été longtemps en rivalité et en ont surpris plus d’un lorsqu’ils se sont serré la main après leur match lors de Great American Bash dans lequel Chris Benoit a ravis le titre à Eddie.

Joey Style : Je crois que la rivalité est loin d’être terminé puisque ce soir, ils seront encore face à face.

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Les 2 champions en équipe contre Los Guerreros, c’est maintenant !

Match #6 – 2 vs 2 –Tag Team Match
Chris Benoit and R-Truth vs Los Guerreros.

Match Background: R-Truth is the reigning WCW Cruiserweight champion, and has been since 18 May 2014. Chris Benoit is the reigning WCW Title champion, and has been since 15 June 2014.

The Match: Spin kick by R-Truth to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Lightning kick by Truth on Chavo. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between R-Truth and Chris Benoit. Benoit \ Truth whip Chavo into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Dropkick connects to the butt of the jaw and Chavo goes down. Chavo blocks a punch. SHINING WIZARD~! on Benoit by Chavo! Chavo tags out to Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero hits a rolling kick on Benoit. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Benoit is down! Benoit kicks Eddie Guerrero in the gut to reverse the momentum. Benoit tags out to R-Truth. Truth crushes Eddie with a huge legdrop. Tiger suplex on Eddie. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! R-Truth kicks the leg, knocks Eddie down, and goes to work on it. Eddie counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Eddie crushes Truth with a huge legdrop. R-Truth scores with a quick small package on Eddie...but Chris Benoit comes in, turns the pin over so that Eddie Guerrero is on top, then slides out again! ONE...TWO...THREE. Eddie defeats Truth. Chris Benoit backs Truth into a corner, then explodes with punches and kicks. Meanwhile, Los Guerreros have brought a table into the ring. They set it up. Benoit directs traffic while climbing onto the second rope. Chavo suplexes R-Truth up onto the shoulders of Benoit...who then hits a devastating super bomb through the table on R-Truth, who maybe unconscious.

My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!

Gagnant : Los Guerreros - Match Overall : 94% (Crowd : 89% , Match : 100%)

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Joey Style : WHAT ! Mais qu’est-ce qui se passe ! Mais…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Chris Benoit qui tourne sont dos à R-Truth et aide Los Guerreros ?

Joey Style : Il n’a pas seulement tourné son dos à R-Truth mais à toute la communauté et tous les fans de la WCW. En tout cas, Eddie semble bien content de la tournure des évènements alors qu’il regarde Chris Benoit finir le travail sur R-Truth…

Bobby «The Brain» Heenan : Ce sera assurément à suivre… la semaine prochaine !

Show Overall : 89%
Ratings : 7,56 (Smackdown 6,15)

Event Note :

We got a 7.56 rating for 'WCW Thunder'!
The attendance level was 10045 people.
We made $401800 from ticket sales.

Chris Benoit's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Chris Benoit gained 1 point of overness from this turn.
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EWR Fantasy - Hogan achète la WCW (2001)
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